Hong Kong quotes

Is humanity capable of stopping an asteroid hitting the earth which can cause devastation?

No neutrinos can't mutate - why 2012 was nuts and adding 7 yea...

Koalas not functionally extinct - 60 to 70% reduction of local...

new article draft

China / Hong Kong

Why NASA have left it too late to complete the legal process f...

Debunked: Time Travelers on YouTube - internet copycat meme

How the greenhouse effect really works - and why there is a ne...

Clathrate gun / methane bomb effectively disproved - less than...

Short debunk of Arctic Albedo effect

Videos of good things that are happening in the world for clim...

Why is there smog in Delhi? - it's because of burning rice stu...

Is it possible that our Sun can produce a superflare and make our Earth uninhabitable as seen in the knowing (2009)?

Australia fires

Why do some Christians (minority within a minority) keep posti...

UK moths and butterflies - some declines but not as dramatic a...

Venice flooding

Short debunk of Jem Bendell’s Deep Adaptation and Rupert Read'...

Even worst worst case climate change scenario is not Human ext...

Daily Express Fake asteroid meme - 2014 JO25, 2014 AG5 - NEVER...

‘Mammoth’ Asteroid 2006 WH1 was never in NASA risk list and is...

Will the asteroid 216258 2006 WH1 hit Earth this Christmas?

YouTube's new rules are mainly about removing purchase links f...

How Did The New York Times Get 'How Scientists Got Climate Cha...

False memory - start of draft for mandela effect

No scientists have NOT proved that human extinction is extreme...

11,000 scientists sign climate change paper with exaggerated c...

11,000 signatories don't mean much if they haven't studied top...

List of the articles in my Debunking Doomsday blog to date

Chukchi Sea Ice melt - not a global issue but important to lo...

Chukchi Sea Ice melt - not a global issue but important to lo...

US Alone Gives Notice To Withdraw From Paris Climate Accord - ...

Sensationalist Press misunderstand gravitational keyholes and ...

Background to Russian subs in the Berings sea

List of articles in Doomsday Debunked by topic

No cities WON’T be erased by 2050 - New elevation data shows m...

Sea level debunk

Extinction Rebellion - YES we need to act on climate change bu...

NASA's proposal to classify much of Mars like Moon may jeopard...

NASA's proposal to classify much of Mars like Moon may jeopard...

Will an asteroid hit the Earth again?

Carbon loss from felling intact forests underestimated six-fol...

Factor of six underestimation of results of deforestation - bu...

Earth has 20 years before the impact of a 20 mile wide asteroid. What would the timeline to save humanity look like? Could it be done? How would the world react?

How to check an asteroid story with my new Sentry table interf...

Debunked: majority of birds in North American face threat of e...

2010 GD37 is now REMOVED from the risk list.

Extinction Rebellion - YES we need to act on climate change bu...

Mars is NOT known to be sterile anywhere yet - why NASA can't ...

Debunk for: Climate scientist: We must change the way we appro...

Debunked: The myth of green growth - Financial Times magazine

Viral Batshit crazy bullshit idea that freemasons will kill al...

Am I dreaming right now?

Feed everyone rice mid edit

No Deal Brexit averted - diplomatic sources say EU poised for ...

Small earthquakes and movement of Garlock fault don't increase...

What's the loudest possible sound?

Small earthquakes and movement of Garlock fault not increasing...

How loud is 1100 DB? Is it true that it can create a black hole big enough to devour the entire galaxy?

I was in class and I was thinking about selling my soul for money, and I whispered, “Devil, I sell my soul to you” but after that I felt the same. How do I know if I sold my soul to the devil? What are the signs?

What are your thoughts on the Extinction Rebellion protests?

Peruvian glaciers reduced by 30% in 16 years - what this means

What is happening in Syria - How it is being reported by the B...

Goldman Sachs report on financing climate adaptation for citie...

How to debunk doomsdays

Sustainable fishfarming

Canadian wildfires power cuts

Test your understanding of worst effects of climate change

How to deal with doomsday fears once you have the debunk - nee...

Andrew Neil vs Extinction Rebellion with accurate climate scie...

2019 SU3 Another very random harmless NASA asteroid warning - ...

Andrew Neil vs Extinction Rebellion with accurate climate scie...

Syria risk is for only a tiny percentage of the ISIS fighters

Why we are safe from anything happening in the center of our g...

What is a vacuum metastability event, and should I be worried about it happening in our lifetime? How probable is it? Or is it speculation?

Quote from BBC about temperature records

Twitter Panic Over 5 Square Meters Of Bubbling Methane - Natur...

Yes Facebook can be ordered by the EU to remove illegal conten...

Netherlands delta plan quotes etc

How to deal with doomsday fears once you have the debunk - nee...

Climate change doomsday fear stories

Some UK mammal species risk regional extinction in next centur...

State of nature UK

What are the chances of asteroid 2007 FT3 striking Earth?

What would the "death" of a black hole look like? I've read that black holes lose mass due to Hawking Radiation ("evaporation"). Is it possible for a black hole to eventually lose all its mass?

How likely are various science fiction type apocalyptic scenarios really?


Kim missiles test do not risk war - background for future toug...

Debunk of some points from r/collapse (draft)

Why we know for sure that 2007 FT3 will miss - actually it is ...

About ATLAS - how we spot many asteroids days or weeks before ...

Short explanation of why the Earth's crust can't slip - and wh...

What is NASA doing about the asteroid dubbed FT3, which is expected to fly by Earth this October 3rd 2019 with the possibility of hitting us with a force equal to 2,700 megatons of TNT or 2,700,000,000 tons of TNT?

When will we reach technological singularity?

Trump being silly again - the US would not break up in a civil...

Why the poorest countries do not agree with Lomborg that clima...


12 Simple lifestyle changes to help reduce global warming and ...

Is there an afterlife?

No Conker tree is NOT really at risk of extinction - is about ...

No the Conker tree is NOT really at risk of extinction - is ab...

Are you scared by a random future date someone shared? Perhaps...

Share your Doomsday Fear story

WHO report figure of 50 - 80 million at risk in pandemic is ba...

IPCC special conference on the Ocean and Cryosphere

Climate Action Summit - expect many positive initiatives to be...

Helpful posts if you are scared by a random future date someon...

What the World Meteorologial Society Report did NOT say - two ...

Why the scenario of "Day after Tomorrow" can't happen - what r...

Could the Doomsday Fears be more like Post Traumatic Stress Di...

No there is no risk of widespread common species in the US goi...

No there is no risk of widespread common species in the US goi...

Can this be right?? WHO report figure of 50 - 80 million at ri...

Do not adjust your set :) - why we shouldn't adjust the Equili...

No we have not had 20 years of failure to act on Climate

How long does it take for the Greenland ice to melt completely...

Debunk of guardian article saying that climate activism has fa...

No a limited military strike on Iran would not lead to WW III ...

Pakistan and India are sabre rattling - real issue is the Chi...

No the US / Australia / the West are NOT going to adopt a soci...

Trump CANNOT START A NUCLEAR STRIKE in peace time and there is...

Top 100 Google News search results for NASA asteroid warning s...

NO a bright laser can't 'tear' the fabric of space-time - and ...

Debunked: Climate change: Electrical industry's 'dirty secret'...

Deforestation report

Debunked: Climate change: Electrical industry's 'dirty secret'...

What is the difference between Ambient, Diffuse, and Specular Light in OpenGL? Figures for illustration are encouraged.

Polls of Doomsday Debunked

North Korea announces that it wants to talk to US - just befor...

The US under Trump and Iran both want a deal

How did WTC 7 collapse?

What happened to the WTC7?

Can someone prove to me that 9/11 was or wasn't an inside job?

Could another 9/11 happen?

Debunked: We might live in a computer program but it may not m...

How long does it take to recover from nerve damage?

False vacuum decay short summary

2019 RA - tiny harmless asteroid never in risk list - scary no...

If the will of the people would be a no-deal Brexit, then, assuming the polls are accurate, why are the majority of British people planning to vote for parties either backing Remain, or with ambiguous positions on Brexit?

Did global warming make hurricane Dorian worse? Possibly - but...

Some of the worst doomsday fear fact checking errors in the ma...

Some of the worst doomsday fear fact checking errors in mainst...

Why do so many people believe these doomsday stories - even th...

Do you want to add your personal story about your Doomsday fea...

No danger at all from thin 'Local Fluff', ‘local bubble’, or ‘...

2000 QW7 - Another random completely harmless asteroid

Would a very advanced alien race see humans as we see insects?

Share your doomsday fear stories

Suicides from Doomsday fears.

100% renewables

Elon Musk and Jack Ma not population experts - Population is N...

What is the current situation of Brexit?

I did NOT warn of ocean boiling asteroid - explained JUPITER P...

