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Debunking Doomsday

Debunked: Red cow born in Israel as a reason for the world to end - NOT


Short summary: it’s nothing to worry aobut. A minority of Jews want to resume animal sacrifices on the Mount as a way to bring about world peace (in their view). This red heifer project is part of this aim. However the current political situation only permits re-enactments outside of the Mount, not an actual sacrifice. Many rabbis think that when their Messiah returns, then animal sacrifices will no longer be needed and the temple would be used for only vegetarian offerings, such as for grains. This is similar to Christian views - Christians have no use for this temple because Jesus said he himself is the temple, has taken on its role.

The idea of building a third temple on the Mount is not part of any peace plan. Nor is it a political objective by Israel or the US. Everyone, Jews, Christians, Muslims, is happy with the status quo of the Mount except a tiny “extremist minority” of Jews and Christians. There won’t be any “third temple” clause.

The US politicians such as Trump and Pence recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel are motivated more by a more general Zionist idea that Israel is given by God to Jews. Red cows are common - the Red Angus is a widely reared breed. Yes there is a project that has lead to a Red Angus cow being born in Israel - and their hope is that it will grow up without a single white hair and all its hairs are straight - and never used for labour and all the conditions for a sacrificial red heifer.

This will not change anything about the temple. Existence of this cow won’t lead the Israel government or Muslims to change their policies about the Mount. The most it could lead to is a “re-enactment”. And the Jews who are doing this - their aim is world peace, not war. It’s perfectly legal for them to do this. Though politically there is no way it can actually lead to a third temple being built any time soon.

In detail:


For Jews the third temple is a vision of peace, not war. Even the Jews who want to build the third temple and sacrifice this red heifer want to do it because they think it will somehow help to bring about world peace. It’s related to the idea that we are in a “fallen state” since Adam and Eve, and the sacrifice is something to do with purification of death in their views.

Remember, by their beliefs, then the reason they didn’t accept Jesus as their Messiah is because - amongst other things - he didn’t bring about world peace. He didn’t fulfill all the prophecies in their view. So - what they are hoping for is someone like Jesus, but in their future, not the past. A figure who would bring peace, love, kindness, mercy, justice to the world. And, they think, world peace, an end to warfare and strife.


Before I go any further, a warning about sources. Don’t pay any attention to Breaking Israel News. They are not reliable. It’s run by a small minority within Judaism - and - they do not present their own views “as is” either. It’s rather, repackaged jewish prophecies rewritten to appeal to evangelical Christians, to attract finance for the Thrid temple project and other projects within Israel. They say that themselves.

I have relied on the Jerusalem Post and the Times of Israel instead. They are reasonably reliable, though of course they have a strongly pro-Israel perspective on world events especially those involving Israel. But represent reasonably central Jewish ideas rather than the fringe distorted ideas of BIN.

Wikipedia is also reasonably reliable on this topic and gives sources.

I’ve also used the Jewish Virtual Library - Animal Sacrifices and the Messianic Period. If you see any mistakes in any of this don’t hesitate to tell me.


So, yes it is true that the Bible talks about red heifers. And nine have been sacrificed so far. And it seems that they need the ashes of a red heifer for the ceremonies in the temple. So - if sacrifices were to resume they would need a tenth one. See Red heifer - Jewish tradition - Wikipedia.

And the Temple institute has been trying for a while to get one or another heifer with red hair that their Jewish priests can recognize as such - but - they are trying to replicate everything for the temple, so this is no surprise. Doesnt mean anyone outside of the temple institute goes along with it.


The ancient Jews were distinguished from other tribes that also sacrificed animals by sacrificing only in the Tabernacle, a kind of mobile shrine. There was a time in between when they sacrificed at several different sites at the same time before Solomon’s temple.

