Debunking: Halley’s comet is going to hit Earth this week.

Debunking: Daily Mail online ran a news story with the title"'Doomsday' comet set to shower Earth tonight" saying that conspiracy theorists claim that scientists have miscalculated the orbit for Halley's comet and that it will hit Earth this week.

Bits of dust from the tail of Halley’s comet do hit Earth. But the comet itself can never hit Earth, it’s the wrong orbit for that. It won’t come anywhere near us even for thousands of years. Comets like this lose a lot of ice each time they fly past the sun. Halley’s comet is likely to evaporate away completely before it could hit us.

Orbit of Halley's comet.

3D view of its orbit from JPL - it crosses Earth’s orbital plane half way between Earth and Venus - very far away.

- this is for its current “epoch” from 1994, each time it passes by the inner planets its orbit changes slightly but only a bit - not going to be able to come close to us for many orbits if ever.

JPL orbital viewer here: Small-Body Database Lookup

As you see it can never hit Earth or any other major planet for as long as it remains in this orbit.

This orbit is stable for thousands of years

Its orbit is hard to predict long term exactly because its orbit is sensitive to small changes and comets have jets that shift them around very slightly.

If it doesn't evaporate, the most likely outcome is that it is ejected from our solar system within 10 million years).

Yes, the Oronids meteor shower is associated with Halley's comet, but it is only small pieces of the comet, it comes from the debris from its tail, blown away from the main comet by the sun. See my answer to Can Halley's comet strike a planet in the solar system?