Sanders releases the $16 trillion ‘Green New Deal’ plan, promises it will ‘pay for itself’. Does anyone here believe this? Why or why not?

Why we are at no risk of 'losing the Amazon' as a whole

How well are countries doing with their 2015 Paris pledges?

Dealing with scary thoughts

What happens to beaches and sand dunes as sea levels rise? The...

We do not risk mass amazon dieback - what is meant by critical...

Nuclear winter new debunk mid edit

asteroid detection mid edit

Has anyone died from hail falling on their head?

Are countries keeping our 2015 Paris pledges?

misc mars

Why hackers can't cause WWIII

Apophis is easy to deflect and can’t hit for decades - and Did...

Wildfires in Amazon nothing new - much more will happen at 3 C...

Wildfires in Amazon nothing new - much more will happen at 3°C...

RMS Titanic conspiracy theories


What is the longest text that has ever been memorized?

Why NASA expects the NO HAZARD asteroids to miss, even when th...

You are not at any risk of being institutionalized in the US f...

Potential for carbon capture from giant kelp farming

Rising water stress is leading to a situation with a steady in...

1990 MU and 1998 OR2 - Two more harmless asteroids in the sens...

Rising water stress is leading to a situation with a steady in...

How well are countries doing with their 2015 Paris pledges?

Could we use floating kelp farms to take CO2 out of the atmosp...

North Sea Dogger Bank wind turbine project could supply more p...

Why is there not any news coverage regarding Earth's pole shift and what to expect from it? How will it affect us?

Background to the Hong Kong protests

Philip Alston’s report focuses on integrating human rights pro...

Climate change notes

The supposed mass extinction beginning in 2100 in NY Post arti...

The supposed mass extinction beginning in 2100 in NY Post arti...

Debunked: The Terrible Truth about climate change

No, we are not really falling into the Great Attractor - it is...

Family of Trump page doesn't mention his maternal grandparents


Communist State - lists North Korea - doesn't mention that NK ...


Seriously out of date articles


Warning about scam rapture site kbwealth4u - trying to sell yo...

Hyper-realist painting

Widely misreported paper does not mean that 88% of all freshwa...

Widely misreported paper does not mean that 88% of all freshwa...

Extracts from the IPCC report

Meat use debunk

No the Earth is not at risk of being turned into strange matte...

The world is not about to end because of an urban fox that was...

What the IPCC really said in the recent report on Climate Chan...

How bills pass into law in the US - and an executive order is ...

Can a 2006 QQ23 asteroid destroy a large country of Earth if it hit the Earth?

IPCCSL transcript

Are humans causing global warming?

No governments do not hide news of future disasters

Sustainable continuing economic growth on a finite planet - ho...

Answer to worries about self driving cars and not being able t...

No need to worry about Call of Duty and other violent games be...

Rise in populism not fascism - covers right wing, centrist, le...

Report from Wood McKenzie advising corporate clients that the ...

If an alien spacecraft landed on Earth (and its crew died later for some reason), how quickly could we learn from its spaceship how to build our own spaceship that could match its travelling ability?

Ethan Siegel's Sixth and final era of our universe means the r...

Answer to worries about self driving cars and not being able t...

What things are going to be Peak X?

What are the long term effects of Greenland and Western Antarc...

What does 0.5 mm sea level rise in July mean - despite twitter...

US and Russia withdrawing from INF treaty is not all about Eur...

What does 0.5 mm sea level rise in July mean - despite twitter...

Summary of Forty-six years of Greenland Ice Sheet mass balance...

Paektu Mountain - Not a supervolcano (VEI 6 or 7, should be 8 ...


Could we currently build a self-replicating moon-robot which could also transform the lunar surface, using solar power?

Why do planets sometimes reverse direction in the sky - retrograde motion?

Why Josh Hawley's bill about an alert after 30 minutes of soci...

‘Arctic on fire’ is normal, part of nature - moose, bears, vol...

Why Josh Hawley's bill about an alert after 30 minutes of soci...


Rise in populism not fascism - WORK IN PROGRESS

You can ignore non peer reviewed manuscript by two scientist f...

Ethiopians collaborate to plant 353 million trees in twelve ho...

China to Increase 2015 Climate Pledges in 2020, Support Green ...

Why An Ice Free Summer Arctic Will NOT Have The Same Effect As...

Nothing to worry about with grasshoppers in Vegas or locusts i...

Challenges for combining climate change mitigation with biodiv...

Draft asteroid article mid edit

Why is zero treated as a number but infinity is not?

Why is the arctic on fire (summer 2019)?

Great tits do NOT risk extinction from climate change - are of...

Should IPCC speak up about FALSE Doomist Rhetoric of 12 years ...

New harmless asteroids scaring people, 2019 OD can’t hit ‘till...

Despite what many think, Trend is towards more democracy and i...

Latest in Iran - UK to set up combined force with Europe to pr...

What is the highest resolution image of a star that is not the sun?

Followed Jul 23

Betelgeuse - image of the star is incorrectly labeled as the h...


Significant errors in Wikipedia - list of blog posts


How much oxygen does an astronaut consume in a day by breathing? And how much CO2 is exhaled?

Khagendra Thapa Magar - annotated mistake in Wikipedia - he is...


How do the Saturn V and other rockets compare with various nuclear bombs in terms of power, force, and energy?

annotated Heat index - doesn’t explain that wet bulb temperatu...


Convention to propose amendments to the United States Constitu...


Adult neurogenesis - out of date slightly - annotated Wikipedi...


Another unreliable article from Techdirt - about draft EU e-co...

Ursula von der Leyen’s proposed green new deal will make Weste...

46 BC - ultima annus confusionis - FINAL year of confusion not...


If strong AI was possible - future AI more like Marvin in Hitc...

Past failed prophecies for 2019: M̶a̶r̶c̶h̶ ̶2̶1̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ ...

Another very silly rapture prophecy for July 17, 2019

Prince Charles’s 18 months comment out of context - he was say...

What radioactive material has the longest half life? Uranium-238?

Colony collapse disorder - now well understood - out of date -...


5g - omits any material on possible dangers - by policy of the...


Milarepa - treats hagiography as if it were a biography - anno...


Strait of Hormuz - section on the oil pipelines that bypass it...


Dew point - says it is identical to frost point when it is not...


Positive news - conservation projects in Australia - and the p...

How would Area 51 guards actually try to stop 300,000 people running towards the building all at once if it ever happened?

Should we ever take asteroid warnings seriously?

No need to be scared of living in a simulation - some thoughts

No The Simpsons doesn’t really predict the future

No, 1.9 million people are not going to storm area 51, it’s ju...

Nothing to worry about - New CASE law before Congress could si...

Climate analogues for city planning by 2050 - e.g. London like...

Earthquakes in California have no relevance at all to the New ...

The Brazilian Spiritualist Chico Xavier did not make this prop...

New Madrid Seismic zone - treats hypothetical scenario as a re...


Yes emissions are expected to rise or stay the same for a whil...

Clathrate gun hypothesis - doesn’t mention it is effectively d...


Shutdown of thermohaline circulation - out of date (last updat...


No, scientists are not opening a portal into a ‘mirror univers...

Small California earthquakes do not mean ‘Big one’ is more lik...

Standard asteroid physical characteristics - last edited 2006 ...


2007 FT3 - yet another harmless No Hazard asteroid hyped up by...

Wind farms and solar farms need to be sited carefully to prote...

What does an IQ test measure?

annotated Deccan Traps - misparaphrases the cite on antipodal ...


Life on Mars - omits mention of NASA’s goal to search for exta...


Various small but serious errors - annotated mistakes in Wikip...


Morgellons - only cites authors that diagnose it as delusional...


Blue Brain - doesn’t mention any of the issues with this proje...


Omega Point - barely mentions the theology which is Theillard ...


The Exodus - does not mention scholarly evidence that some Isr...


MY BACKGROUND - what is my authority for writing any of this?

Japan to resume commercial whaling - no risk of whale extincti...

New study does NOT conclude that we have too many fossil fuel ...

Common misunderstandings when talking about doomsday fears wit...

Some progress towards preserving Iran deal - Europe enables fi...

Atmospheric Science: How does the greenhouse effect work?

What would it look like if you were standing near the impact point of a Chicxulub-sized meteor?

Is the 50:50 lifeline on Who Wants to Be A Millionaire rigged?

Trump steps into North Korea and invites Kim Jong Un to visit ...

What is colony collapse disorder and how does it affect honey bees?

Yes our generation’s children are headed for a world with natu...

Magical thinking is normal, even JPL flight directors and ISS ...

This is just a heat wave - all heat wave related deaths are pr...

If you opened a portal from Earth's surface (sea level) to the Moon's surface so that air could pass through, at what pressure would equilibrium be established?