After that, they sacrificed only in Solomon’s temple. Then again, after it was destroyed, only in the second temple when that one was built. Since the destruction of the second temple, there have been no sacrifices because they have no temple to sacrifice animals in. For more on this: Korban - Wikipedia

So - these sacrifices, can’t be done unless they build the temple. However, some think they could do sacrifices in the open on the Temple Mount. It seemsa forlorn hope as surely the Muslims who have oversight of the Mount would permit this. Also, the Jewish government would not permit that. They don’t permit Jews to even pray on the Mount, never mind to permit them have a ceremony like this and sacrifice an animal there.

Nevertheless, there is a group that does yearly re-enactments of the sacrifices. They call them “re-enactments” because though they do everything that would happen in the real sacrifice, including killing a lamb, in this case, they do it outside of the Mount and so it does not actually count as a sacrificial offering. Every year they try to get permission to do it on the Mount and every year they are refused permission. They are not likely to get permission to do this. There’s a story here, warning for the squeamish, it has a photograph of the sheep killed in the enactment with blood all over it after it was killed.

So anyway - perhaps they could use this heifer for a re-enactment like that, yes. But not for an actual sacrifice, without permission to do it on the Mount. And most Jews would say that doesn’t count anyway without the Messiah and the third temple to do it in.

So, no, this is not a tenth red heifer in the sense of the Bible. Can’t see any way that is going to happen because there is no way they’d be able to sacrifice it on the Mount.


In any case, according to many rabbis sacrifices were a practice that God only tolerated because they were so used to sacrifices as an essential part of religion, they wouldn’t have followed him otherwise. They cite verses from the Bible to show that they were an abomination if not accompanied by deeds of loving kindness and mercy, whihc is what he really wanted.

What I want is mercy, not sacrifice. (Hos. 6:6)

To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto Me?" sayeth the Lord. "I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs or of he-goats...bring no more vain oblations....

…. Take thou away from me the noise of thy song; and let Me not hear the melody of thy psalteries. But let justice well up as waters, and righteousness as a mighty stream. (Amos 5:21-4)

Many of them have said that when the Messiah returns, that there will no longer be any animal sacrifices, just vegetarian offerings of grain and such like. See Animal Sacrifices and the Messianic Period


For many Christians that already happened with Jesus. Including evangelicals. Here is how Billy Graham puts it:

The reason we no longer need to sacrifice an animal on a burning altar or present any other sacrifice to God to atone for our sins is because of what Jesus Christ did for us.

Let me explain. God used the sacrifices of the Old Testament to teach His people two important lessons: First, God is absolutely pure and holy, and second, our sins are offensive to Him and make us unrighteous in His sight. How, then, can we be forgiven of our sins and made righteous in the eyes of God? We can’t do it by our own efforts; sin still clings to us. The only possibility is if God provides the way — and He did this by accepting animal sacrifices in place of our own death for our sins.

But Jesus Christ came for one reason: to become the final and complete sacrifice for our sins. When He died on the cross, all our sins were transferred to Him, and He died in our place. No further sacrifice is needed — because Christ gave His life for us. When we put our faith and trust in Him, the Bible says, “we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all” (Hebrews 10:10). … Why don't we still do animal sacrifices, like the people were commanded to do in those days? | Billy Graham Evangelistic Association - UK


Well, Jews don’t recognize Jesus as their Messiah of course. But they have a similar view, most of them, that sacrifices will no longer be needed when the Messiah arrives, whenever that is.

So, with this backgrond, the idea of rebuilding the temple themselves, before the Messiah returns, and then going so far as to sacrifice animals in it, even without the Messiah - it goes against the teachings of most rabbis. The Jews who want to do this sort of thing are regarded as an “extremist minority” (phrase used to describe them in the Jerusalem Post )

Anyway - but they also think of what they are doing as working towards peace. It’s only one heifer they argue, that will die, and many are killed for meat every day, and this one heifer’s death, they believe, will help bring about universal peace.

So, anyway - here is how the Jerusalem Post reported on the campaign to raise a Red Angus heifer in Israel.

In order for a heifer to be considered kosher for the Biblical use, it must be raised from birth under specific circumstances and in a controlled environment. To this end, the Temple Institute has joined forces with experienced cattle ranchers in Israel, who will utilize the technique of implanting the frozen embryos of Red Angus cattle in Israeli domestic cattle.

