Debunking: NASA is hiding astronomical information about extra planets and extra suns in our solar system and even an entire extra solar system

I get this all the time. The conspiracy theorists seem to think that NASA has almost unlimited power, able to shape the news stories and astronomical observations and research world wide and to even hide planets and suns from view so that nobody on Earth can see them.

I have no idea why so many of these conspiracy theorists say we shouldn’t trust NASA in the first place, why they single out NASA in this way. If they said the CIA or something, yes, it might have some credibility, but I don’t know of any instance of NASA doing anything intentionally deceptive.

NASA don’t release classified details of the technology for making rockets, for obvious reasons, because it is the same technology used for making ICBMs. Sometimes the US military use NASA facilities to launch secret missions, mainly military spy satellites and suchlike. But apart from those obvious exceptions, they don’t even keep things secret either.

Amongst space agencies they are actually the most open in terms of rapid release of images - Curiosity and their orbiting images are released immediately - while ESA missions often delay release to let their scientists publish papers about them first.

But anyway NASA is not an astronomical body either. It’s a space agency. There are tens of thousands of professional astronomers in many countries world wide and millions of knowledgeable amateurs. And asterod detection is done as a collaboration between professionals and amateurs.

So there is no way that any government or even a collaboration of several governments could keep anything of any significance secret in astronomy. It’s just not possible.

There are tens of thousands of professional astronomers - including 12,000 individual members of the IAU - and most professional astronomers don't belong to it nowadays though it used to be that they all did, it's less important now. There are 74 national members.

The IAU voting in 2006 International Astronomical Union | IAU in Prague. They meet every three years. International body with 74 national members and over 12,000 individual members. This is a press release photo from International Astronomical Union | IAU

The US member is not NASA which is a space administration The US member of the IAU is the National Academies which has 2000 participating universities in it.

The US has an estimated 200,000 to 500,000 amateur astronomers. Astronomy is one of the largest of the sciences and it has amongst the largest level of amateur involvement too with many amateurs making new discoveries. Asteroids are tracked by amateurs who play equal roles with the professionals in this, since it is much easier to track them with a smaller telescope than to tie up a big telescope like Pan Starrs just to track asteroids. Once you know where they are then a small telescope can track them easily.

Whatever you may think about governements, this is not under the control of governments, even if you could get the US, Russia, China, etc all in agreement to suppress some astronomical news, it wouldn't work, because of this wide network of amateurs and professionals. It could only be suppressed in a totalitarian world government with complete control of news media and blogging and facebook posts etc all vetted by them. That is not our situation thank goodness.

And after all, if there was such suppression, why would the professional and amateur astronomers be suppressed, in their tens of thousands, and millions, respectively, yet anyone can upload a photo taken with a mobile phone or a video to youtube without it being suppressed. It just makes no sense no matter how deeply you are into conspiracy theories on this matter.

The problem with all these amateur "observations" of a second sun etc is that they are not used to astronomy, are not used to camera glitches, and don't do the basic elementary precautions that an amateur or professional astronomer would do before they would count something as an observation.

A real object such as a daytime comet, say, gets observed day after day, you can say "look five degrees East of the sun and you can see it" or "look to the West after sunset with a clear horizon and you will see it just below such and such a star" etc. And everyone then can point their telescopes in that direction and take photos of it.

But the Nibiru enthusiasts just say "snap lots of photos and take lots of videos. If you photograph or video an unexpected bright spot anywhere in the sky, that confirms Nibiru". That is not how science is done.