A false vacuum has to be either stable - or so close to stable...

Debunked: Blue ocean event - Earth will not suddenly warm up a...

test long title - lotus flower




Philip Alston’s report is important for its focus on integrati...

Philip Alston’s report focuses on integrating human rights pro...

What do you think about NASA's Curiosity rover detecting high levels of Methane, the gas typically produced by life as we know it, on Mars?

Example of ridiculously silly Nibiru story for 30th June 2019

Are asteroids 2015 TX24 and 2005 UR going to hit earth? I found an article on Daily express that says they might be earth bound. Are they going to hit?

Poster responses - has future dates in it (draft)

Study about possible asteroids in Taurid stream helps protect ...

How can Indians prevent future water shortages? Big report for...

Various fake doomsday scares - poster responses - fake asteroi...

On Magnetars, muons, gamma ray bursts, black holes and Phil Pl...

Why I no longer recommend Phil Plait’s book for the most easil...

coral reefs effects mid edit

coral reefs effects mid edit

US - Iran situation is not a personal risk for most people - e...

Latest on Iran - Trump seems to have ordered a strike on key m...

Iran shooting down RQ- Hawk drone - not something to worry abo...

N2O debunk mid-edit

Accelerated Himalaya glacier melting confirms previous results...

No the IPCC does not err on the side of least drama, just foll...

Withdrawn report about US tactical nukes not a big deal - US, ...

No the world is not going to end because of fish in sink holes...

Josh Hawley’s bill on Section 230 to force social media to be ...

Effects of ozone on global warming - MID-EDIT

Permafrost increased melting - mid edit

Comment on ‘Analog and Digital, Continuous and Discrete’ by Co...

Another update on Iran - president Hassan Rouhani says they wi...

What is blue brain?

Annotated mistakes and exaggerations in ‘The poisons released ...

Worst case for US - Iran - targeted strike on nuclear faciliti...

Greenland is losing a lot of ice this summer - but actually ga...

Will the Blue Brain Project lead to the creation of a conscious artificial intelligence?

Will Lake Mead completely dry up?

Battle to prevent ‘deep fake’ is not the end of the internet

Why the US can’t invade Iran

New study is consistent with earlier research that we are safe...

No need to worry about effect of Article 13 / 17 on fan art

Omega Point - annotated errors in Wikipedia

The medium Chico Xavier stated that in 1969 mankind was given a 50-year term to evolve morally and live in peace without provoking World War III. What is your opinion about the possibility of the end or new beginning becoming reality in 2019?

No need to worry about Antila 2, it passed through our galaxy ...

Annotated mistakes in Blue Brain

Short debunks of doomsday scenarios

OOPS - Puerto Rican insects in the forest canopy increase with...

No need to worry about oil tanker incident in gulf or Oman - n...

Annotated Morgellons article (draft for discussion)

No oceans are not set to lose 17% of biomass by 2100 - unless ...

Has the Nile River ever dried up?

Nearly 600 plants extinct means - 0.15% of all plant species -...

Should farmers stop keeping livestock to save the planet? Answ...

2006 QV89 asteroid - NO HAZARD - removed now - shorter version...

Plan to alter Earth’s orbit - this is far future and nothing t...

Are the Deccan Traps and the Chicxulub Impact related? Did the impact cause volcanic activity?

How often does Wikipedia get it wrong?

Per the new report, will climate change really cause the collapse of human civilization by 2050?

Why is Wikipedia dismissed as an unreliable source?

No Jesus did not appear in Argentina

Climate Change Will NOT End Civilization By 2050 Or Make Human...

How credible is the new climate study from the Breakthrough National Center for Climate Restoration which concludes that human extinction is likely to occur by 2050?

‘Global risk of deadly heat’ is about heatwaves that already a...

The IPCC’s own worst case climate change example - a 3°C rise ...

3°C worst case scenario in the 2018 IPCC report

Climate Change Facts - behind the news, what the scientists

Understanding the NASA Sentry Earth impact montoring table

No Scotland does NOT face a climate apocalypse

Why we have a problem with sensationalist news in Google News,...

Simplified ‘toy models’ of Earth’s future without social proce...

Can't helicopters fly above 8,000 m? Can they rescue Everest mountaineers?

Do renewables for power generation take up more land area than...

No need to worry about late sowing in the US

Climate Change usually means a change to a climate someone alr...

Grey whale is not even classified as threatened any more - and...

Debunked - 2028 false prophecy about a 6000 year old world cre...

Clathrate gun hypothesis - Shakhova et al ignoring evidence ag...

Debunked: the number of phytoplankton in the oceans have decre...

No the US is not going to invade Iran - no achievable military...

24 ways the world is getting better - good news journalists ra...

When will Mar-a-Lago be underwater as the sea level rises due to global warming?

Australia will still be strong in renewables after ‘losing’ th...


Yes the Moon is shrinking, very slightly - this is harmless an...

We can grow enough food for everyone through to 2100 and beyon...

No risk from something ‘punching a hole’ in our galaxy - dista...

Debunked: Blue Ocean Event

No, Koalas are not ‘functionally extinct’

No, the US and Iran are not about to go to war

This is normal - every May, CO2 levels are highest on record a...

What is the story in which the Buddha kills a man to save several lives?

What is the Tibetan Book of the Dead?

Why the US is not headed towards civil war

World War III unlikely - trend in opposite direction, to small...

World War III unlikely - trend in opposite direction, to small...


Debunked last pope prophecy - an early example of fake news (1...

Don’t worry about the Iran guestures - they don’t want to star...

IPBES cochairs and press conference with transcripts

Let’s save a million species, and make biodiversity great agai...

NO Trump can’t stay in power if he is voted out in 2020 - US c...

Methane levels are increasing - but even though we don’t know ...

Climate Change Facts - behind the news, what the scientists

Why it is okay to back a new coking coal mine in Cumbria as pa...

Climate Change Facts - behind the news, what the scientists

Breathe in and out slowly and deeply and other ways to calm a ...

Asteroid strike on twitter for 2019 PDC on April 29, 2027 is a...

Ambiguous Rapper lyric does not mean all US citizens will die ...

My online books


Questionaire for ‘Share your Doomsday fears story’


A closer look at TERREG EU removal order for terrorist content...

Will activist groups like Extinction Rebellion have success in getting major world powers to reduce carbon emissions?

My Moon, Mars and space books - read online for free or buy fo...

Mars and

Debunked: That we risk societal collapse as a result of climat...

Debunked: That we are going to run out of topsoil in 60 years

Comments on the one hour provision in TERREG by the European A...


Is Black hole fake?

The world is not going to end because Notre Dame cathedral wen...

Catechism statements on last judgement / second coming


Random harmless asteroid picked up by the sensationalist press...


Debunked: Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren want to destroy th...

No need to be scared of Tim McHyde’s dreams about 2022 and 202...

The Svalbard seed vault is an extra backup able to restore wor...

Black hole photo - cool physics - a day astronomers will remem...

We are going to have the first image of a black hole in the year 2019. Are you really excited about it?

How likely is human extinction by 2026, as Guy McPherson and Arctic News Blog estimate (due to methane, CO2, etc.)?

Absurd blog post at Arctic News predicting a ridiculous 10 °C ...

Some minor asteroids made into fake news stories

Failed past prophecies from the Debunking Doomsday blog

Why you don’t need to be scared of the EU TERREG draft directi...

Ronald Weinland - false prophet J̶u̶n̶e̶ ̶9̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ pay n...

How likely is it that Britain will leave the EU?

Leaked report on impact of climate change in Canada - actually...

Are there truly not enough resources on Earth to sustain everyone, or are we as humans just mishandling them?

On 10th April ESA may release first photograph of a black hole...

Failed past prophecies from Debunking Doomsday


Debunking: Halley’s comet is going to hit Earth this week - 21...

Failed past prophecies from the Debunking Doomsday blog

Gravity: Why doesn't the Earth fall into the Sun or the Moon fall into the Earth?

Do you agree with Jem Bendell (author of the article “Deep Adaptation”) that climate change catastrophe is inevitable or with David Wallace-Wells (author of The Uninhabitable Earth) that this can still be prevented through political change?

Is the universe still young yet? Doesn't 13.8 billion years seem a little young for spacetime?

Killer frog disease - the declines peaked in 1980, it’s nothin...

Deep adaptation - climate change paper which is just: ‘Crap’

No we are not headed for an ‘Uninhabitable Earth’ - debunked: ...

Random harmless asteroid picked up by the sensationalist press...

About article 13 - now 17 - not going to kill the internet or ...

Why we would see a rogue planet, black hole, neutron star or s...

Why a rogue planet, black hole, neutron star or star would be ...


Could unmodified terrestrial Arctic lichen survive on Mars?

Is it safe to meditate without a teacher?