Thus far the campaign has raised some 33 thousand dollars with the help of people from all over the world. Rabbi Richman welcomes the international participation in the project remarking: "Considering that the vision of the prophets of Israel describes the Holy Temple in Jerusalem as a house of prayer and peace for all nations - this is an opportunity for Jews and gentiles to participate in that vision."

The quest for the red heifer: An ancient commandment meets modern technology

However mainstream Jews do not agree with this at all. Here is how the Jerusalem Post covered a similar event before

A fringe group of extremist rabbis wants to resume the biblical practice of animal sacrifice at Jerusalem's Temple Mount, members said Wednesday, defying centuries of religious bans and triggering a stiff protest from a Muslim leader. The group, called the "Re-established Sanhedrin" after the Temple-era religious high court, has decided to buy some sheep and try to find one that is ritually perfect for sacrifice, with an eye toward resuming the practice.

… The 71 members of the "Re-established Sanhedrin" say they want to begin sacrificing animals again, despite the absence of the Temple, the ritual altar and all the required implements listed in the Bible. Rabbi Dov Stein of the group admitted that it won't be any time soon. "We want to do the sacrifice, but we have political problems," Stein said. "We hope there will come a time when the government will agree. We will push for that to happen." Other rabbis point out that ritual animal sacrifice has been banned since the destruction of the Second Temple in A.D. 70. "Around that time, animal sacrifice, as a mode of religious worship, stopped for Jews, Christians and Muslims," said Rabbi Doniel Hartman of the Shalom Hartman Institute in Jerusalem. "Moving back in that direction is not progress."

Rabbis aim to renew animal sacrifices

Here is how Wikipedia summarizes the situation - though it doesn’t have many cites in this section, I find that it tends to be reasonably accurate in this topic area of Christianity and Judaism. See Korban - Wikipedia

Before building the Temple in Jerusalem, when the Israelites were in the desert, sacrifices were only to be offered in the Tabernacle.

According to the Hebrew Bible, after the building of Solomon's Temple, sacrifices were only to be carried out there.[16]

After the Temple was destroyed, sacrifices were resumed when the Second Temple was built until it was also destroyed in 70 CE. After the destruction of the Second Temple sacrifices were prohibited because there was no longer a Temple, the only place allowed by halakha for sacrifices. Offering of sacrifices was briefly reinstated during the Jewish–Roman wars of the second century CE and was continued in certain communities thereafter.

Then later on in the same page under: 6 Modern view and resumption of sacrifices

Future of sacrifices in Judaism

See also: Temple in Jerusalem

The prevailing belief among rabbinic Jews is that in the messianic era, the Messiah will come and a Third Temple will be built. It is believed that the korbanot will be reinstituted, but to what extent and for how long is unknown. Some biblical and classical rabbinic sources hold that most or all sacrifices will not need to be offered.

  • In the future all sacrifices, with the exception of the Thanksgiving-sacrifice, will be discontinued. (Midrash Vayikra Rabbah 9:7)
  • All sacrifices will be annulled in the future. (Tanchuma Emor 14, Vayikra Rabbah 9:7)
  • Then the grain-offering of Judah and Jerusalem will be pleasing to God as in the days of old, and as in ancient years. (Malachi 3:4)
  • It is impossible to go suddenly from one extreme to the other;...the custom which was in those days general among all men, and the general mode of worship in which the Israelites were brought up consisted of sacrificing animals in the temples... For this reason God allowed this kind of service to continue. The sacrificial system is not the primary object, rather supplications, and prayer. (Maimonides, The Guide to the Perplexed III 32)

The majority view of classical rabbis is that the Torah's commandments will still be applicable and in force during the messianic era. However, a significant minority of rabbis held that most of the commandments will be nullified in the messianic era, thus holding that sacrifices will not be reinstated. Examples of such rabbinic views include:

  • Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Niddah 61b and Tractate Shabbat 151b.
  • Midrash Shochar Tov (Mizmor 146:5) states that God will permit what is now forbidden.