Debunked: Water wars

New video - Did you know, NASA have NEVER issued any ASTEROID ...

What would happen if Sirius went supernova?

How long will it be until Sirius A turns supernova?

What is the possibility of Sirius B going supernova?

Would the Earth be wiped out if the star Sirius, only about 9 light years away, suddenly went supernova?

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s prophesy for March 21 is a prophesy of...

UN Environment’s Sixth Global Environmental Outlook - outline ...

Relaxing videos for the easily panicked - guided meditations, ...

Is Asteroid 2014 MV67 a credible threat to Earth?

Did you know, NASA have NEVER issued any ASTEROID ALERT - most...

If you get the RFID chip implant, will it change your DNA?

Scaling a rogue planet to our solar system

Is there any practical solution for space debris problem?

What did the research about “cloudless skies” really show?

Some past asteroid impact fake news stories

What would we see from the Earth if a black hole appeared at the edge of the solar system?

What have researchers found out about rain in Greenland in win...

A large asteroid that is likely to cause human extinction upon impact is heading towards Earth. Lets say we have 7 days. What are our chances of survival?

Some of the telescopes looking out for asteroids every single ...

Are North Korea rebuilding missile test site to prepare for a ...

Debunked: world to be hit by Siberian snow due to Nibiru - DUH...

Some of the telescopes looking out for asteroids every single ...

How often do asteroids hit the earth?

Yes kelp and seagrass also have issues like coral bleaching - ...

Debunked world to end in 2028

Will an asteroid hit Earth in 2028?

Can we stop the recently discovered asteroid from hitting Earth in 2028?

Remarkable progress on Climate action after two years - 1.5 °C...

Copy of reply to David Wallace-Wells’s AmA on Reddit - with gr...


Trump and Kim abruptly cut short summit meeting, failing to reach nuclear deal. What do you think about this?

Trump Kim meeting broken off - it’s not nearly as bad as it se...

What next with the India / Pakistan conflict? Not risking nucl...

UN report is far from bleak - an encouraging survey of measure...

Arctic Canadian and Siberian permafrost carbon release signifi...

Things in space hitting Earth debunks


Climate change sources


What would happen if Jupiter were to collide with the Sun?

Asteroid 2006 QV89 Classified NO HAZARD - Expected to Miss - M...

Asteriod 2010 GD37 (1.26 km) will NOT HIT EARTH in December 20...

draft for 2006 QV89

Can brown dwarfs become supernova?

Trump won’t have unlimited powers - his emergency powers have ...

Nothing to worry about - yes a Rabbi Kanievsky says that their...

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) does kill deer but there is no e...

Two astronomers think that June may be a good month to look fo...

New research does NOT mean a world without insects

New research doesn’t mean a world without insects

What are some of the most biased Wikipedia articles?

How do I improve my sense of rhythm/my internal metronome, to the point where I'd have to try extremely hard to go out of tempo?

Mysterious booms

Do climate scientists err on the side of least drama? New pape...

Replies to PM’s (Private Messages) and comments


Replies mostly to do with nuclear war


A Daily Express random harmless asteroid alert - 2019 CB2 - no...

Does it matter about huge hole beneath fast melting Antarctic ...

In real life a million to one chance means it is NOT likely to...

False prophets are ‘paper tigers’ - no need to worry about the...

Nothing to worry about ‘Big Rip’ or Dark Energy’s strength inc...

Questionaire for ‘Share your Doomsday fears story’

Yes US and Russia have suspended the INF treaty - but that doe...

Things to copy into debunks

What causes comments to be collapsed?

If Apophis actually hit on April 13th, 2029, where on Earth would it hit?

What will the Apophis asteroid look like when it passes Earth?

When will Apophis hit Earth or come close to?

Should YouTube ban doomsday videos?

Why doesn’t Gödel’s discovery seem to bring any panic to physicists? Could Gödel’s discovery mean that some aspects of reality can’t be modelled or reached conceptually?

Relax, 2002 NT7 will not hit Earth on 1st February - it is alr...

Need help debunking: China, Other Regimes Developing EMP Bombs...

Is PSR J0108-1431 going to collide with Earth in 2087? Did NASA say anything about this?

Second ‘Stop YouTube ads’ draft

Original version of petition to YouTube to stop ads on Doomsda...

Do we currently have any measures in place to protect us from an asteroid impact?

No need to worry about a black hole jet at center of galaxy po...

Background to astronomy stack exchange question about neutron ...

What's the difference between Buddhists’ nirvana and death from an atheist perspective?

Insects debunk

Is there any latest update info about the asteroid (89959) 2002 NT7?

Where is the proof that NASA are telling the truth about the 2002 NT7?

Does the asteroid 2002-NT7 exist, and will it hit the Earth?

Will NASA tell us about the 2002 NT7 when the day gets closer?

Is there any reason to worry about Asteroid 2002 NT7?

How do I learn Buddhist meditation?

Is nuclear terrorism possible?

What are some common misconceptions about Down syndrome?

What do you think about the prediction made by scientists in 2002 that the earth will be hit by a gigantic asteroid in Feb 1st 2019, 8 days from today?

Doomsday clock announcement - the “new abormal” - and about th...

Background to: Big rise in atmospheric CO2 expected in 2019

What is the doomsday clock going to do? Please don’t be scared...

Why are there no annoucements about 2002 NT7 from NASA? Becaus...

What to expect for this lunar eclipse

How a Mars rover could be made 100% sterile using components c...


What are the ethical issues involved with colonizing the Moon and Mars? The human race has a pretty sketchy record on colonizing other lands. Do we really think we use up one planet and move to the next? Who does the environmental impact study?

What would happen if Ceres collided with Earth?

Does the asteroid Ceres have a chance of ever hitting Earth?

Asteroid searches still continue during the shutdown

Why photosynthesis would need to make over 10 meters thicknese...


No need to be scared of a plague of locusts in Mecca - they ar...

What alternatives are there to Wikipedia?

What would the effect be of a “No deal” Brexit? Nuisances but ...

New Zealand Tsunami or Megatsunami?

Debunked - Russian torpedo supposed to create megatsunamis - m...

Why you don’t need to be scared of the Apophis asteroid in 202...

Lunar eclipse is just Our Own Planet’s Shadow On Distant Moon ...

Update on 2002 NT7 - flew past at a great distance, 16.50 UTC ...

Debunked: Warning about erratic motion of Earth’s magnetic fie...

Debunked, David Montaigne’s claim that the world will end in D...

No, the large magellanic cloud will NOT wipe out all life on E...

How do I sell my soul to the Devil?

Do I have to use a metronome?

Why you don’t need to worry about asteroid 2002 NT7

No need to be scared of US government shut down or national em...

How does the difficulty of colonizing Europa compare with that of colonizing Callisto?

Why doesn't NASA or other space companies invest in a rover to collect Helium-3 on the moon to help produce revenue, which is estimated to be worth $141 million for 220 pounds?

Is the "nuclear winter" a hoax?

Is the "nuclear winter" a hoax?

Could there be a planet the same shape as Ultima Thule?

Methods for deflecting asteroids


Astronauts May Search for Mars Life From Orbit Using Sterile S...

Will Apophis be visible to the naked eye during its close flyby on 13th April 2029?

Do professional musicians use metronomes?

The conjunction of Venus with the Moon is harmless, just the M...

By what year would you say Antarctica would cease to exist?

Should a Buddhist have a Buddha statue in their home?

What would be the most amazing thing that the Mars InSight Lander discovers?

How close is the Planet X from the Earth right now?

No, a second big bang is not about to rip our universe in half...

Asteriod 2017 RH16 removed from the impact risk monitoring lis...

Combined appeal draft

Campi Flegrei is not ready to collapse - thousands of years in...

Is it true that an asteroid will hit the Earth February 1st, 2019? If it does will it be the end of humanity?

My friend’s appeal draft (2)

You have 10 seconds to type the largest number possible. You may only use symbols and keys on your keyboard without copy/paste. What do you do?

Is there an asteroid on its way to Earth?

Is an asteroid (Apophis, aka 2004 MN4) really going to hit Earth in 2029?

My proposed appeal draft for my friend

My friend’s appeal draft

My friend got sanctioned in Wikipedia for many things they didn’t do. Now indef blocked. Simple unblock can’t work. Are either of these draft appeals on the right tracks now? Please CLICK ON LINK BELOW to see. Please discuss drafts in answer. Thanks!

Asked Dec 15, 2018

Debunked: Agenda 21. Left wing governments DO NOT have a plan ...

If the same sized asteroid that killed the dinosaurs is coming our way, would we survive?

Is Elon Musk overrated?

Debunked: Humans extinct in 100 years - old interview with Fra...

What are the chances that within the next thousand or so years (say by the year 3000) humanity will build a lunar colony or build lunar colonies, villages, towns and/or cities on the moon's surface? What about within the next 10,000 years?