Orthodox Judaism holds that in the messianic era, most or all of the korbanot will be reinstituted, at least for a time. Conservative Judaism and Reform Judaism, hold that no animal sacrifices will be offered in a rebuilt Temple at all, following the position of Tanchuma Emor 14 and Vayikra Rabbah 9:7.


Red cows are very common. There’s a breed of beef cattle called the “Red Angus” and they are all red. Here is an example herd (video has no sound):

So - what’s special is not the colour of the cow as such, but the way it is raised. From birth they have to look after it in a special way. Must never be used for any form of labour.

This is the indiegogo site where they raised the money to breed these cows.

Raise a Red Heifer in Israel

The Temple Institute aims to raise $125,000 for the red heifer project and according to the fundraising page on Indiegogo, contributions will go towards embryo implantation, veterinary care and feed, identification and separate care of candidates for the perfect red heifer, as well as publication of halachic research and findings. The successful introduction of suitable red heifers to Israel is the first project of a multi-level program that will span a number of years. According to Jewish tradition, a red heifer is a female cow that is three years of age with a particular reddish hue and cannot have even two hairs of any other color. It cannot be used for any type of labor and must be blemish free. The biblical commandment regarding the red heifer can be found in the Book of Numbers and is considered as the only antidote to the state of impurity brought on by death.

Cattleman raising historic herd of red heifers in Israel

And Jerusalem post article

Not only must the cow in question be entirely red, if it has just two hairs of a different color it is invalidated. The Torah also stipulates that it never have been used for labor; that the owner never have derived benefit from the cow in any way; that it have no blemishes or injuries; and that no male cow ever have mated with it.

The cows are being produced by a rancher in the Negev region utilizing the technique of implanting frozen embryos of Red Angus cattle in Israeli domestic cattle. The result will be the introduction of the Red Angus breed into Israel. The project already has witnessed the birth of a number of male Red Angus cows, and females are now eagerly awaited.

To meet the exacting requirements for a red heifer, supervisors of the cow in question must always be able to observe the animal, the cow must be fed a superior quality diet to that a normal cow and various other environmental conditions need to be met.

Richman will have 24-hour access, via his smartphone, to footage from cameras installed at the farm in the Negev Desert where the Temple Institute has established its partnership.

Holy Cow Biblical Red Heifer in production

This is the Temple Institute red heifer born in Israel video:


There's a small number of Jews who want to rebuild the 3rd Temple and most don't, so they have collaborated with these Christians who want it built for a completely different reason - the Jews want their Messiah to return and to bring peace.

Meanwhile, a small minority of Christians want a false leader to declare himself in the temple which they think will lead to WWIII and then Jesus levitating Christians into heaven and the Jews converting to Christianity.

Obviously they don't have much in common for their end objectives. But the Jews find the Christians are keen to sponsor their various projects connected with the 3rd temple so it's a kind of "marriage of convenience" as it were.

But the Jews who are doing this are in a minority as nearly all Jews don't want the temple to be built except by their Messiah probably miraculously - because they don't know where to build it and they think building in the wrong place is seriously bad news.

For all the Jews, the idea of WWIII starting over their temple and Jesus appearing in the clouds and converting them all to Christianity is not in their mind at all as a good objective naturally.

It isn't for most Christians either - it's almost "lunatic fringe" this idea of trying to trigger WWIII through getting the Jews to ubild a 3rd temple, to get Jesus to levitate them into heaven. It's rather bizarre and seems to go against central ideas of Christianity, to try to trigger war rather than help bring about peace and understanding.

And - after all Jesus doesn’t typically intervene in world events, even most Christians would agree. Catholics believe in miracles, but the miracles they attest to are small scale things like individual people being healed miraculously. Jesus didn’t appear in the clouds to stop WWII, for instance.


This is nothing to do with the third temple. It doesn’t change the status quo of the Mount which is managed by Muslims with Jordan playing a big role in how it is managed. Also Israel will continue to not permit Jews to pray on the Mount. Nobody involved in the Israel / Palestien peace discussions even has anything to do with the status of the Mount on their agenda.