Heard Of This Small But Hugely Carbon Negative Country? Surina...

For REAL astronomers, Nibiru is FICTIONAL . If they say Nibiru...

What would happen if Eros collided with the Earth?

Is the Phaethon asteroid going to make an impact with Earth on December 17th?

NEO asteroids and comets of 10 km or more


Fun very speculative thought - could Neptune sized exomoon of ...

NEO asteroids and comets of 10 km or more

Let's say Bill Gates paranoia of a pandemic comes true and 30 million people die off, what will the world look like or what will be the consequences?

Is Bill Gates' claim of an upcoming disease pandemic that will kill 30 million people in six months possible, or true?

fossil fuel and renewables

How big our solar system is - NO EXTRA BIG PLANETS out to PLUT...

Debunked: Earth’s magnetic field to reach zero this century - ...

What do you prefer? Quora or Wikipedia

What are the odds of an asteroid popping out from behind the sun and destroying the Earth, and what are the odds that the public would be told about it?

Why you don’t need to worry about the ‘Great Dying’ - it’s abo...

Why Astronomers LOL at ‘Nibiru’

Can the Moon and the Earth ever collide?

If a rogue planet the size of Saturn collided with Jupiter, what would happen and how would it affect us on Earth?

Nonsense ‘Nibiru’ - like heavy penguins with tiny wings flying...

What is the probability of the Earth being hit devastatingly by a large comet or asteroid?

Why is the 2002 NT7 seen as a threat if NASA have said it isn't? Is it something to panic about, or is it not something to panic about?

Did NASA ever say anything about a neutron star heading towards Earth in 2087?

We have detected a massive meteor the size of our moon heading towards Earth and it will strike in 100 years. Astronomers have also discovered an Earth-like planet 1 light year away that is habitable to human life. Do we survive?

What are your views on Sophia, the AI robot?

Does Venus have any moons?

No need to worry about the “mysterious seismic wave”

How likely is it for asteroid 2010 AU118 to hit the Earth? What would be the damage?

What are the main features of Mars Insight Lander?

Do we currently have the technology to send humans to Mars and then bring them back?

Another nonsense Nibiru story. The world is not going to be hi...

The world is not going to end on December 16

Does the NASA Mars InSight Lander have an automatic camera shutdown or delay if it views a life form?

Could global warming make the world explode?

Who is saying about a neutron star named PSR J0108-1431 heading for Earth in 2087?

No, the world is not going to explode because of sea water sin...

What is that very bright light moving across the sky silently?...

Why did Elon Musk rename SpaceX's BFR to Starship?

What the IPCC report actually said

New president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro wants to remove protect...

What the IPCC report actually said

Why you don’t need to be scared of the Apep potential gamma ra...

Why you don’t need to be scared of the Apep potential gamma ra...

My friend got many sanctions on Wikipedia for something they didn’t do. Appeal is tricky. Which of these two appeal drafts is best? CLICK LINK BELOW TO SEE THEM

Asked Nov 19, 2018

Calling out irresponsible journalism about Climate Change

What do you think about a person having an extraterrestrial contact two times?

Is what Graham Hancock says about the Taurid stream true?

When will the dark matter hurricane pass through us?

When is the dark matter hurricane going to collide with the Earth?

Who can stop 'dark matter hurricane'?

How to avoid fake doomsday news

Why aren't supercavitating torpedoes the standard in the navy?

Nothing to worry about - ‘Dark matter hurricane’ - if it exist...

Have the Martian rovers’ assembly labs been sealed off so that any forward contamination of Mars by the rovers could be counter-checked with contamination in the assembly labs?

Breaking Israel News - sensationalist Israeli paper with state...

How could the “Council of Elrond” think Sauron could overpower Tom Bombadil, given that he survived Morgoth unscathed in the first age?

Do you think Sauron could have eventually overpowered/corrupted Tom Bombadil had he obtained the one ring?

My friend got many sanctions on Wikipedia for something they d...

What would happen if a 1-2 mile asteroid hit earth?

Is asteroid called 2002 NT7 going to make an impact towards Earth on February 1, 2019? NASA says they ruled out that possibility 4 days later after announcing it. I can't tell which is true or not. If it hits, will it destroy the world?

Did a solar sail from an extra terrestrial civilization fly pa...

Debunked: End of the world FEARS as THREE Apocalyptic signs co...

Will exoplanets outside the Milky Way ever be discovered?

Friend, good editor, got minor topic ban in Wikipedia for something they didn’t do. Attempts to appeal lead to major t-ban, one-way i-ban & indef block. Needs serious ‘out of the box’ thinking. Can you help us? *PLEASE READ SOURCE LINK for details.

Is there any way for a skeptical person to get first-hand evidence and verification of Wikipedia's accuracy?

Friend, good editor, got minor topic ban in Wikipedia for something they didn’t do. Attempts to appeal lead to major t-ban, one-way i-ban & indef block. Needs serious ‘out of the box’ thinking. Can you help us? *PLEASE READ SOURCE LINK for details.

Asked Nov 4, 2018

A friend got a minor topic ban in Wikipedia for something they...


What is your favorite Tolkien book and why?

Many religious views about the world ending or not

Is a black hole bomb feasible and safe?

Would an asteroid strike our planet by February 1st, 2019, and then again on February 1st, 2060?

Debunked: Arctic permafrost carbon dioxide “time bomb” - it’s ...

Many religious views about the world ending or not

Potentially Hazardous Asteroid 2006 TS7 - what does it mean?

Kenton Beshore debunk

Why did Elon Musk accuse the cave-diver, Vern Unsworth, who masterminded the Thai cave rescue, of being a pedophile?

Given what we now know of the Martian environment, is there any plant life that would survive there?

What is something someone who has never been poor wouldn’t understand?

You don’t need to be scared the world will end because of a dr...

No a 6–7 year old child did not prophecy the end of the world ...

US to withdraw from INF nuclear treaty - NOT START OF A WAR - ...

What is the colour of ozone?

Do we have any proof that a neutron star will hit the Earth?

Is there any "prophecy" about a child bringing (or predicting) the "end of the world/doomsday"?

Won’t 2002 NT7 collide with Earth? Will February 1, 2019 be like any normal day?

Do the claims made by Russian boy Boriska about planet Mars make sense ?

How health professionals help with anxiety disorders

Is "sleeping under a tree at night dangerous" an overstatement?

Yes YouTube was down for 90 minutes - nothing to worry about, ...

Do primordial black holes exist? How?

Do all stars in a galaxy travel at the same speed? If so, why?

Was the sun born in the Orion Nebula?

Why we don’t need to worry about the flyby of Gleise 710, over...

What is so significant about Oct 17th 2018? Is this another "Doomsday date"?

People are saying the world will end for sure on the 17th of October. It's fake right?

Yes, We Can Rise To The IPCC Target To Keep Global Warming Wit...

Draft question

How much will sea levels rise?

Conversation for source for possible article on sustainable ex...

My side of a conversation to make into new blog post on liquid...


Fun speculation - can Neptune sized exomoon of Kepler 145b hav...


Why you don’t need to worry about the ‘spooky skull’ asteroid ...

EAS message was just: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless...

What did Ambassador Hutchison really say and what did it mean ...

Does the discovery of The Goblin make Planet 9 more likely to exist than not?

The “Goblin” is not evidence of ‘Nibiru’ though it may be evid...

Debunked: Earth to shrink to 330 feet as result of particle ex...

Is it possible to get an indefinite Wikipedia block reversed?

How reliable is Wikipedia as a source of information, and why?

Can wikipedia survive wikipedia administrators?

Is there really a neutron star heading for our solar system in 2080 or 2087?

Why it’s okay that North Korea say they have to trust the US t...

Why you don’t need to be scared of Jakob Lober’s prophecy of t...

Why you don’t need to be scared of Jakob Lober’s prophecy of t...

Why astrobiologists are less excited than geologists about a M...


Neutrino bursts in Antarctic ice may lead to exciting discover...

If Mars’ atmosphere is pretty much all CO2, then why isn't Mars hot like Venus?

What effects would a superflare have on Earth?

Would an extremely powerful solar flare be able to wipe out life on earth?

If Elon Musk wants to colonize Mars as a backup to save humanity, why not colonize the Moon?

Past dates debunked to cross out: ̶A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶4̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0...

Past dates debunked to cross out: ̶A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶4̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0...

Chance of false vacuum collapse so small it’s not possible

What would happen if a "sunquake" hit Earth?

Is Wikipedia getting saturated?

Cosmic radiation shielding useful links and summaries

When can Mars be inhabited?

How reliable is Wikipedia as a source of information, and why?

False vacuum latest

How reliable is Wikipedia as a source of information, and why?

Why the sunspot solar observatory could not have spotted an as...

Clathrate Gun Hypothesis is effectively debunked now

Can the clathrate gun hypothesis effectively make humans extinct?

Debunked: FBI shut down solar observatory because we are about...

How close are NASA and/or other space agencies to sending a manned mission to Mars? Is it 10, 15, or 20 years from now?

Debunked: FBI closed down solar observatory to hide the sun?! ...

What would happen if North Korea nuked Yellowstone?

No president Trump didn’t set a date for the rapture - he subs...

Growth in web traffic to our Encyclopedia of Buddhism


We would have ample warning of a supervolcano eruption - centu...

In what general knowledge domains do alternatives to Wikipedia exist that are significantly superior?

Is this at least a 70% accurate representation of what someone would look like on Mars after pulling their helmet off? (Visual in comment is near end)

Debunked: Red cow (heifer) born in Israel as a reason for the ...

Why is jaywalking allowed in the UK?

Debunked: No we are not on track for end of world by 1972 comp...

Who is in the right in the ongoing conflict between Vern Unsworth and Elon Musk?

Some of my posts on climate change debunking the journalistic ...

You can’t trust ‘Fox news’ on doomsday related topics - as bad...

Debunked: Nibiru SPOTTED? Bizarre 'red planet' appears beside ...

Debunked: “Gravitational waves could collide sucking Earth int...

Debunked: 7 dates when the world will probably end (NOT)

How we know 2002 NT7 will not hit Earth on 1st February 2019 -...

Debunked: Idea that here are more disasters, more things going...

What is the fuss about 5g and can it harm us?

Debunked: that the world will end under the current Pope Franc...

Why are asteroids passing within 4.5 million miles of Earth considered "potentially dangerous"? We can predict their course and that they will miss Earth pretty accurately, right?

Will the 2002 NT7 make an impact in 2019?

Blocked From Editing Wikipedia - for Article Covering NASA's g...

Why do Wikipedia admins unfairly and unprofessionally judge/ban editor contributors?

Why was Wikipedia user LovelyGirl7 blocked? Did she betray the project?

Does defending yourself on Wikipedia's Administrators' noticeboard/incidents tend to do more harm than good?

Can we fix Wikipedia more thoroughly?


Can we do anything to help fix Wikipedia? Some things one can ...


Juvenile discussions on Wikipedia


Debunked: computer predicted end of civilization in 2040

Blocked from editing Wikipedia indefinitely, but saved from a ...

Will the year 2038 problem with times cause issues?

Just in the middle of a really silly tiresome thing on Wikiped...

Roger Penrose’s circles in the sky from a previous universe (i...

Formulas test

Ethos, Pathos and Logos - three ways of persuading people and ...

Debunked: Air force silent after huge meteor hits near US mili...

Debunked: Earth is running out of resources to sustain life

Distant planet larger than Jupiter is harmless to Earth. 4–5 t...

Not as scary as it seems: Planet at risk of heading towards “H...

Could a human survive a trip to and from the International Space Station on a SpaceX Dragon cargo capsule?

What do you think of The Pope calling for a worldwide end of The Death Penalty?

How many Christians believe in the rapture?

Do any Christian sects not believe that the rapture will ever happen?

Debunked: Steven Fletcher’s false 4th August prophecy - from K...

Who is Carlos Muñoz Ferrada?

If Michael Janitch aka Dutchsinse is such a fraud, why do his videos so accurately forecast earthquakes?

Is Michael Janitch aka Dutchsinse able to accurately forecast earthquakes?

What would it take to access the newfound lake on Mars without risking its destruction (e.g. by depressurization)?

How is the next Dalai Lama determined?

Debunked - Russian unstoppable nuclear torpedo

Trump and Rouhani (Iran) trade angry tweets - just posturing a...

Debunked: Why does Google Translate sometimes translate nonsen...

Governments can’t and don’t hide news of upcoming disasters - ...

Do you think President Trump was impolite/rude when he visited Queen Elizabeth?

What is transhumanism?

Why you don’t need to worry about the planets “lining up” - to...

Why you don’t need to worry about archaeologists opening a Bla...

Comet C/2017 S3 green ball size of Jupiter - is harmless to Ea...

Are we heading towards World War III?

Eye of God and God walking in clouds - just examples of Pareid...

Would a modern manned Moon mission imitate the Apollo CSM/LEM? Or is there a better method that contemporary technology would allow?

Are there primitive biotic fossils from Earth on the moon?

Debunked: Bees going extinct and humans can’t survive without ...

Heat waves in summer are normal - climate prediction - more an...

Why there is no need to be worried by US intelligence that NK ...

Main page of our new Encyclopedia of Buddhism


Is this true that the Nibiru or the second Sun exist? I see a lot of Youtube video showing that the Vatican confirms that the Nibiru exist and threatens Earth.

Staring at the sun is bad for your eyes - so what do you do if...

If the distance between the earth and the moon were doubled, the gravitational attraction between them would be?

No, Vesta is not going to buzz or hit Earth. It is not going t...

Catechism statements on last judgement / second coming

Debunked: July 27 “blood moon” - NOT end of world - just moon ...

Is .org for only non profit organizations?

Debunked 5 asteroids and a neutron star headed for Earth - not...

June 24 prophecy yet again - utter nonsense

Why does the sun appear yellow?

Will respond, sorry for delay


What do you think about the legality of Trump's "Space Force"?

How does Trump intend to make a "Space Force"? Does it violate the Outer Space Treaty?

Jerusalem 3rd temple prophecy debunk

Do you think any progress was made with the Trump-Kim summit?

Could the Trump-NK summit be considered a ‘good deal’?

Will the world end in 2021?

What has the Kim - Trump summit achieved?

The Bible says the world will end on June 24th, 2018. Is it possible that a WWIII might start before then and destroy the world? What are your thoughts on this?

What can a Trump - Kim summit achieve?

Debunked: “A failed Kim - Trump summit would be a catastrophe”

Debunked: world to end on 70th Jubilee Pentecost June 21 2018 ...

Does the discovery of organic matter on Mars by NASA mean it’s more likely that life exists on other planets?

Why hasn't Elon Musk put a solar-powered Tesla on Mars yet?

Can Kim Jong-Un speak English?

Tips for Biblical false prophecy debunkers for Doomsday Debunk...

Did Tibet have a caste system before the Chinese Communist Party reformed their society?

Debunked: world to end in one of three horrible scenarios in m...

Please don’t take Shane Dawson’s upcoming video about human ex...

Tips for Doomsday Debunked debunkers

End of world dialogs between anxious (but joyful) Zoe and laid...

Trump Kim talks? Hollywood style movie, grand gestures, real p...

I’ve heard that, before he dies, the Dalai Lama knows where the next Dalai Lama will be born. Does that mean it is the same soul in a new body, or a different soul which he is aware will be given the responsibility next?

What if the Kim Trump meeting goes wrong? Preparations behind ...

Do you think Elon Musk will send humans to Mars?

Daft origin of Mathieu Jean-Marc Joseph Rodrigue’s 24th June d...

Nibiru, given the hypothesis, would we actually be able to find it?

Now you too can make a random false prophecy of silly or fun t...

Kim Trump meeting back on track for 12th June - surprise NK an...

What is karma in Buddhism?

Debunk for ANYONE who says the world will end on some date bas...

Did NASA fake their first moon landing?

No need to worry about the Trump - Kim talks - brinksmanship n...

For an Earth resident to be scared of ‘Planet 9’ hitting Earth...

Suggestion for a way to use failed prophecies to innoculate yo...

Wastefulness of terraforming - a third of Titan’s atmosphere h...


Can this news be debunked about a self-proclaimed “time traveller” saying that aliens will invade Earth in 2025? Please provide reasons to why it’s fake

Is the world going to end on may 20 (2018)? They are saying it is because it’s pentecost and a bunch of other biblical reasons. I’m scared.

One person says the world is ending on May 20 of this year, and another says it's ending on June 24. Are these fake? I’m really terrified.

What is Planet X?

Now you too can be a "Random False Prophet" of a tartan planet...

Why you NEVER need to worry about stories about monster black ...

No Trump and Kim aren’t about to go to war, Not likely they ca...

The Hawaii eruptions are normal - nothing to worry about

Gaps in the clouds or clouds lit up by the sun are not planets...

No need to be scared of Yanny versus Laurel - started as quest...

Why put your faith in false prophets of doomsday - would you p...

Trump’s Christianity - the Prosperity Gospel - not a believer ...

Note to doctors - False Doomsday panic attacks result from bel...

Is it normal not to speak grammatically correct English after 10 years of daily studying?

Why you can ignore all date setting prophecies based on the Bi...

Why we don’t need to worry about the Steamboat Geyser in Yello...