Both sides are in agreement here. The chief rabbis and the government of Israel don’t want it built because they think it is seriously bad news to build the temple in the wrong place. The Muslims are very sensitive to anything on the Mount as it is their second most holy site in the world after Mecca. The Jews in turn saw what happened when an eccentric minority view Jew damaged a pulpit in one of the Mosques and they do not want to start anything with the Muslims on that sort of thing. Both are happy with the status quo and don’t want to change it.

What is at stake in the peace agreements is what happens to the Palestinians in Israel. When Israel was formed, many Palestinians were evicted from their ancestral homes, becoming refugees in their own country. The Palestinians want to have a region of Israel they can call their own and to have their own government. They also want to have Jerusalem as their capital because it is such a sacred site for them too.

The Jews think of Israel as a land given to them by God, and they want Jerusalem as their capital, and they continue to evict Palestinian settlements and they don’t want the refugees in the Gaza strip especially to return to Israel. Jordan used to be in charge of the West Bank of the Jordan river, and Egypt of the Gaza strip next to the Mediterranean (which adjoins Egypt). But they no longer are and the Palestinians in these places have no army, no military support and are basically refugees in their own former country.


This is a natural question. Though there are many Jews in the US, it’s mainly Christians, and Jews are a minority there. Only 1.4% even though it’s the second largest population of Jews in the world after Israel. American Jews - Wikipedia

Politicians like Trump, Pence, Pompeo etc. aren’t doing this because they want the Jews to build a third temple in Israel. The US has no authority over this, and it doesn’t even make sense for them as Christians to build it. Christians wouldn’t want to use it. Jesus said:

19 “Destroy this temple,” Jesus answered, “and in three days I will build it again!”

20 The leaders replied, “It took 46 years to build this temple. What makes you think you can rebuild it in three days?”

21 But Jesus was talking about his body as a temple. 22 And when he was raised from death, his disciples remembered what he had told them. Then they believed the Scriptures and the words of Jesus. John 2 CEV

And Trump isn’t doing it to cause a world war so that Jesus would snatch him, Pence and other Christains into heaven. That wouldn’t make much political or business sense even if he believed in the prophecy.

Trump is not interested in the third temple at all. His Christianity is the "prosperity gospel" which teaches that rich people are favoured by God, which you can understand him wanting to go for. It's quite strange too, but not in the same way.

Even Mike Pompeo, who is a rapture believer - he also says he does not believe in trying to make world events happen that lead to the rapture.

You can read about all this here in my debunk

So, there is no way building this temple or getting the Jews to build it is Trump's objective.


So why was he so keen on Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and on denying refugee status to the Palestinians in Gaza strip and so on? There's a more general zionist movement in the US. Their idea is that by supporting the Jews they think they are blessed because they think God gave Israel to Jews. So they do it sort of to be on "God's side" as it were.

This idea of Israel as “God given” - that Jews and Christias know God’s intentions, and that God’s views on Israel should pay a significant role in world’s politics - it can seem quite strange too for anyone who doesn't have that belief. However that is an element in politics, especially in the US, and there are US politicians that think that way and it’s a basis for some of their decisions.

But anyone who adopted these 3rd temple ideas as a campaign pledge or policy I think even in the US would be regarded as pretty nutty. It's nothing at all to do with a peace deal - it's not on the table.


For some of you in the Bible belt US the idea of a future “rapture” with Jesus levitating Christians into heaven some time in the near future may seem to be a core Christian belief. But it isn’t not at all, for most Christians. It’s a modern idea, developed in the nineteenth through to the twentieth centuries mainly in the US, based on a seed idea of a Catholic Jesuit in the eighteenth century (though Catholics have not adopted this idea and reject it).

Rapture beliefs are a minority view worldwide amongst Christians. Only 4–6% of Christians believe this according to my calculations. Amongst those who believe in a near future rapture, then the ones who believe in the full third temple prophecy are a minority within a minority.