Debunked: That antibiotics will stop working in the future

What is the size of the biggest black hole? What is the diameter of its event horizon, and how many earths would inside that black hole?

What would happen to the human race if Halley's comet hit the Earth?

Why we don’t need to worry about a Jewish “third temple” or wa...

14th May - main event, US unveils plaque on old office buildin...

Why there never was any chance of NK fighting a world war agai...

Iran and Israel like rutting stags - they are careful not to e...

How can animals detect volcanic eruptions before they happen?

What next now that Trump has withdrawn from Iran deal? Deal co...


Will First Mars Astronauts Have To Stay In Orbit - Tele-operat...


What is the impact of global warming on agriculture?

Why not launch a rocket horizontally to get to space?

What are we protecting Mars from? And Why Bother? An Unopened ...


Comment on Thomas Jones’ SpaceShow guest appearance


Debunked: giant cracks, in deserts and Antarctic ice sheets, m...

Debunked: Bible says world will end on May 20 2018 Pentecost

Will you be forced to have a “mark of the beast” chip implant ...

Can superflares happen on our sun - latest research says no

How to check if an asteroid impact story is fake - colour code...

Yes, Near Certainty Hit By Tiny Asteroid Within Centuries - Ch...

Space Exploration: Why can't we just slowly rise to space? Why do you have to go so fast?

Is re-entering the atmosphere slowly an option for a spacecraft, and could a slow re-entry be safer for humans?

Why did Siddhartha Gautama leave his family?

2040 is likely earliest date for Mars sample return (unless st...


South pole of moon, 222.69 (-137.31) by -89.45

Why you can safely ignore the April 23 Doomsday from the Daily...

How genuine are Dr. Mehran Keshe's claims that the Earth will soon be hit by mega earthquakes which will claim around 40 million lives and will divide the continents?

Daniel 70 week prophecy date setting debunked - and 14th May 7...

Could an O type star have a habitable zone?

Debunked: Just before Stephen Hawking died he warned of an ali...

Debunked: Albert Pike predicted both world wars with uncanny a...

Why we don’t need to worry about artificial intelligence

County Bluff’s latest troll - if you forget even your name as ...

So now you are celebrating surviving the end of the world - bu...

What are Trolls? 43 6f 75 6e 74 79 42 6c 75 66 66 20 69 73 20 ...

What is a troll?

18th April date in #strayedaway story from self admitted troll...

Beware of trolls - strayedaway is a simple prank that went wro...

Is it true that Russia's "Satan 2" nuclear missile can wipe out a country the size of France in one hit?

More about Syrian strike - one time shot, Russians confirm the...

US strikes - very limited and response from Russia not likely

How a message wrapped in a puzzle can make you gullible to tro...

Is it illegal to go to Antarctica? If so, why is that? Is there any secret?

Will the world end on April 23?

Why you don’t need to be scared of asteroids - far less scary ...

David Meade once more - April 23 - this time covered by Fox Ne...

Richard Hass on the Syrian situation and US military intervent...

Debunked - the idea that a NATO co-ordinated millitary strike ...

Why we don’t need to fear an alien invasion

Do Buddhists worship Buddha? Is he considered simply a human being and meaningful teacher, or something more akin to a God?


Could Titan be terraformed for human life?

Did the Great Oxygenation Event really cause a mass extinction, or is this alleged extinction just a supposition?

What will bring the end of Outer Space Treaty?

The absurd story of #strayedaway - FAKE FAKE FAKE!

What happened on April 18, 2018?

Proof: twitter user Ty@HOMOC1DE is not the original Ty@strayed...

No, President Erdogan of Turkey is not the “Anti-Christ”

Tiaongong-1 latest prediction

Twitter storm still continuing - strangest thing about #straye...

If we were to have an asteroid (the size of the one that caused the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event) hit us, would humans survive?

Debunked: 4 hours to the end of the world - not true!

Strayedaway MH370 voice mail prank by or of 15 year old girl a...

Is there a correlation between IQ and skin color?

What is the angular momentum of the moon in its rotation around its axis?

Debunked: Daily Mail story about Tiangong -1 space station cra...

What is the best posture for meditation?

Is it possible to partition 3D space into circles?

Who is responsible if the plane I am on gets hit and crashes because of space debris?

18th April prophecy is fake - from 80 year old researcher Ludw...

Debunked - that we are in the middle of the sixth mass extinct...

If Hale-Bopp will return, why not Voyager 1?

John Bolton as new security adviser - will this make Trump mor...

Why has NASA not landed at the poles of Mars, or even sent the Curiosity rover there to sample the ice suspected to be there?

Debunk of creepy MH370 voice mail SOS - evacuate etc (3)

How close do you personally believe we are to the second coming of Christ?

What would happen if some Mars colony people left original Mars colony, but started attacking original Mars colony?

No need to fear universe may end in collision with bubble of n...

Dr Claudia Albers is not a top physicist - she’s an ex physics...

Debunked (2) - prank: sDanger SOS it is dire for you to evacua...

How is it possible on the globe model to see a full moon during the daylight?

Debunked: Daily Express click bait title about nerve agent epi...

Earth pays no notice to the many false prophecies of its immed...

Debunked - prank: sDanger SOS it is dire for you to evacuate b...

Ignore fake doomsdays from Next News Network

Debunked: NASA can’t deflect asteroid Bennu

Short summary of why Nibiru is impossible - indeed, absurd - o...

Is it true that an enlightened person would never say they are enlightened?

What would the light levels be like on Titan?

Humans to Jupiter's Callisto, Saturn's Titan and Beyond

When is the one world order going to begin?

When is the New World Order going to begin?

Around what year are we going to fully colonize Mars?

Does planetary protection law for private individuals need to ...


What is the difference between math and a game like chess? Both have some axioms, we use logic or rules to interact between objects (mathematical or of some game) and state new relationships between them. Details in comment.

Debunked: When will ‘Nibiru’ get here according to physics

What would happen if Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump could meet and talk to resolve the tension over North Korea?

Debunked: end of world because Billy Graham has died - and daf...

What is your opinion on Elon Musk's SpaceX spacesuit?

Debunked - Bible says Damascus will be destroyed and cities in...

Why are Buddhist monks not allowed to grow their own food?

What are some rare metals and minerals found only in outer-space and why?

Debunked: Nuclear Winter and Radioactive Fallout myths

If we needed to go to Mars can we just terraform to get there?

Debunked: Nonsense story that Earth will experience three days...

Debunked: Isaac Newton predicted the end of the world and his ...

What do Tibetan monks eat?

Debunked - David Meade at it again - 11th April

Debunked: Shocking video shows Nibiru heading to Earth - Offse...

Why don't we colonize Titan (Saturn's moon) rather than Mars?

What President Putin actually said - not threatening war but c...

Why isn't Buddha's philosophy praised in the West as highly as Plato's or Socrates's?

Debunked: devastating solar storm to hit Earth on March 18

Should we build a Doomsday Seed Vault on either Mars, Europa, and/or Titan instead of on Svalbard?

Debunked: Globalization might cause a nuclear war

Is astrology true? Should we believe in it or not?

Can an electrodynamic tether be used for slowing a spacecraft down for reentry rather than using a heat shield?

If Earth spun really, really fast, would it flatten out into a disk or a rod? What about Jupiter? What about the Sun? What about a black hole?

Why it is necessary to explore Mars for making it a human friendly planet rather than protecting our earth by controlling population and pollution?

Debunked: dire predictions by Nostradamus or Baba Vanga for 20...

Which is the biggest planet in our Solar System?

Would the Nazgûl have actually taken the one ring back to Sauron?

Which is it, if Musk says his car and dummy are racing toward Mars, then claims it's in a low orbit?

What dream is enlightenment awakening to?

Can Buddhist monks watch sex videos on a phone?

Can we in all seriousness and practicality live on Mars?

In Kim Stanley Robinson's "Mars" trilogy, how long does it take to terraform the planet and how scientifically accurate is he?

Small Earthquakes in the UK are normal

How much time would it take to terraform Mars?

Will asteroid mining companies control the world's global economy?

Debunked: Nuclear Winter and Radioactive Fallout myths

Do I need permission to put embedded YouTube videos on my website?

Why are there potatoes in Tolkien's Lord of the Rings when they are from the New World?

Did Elon Musk really send his Tesla car into space or was it just a publicity stunt?

Why is it so hard to detect "life" on Mars?

Asteroid resonances - why ‘Nibiru’ is impossible

Is it true that the calculus is the highest branch of mathematics that non-mathematicians usually study or learn?

Do people know that Dalai Lama felt pity for Hitler?

Quick “it’s trash” checklist for fake doomsdays

What are the main differences between the 3 major schools of Buddhism - Theravada, Mahayana and Vajrayana? What is the brief history of their development?