See my


Only a tiny minority of evangelical Christians like that idea, and they like it only because they think it is a start of a series of events during which at some point Jesus appears in the sky and levitates Christians to heaven without dying first. This also is not part of the Jewish prophecy or indeed not in more than 90% of Christian beliefs either.

Even if the Jews believed that prophecy, they would not count amongst the people levitated to heaven, but the ones "left behind". There isn’t much to attract Jews in that prophecy at all, and it would not make sense for them to use this modern Christian prophecy as a motivation to build the third temple for that reason.

So the idea that the Jews and Christians will collaborate together to build a third temple knowing that it will cause widespread rage, anger, horrify Muslims and most Jews outraged as well, and start a war between Israel and its neighbouring Muslim countries - that's absolutely not on the cards at all.

So building a third temple in a way that will anger all Muslims as well as the majority of Jews - that's not even on their horizon for the government of Israel. Nor is it an objective for the US government either, which in any case is not something the US has any jurisdiction over.


Even if there were no Muslims left anywhere in Israel, except pilgrims visiting the mosques on the Mount - still, Israel would not want a third temple there.

Not unless somehow it can be done in a way that doesn't anger the Muslims, and also on a spot that all the Jews agree is the right place for it. There simply isn't any way that could be done at present.

Many Jews hope and pray for it to be built “some day”. But it's a hope for a future although they can't see how it would happen. A hope beyond hopes as it were. Something they hoped for for thousands of years, and likely will for thousands of years to come. Others don't think it will ever happen. If sometime it happens, almost miraculously, perhaps even completely miraculously as a big miracle - then for them it is a good thing to happen.

World peace at last. Jews respected worldwide too, and their God also, as a result of the way he brought peace to the entire world through his Messiah. Even, some of them think, to the animal realm too, animals become vegetarian, no longer attacking and killing each other. Literally the "wolf lies down with the lamb".


Whatever their prophecy means, and whether it will ever happen - the peace deal is nothing at all to do with it.

Trump had a campaign pledge to make Jerusalem the capital of Israel. He said explicitly that he respects the status quo of the religious sites in Israel.

Both sides are happy with the situation about the mount where Muslims lead by Jordan are basicaly in charge, and the Jews are not permitted even to pray there. Israel doesn't want to change that. The Jewish government indeed enforces strict rules preventing worship by Jews on the mount.

The tiny minority of Jews who want a third temple built are opposed by the majority plus all the chief rabbis. Even if there were no Muslim temples at all, then they would not want to build it because wherever it was built, they might be encouraging Jews to stand on sacred places they are not supposed to be.


So - in short - this is not part of either US or Israel’s political aims. There is no way there is going to be a "thrid temple" clause in the peace agreement. It just makes not the slightest bit of sense. Not only the Palestinians, all the Muslim countries and Israel and all the chief rabbis would be against it. And most Chrsitians too except a tiny minority. And surely even in the US most would think it is a crazy idea to try to force Jews to build a third temple. So, it would be opposed by nearly all Jews, all Muslims and nearly all Christians too.

Without a third temple, there can be no tenth heifer, for most Jews anyway. It doesn’t matter how much it complies with the requirements, it can’t be sacrificed, except as a “reinactement” which would not count as a proper sacrifice, because of this belief of Jews that their sacrifices all have to be done in the temple as a central place for them all.

And for Jews, if their Messiah does arrive at some point in the future, they expect world peace, not war. And many rabbis also expect that he would end sacrifices too, with the only offerings vegetarian ones such as grains.

For the small minority of Jews who want to build a third temple., their objective is world peace also. Because of their beliefs, they think of the third temple and this animal sacrifice as essential steps towards world peace.

Their Temple Institute and these beliefs are all legal and acceptable. They aren’t doing anything wrong at all, according to either domestic or international law. Their aims are good. But their views are not accepted by Jews generally and it’s not likely they get their temple built any time soon. However they think there is value in trying for it, and preparing for the coming of their Messiah as best they can and with hope that somehow the temple can be built, although realistically they have to know it is not politically possible at present, or any time soon.


If you are scared: Seven tips for dealing with doomsday fears which also talks about health professionals and how they can help.


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