What would happen if a Soyuz descent module accidentally splashed down in the ocean instead of landing on land? Would the crew survive?

Followed Feb 11, 2018

Is Michio Kaku a credible scientist?

Debunked - that we are at danger from hypervelocity stars - or...

Why can a crescent moon not be seen at midnight?

Debunked - Daily Express story that a 40 meter asteroid passin...

Will the roadster Elon Musk just sent to Earth orbit with the Falcon Heavy be left in orbit? If yes, do we expect it to re-enter the atmosphere on its own?

Charles Hapgood’s out of date theory - no the Earth’s poles ca...

Why did Tolkien seem to have an obsession with putting unseen evil and mystery in the far north, the far east and deep under the ground?

Will there ever be a single spacecraft in the future as large as the Space Shuttle?

Galaxy Protection Solutions to Fermi's Paradox - No Need to be...

Debunked: Earth’s magnetic poles to swap and make parts of Ear...

Short summary - why the super blue blood moon on Jan 31 can’t ...

The Doomsday Clock is more accurately a ‘Symbolic clock for av...

A lunar eclipse is just the light from sunsets and sunrises sh...

Is there any conceivable way to test whether or not we are in a computer simulation?

How was Aragorn older than Denethor, but still in his prime when Denethor wasn't?

Comment on ‘How to keep humans from ruining the search for lif...


Could the Buran have landed-on the Moon?

Could a wingless & tailless spacecraft as big as the space shuttle land on Earth safely for a crew?

Why a super blue ‘blood’ red (or sunrise or sunset red) moon i...

How will Elon Musk's car enter orbit around Mars? Will the Falcon heavy upper stage travel to Mars with the car to the orbital insertion burn?

How can I create a Wikipedia page about myself?

How reliable is Wikipedia as a source of information, and why?

Why Asteroid 2002 AJ129 is no risk at all to Earth when it fli...

If another civilisation had sent a Voyager-type craft here, is it likely that it would pass our solar system without us ever realising it existed?

Why US can’t attack North Korea without warning its civilians ...

Nibiru to harm Earth in 2018? Real or HOAX?

How bad would it actually have to get before Mars looks good?

What are they really looking for on planet Mars? Why hasn’t mankind established a colony on the moon first, where there is usable Helium-3 for rocket fuel, instead of thinking of a colony on Mars?

Jerusalem unrest about rights of Palestinians to self govern -...

How did pre-scientific civilizations (medieval, ancient etc.) deal with and try to understand meteorites and their craters?

Can astronauts wear contacts in space?

Followed Jan 3, 2018

Debunked: Bible predicts Armagedon on June 24 2018 - No - it d...

Do sharks eat tortoises?

Why doesn't the Dalai Lama declare war on China to form his country Tibet?

What is the current belief about the Allan Hills 84001 Meteorite? Could it still be a contender for microbial life?

Why is the climb of SpaceX so horizontal? Does the craft have small wings?

How do I know which video posted to YouTube is from the real anonymous group and which are fake?

What is the name of the closest nebula to Earth? When and how was it discovered?

What is the oldest sentence in your native language?

Awful FALSE Christmas Eve video claiming a small nuclear excha...

What are the worst forecasts for climate change regarding the Middle East?

Why Trump can’t really be planning a surprise attack on North ...

Are there asteroids out there that are moving very slowly or not moving at all in relationship to the nearest large body?

What are some amazing photos of Earth seen from space?

What are your thoughts on the U.S. plan to send astronauts back to the Moon?

Given that the planets need velocity to maintain their orbits around the Sun, how is it that, yearly, the Earth passes through non-orbiting debris fields (Leonid, Perseid, Geminid, etc.)? Why aren't those debris fields drawn into the Sun?

Why are airplanes commonly painted white?

Why are spaceships painted if it's just extra weight?

What would happen if someone did a free fall from the ISS Space Station, if he jumped over NYC, where would he land, if ever?

Why are people so sure the current experts in science can't be wrong, when history has shown they have been wrong many times before?

Was there ever an opportunity for the Voyagers to target distant solar system objects, as New Horizons is doing post-Pluto?

Why you don’t need to be scared of a ‘rapture’ if you aren’t a...

I have an IQ of 115, what does this mean?

Could the interstellar asteroid Oumuamua be an alien probe?

Is the NASA Kepler announcement anything to worry about? No - ...

Did you know: North Korea is not communist - nobody else wants...

Why fires in California are part of the natural order and not ...

What is the real reason for the summer solstice and the winter solstice?

Debunked: Idea: world is going to end soon because Trump recog...

What are the protocols that NASA have if the ISS got ruptured and exploded?

Being scared does not mean there is anything to be scared of -...

What would happen if the sun collided with an equal amount of antimatter?

Debunked - the Moon isn’t real - it’s a ‘Moon simulator’

Why you don’t need to be scared of a ‘rapture’ if you aren’t a...

What is the rest mass of a photon?

Debunked: 5 times more likely to die of human extinction than ...

Are astronauts/cosmonauts able to see stars from the ISS orbit on the Sun side? In pictures they aren't visible, but given the human eye's better dynamic range, I was wondering if someone who went to space can share his or her experience.

Debunked: Earth’s rotation slowing down to cause extra earthqu...

If humans become extinct, which species will succeed us as the dominant form of life on Earth?

What would've happened if when we discovered Mars it had been as habitable as Earth but with no life there?

In The Lord of the Rings (creative franchise), what would happen if Shelob ate Frodo while he was wearing the One Ring?

What will the effects of Betelgeuse going supernova be?

Is ‘qoradetails.com’ a better way to add Quora question details?

Https://grist.org/article/antarctica-doomsday-glaciers-could-flood-coastal-cities/? I need a quick debunking of this please

Debunked: Ice Apocalypse - Rapid collapse of Antarctic glacier...

Debunked: not 1 in 20 chance of humans facing “Apocalyptic” cl...

Scary story debunked - Asteroid Phaethon flew past Earth safel...

What is causing loud booms recently? Hint - they are not part ...

Debunked: Gliese 710 threatens Earth 1.3 million years into ou...

A possible timeline to a future with easy low cost access to t...


Do lay practitioners in Mahayana Buddhism have to become bodhisattvas too?

Can Apophis hit Earth in 2036? Answer NO - Recycled Ancient ‘N...

Can Trump order a nuclear attack on civilians in North Korea i...

What would happen if China decided to accept and respect Tibetan Buddhism and allowed all its citizens the freedom of religion?

Why do we get earthquakes? Hint - it’s not because of Nibiru

What is OGLE-2016-BLG-1190Lb? Is it Nibiru or Planet X?

More reassurance for those scared by Terral Croft’s fantasy

What Terral Croft says will happen - ‘Black star’ on FAR SIDE ...

Debunked - Terral Croft - Black Star false prophecy again

STOP PRESS: Earth Buzzed by Surprise Tartan Planet NOT Black S...

Debunk of encyclopedia Pioneer diagram showing ‘dead star’ and...

Shows how anyone can type anything into a YouTube video or liv...

World will NOT END in December - Simple Tip - if a Story is ab...

How to add and block sources in Google News

Debunked: Doomsday warning to humanity is signed by 15000 scie...

Debunked: Asteroid 1950 DA will end civilization in 2880

I’m afraid of dying, can you help?

We are NOT having more earthquakes than usual - Earth is NOT g...

My letter for the petition: “To Google - please do something a...

Debunked: North Korea are not able to set off a supervolcano e...

Debunked: Top Story in Google News that Earth is endangered by...

Debunked: a planet orbiting a distant star is ‘Nibiru’ and end...

Is this video of Nibiru real?

Debunked: We are in danger from an alignments of planets - and...

Does a photon experience time? Relativity shows that as objects approach the speed of light they experience increased relative mass and time dilation. Since a photon is massless, and travels at the speed of light, does time "pass" for a photon?

Does an electron decay?

Debunked: 10 Times The World Almost Ended By Accident

Why do people make so many fake doomsday prophecies and predic...

Debunked: Stephen Hawking’s predictions of the world ending

Debunked: That we are at risk from a plague outbreak in Madaga...

Debunked: Zombie Apocalypse

Debunked: Earth at danger from X-rays from a ‘hole in the sun’

Debunked: Sounds of trumpets in the air are a sign the world i...

Why we don’t need to fear ‘The zombie star that wouldn’t die’ ...

Debunked: Stephen Hawking says Earth will become blazing ball ...


Three more absurd articles in the Express claiming the world w...

Debunked: Stephen Hawking says that AI could be the best, or w...

Is it possible to make the earth rotate in a reverse direction?

Debunked: winged ‘Nibiru’ (Jet contrails) according to Yuval O...

Why a Mars sized ‘planet X’ which might exist way beyond Neptu...

Why North Korea is not about to invade South Korea - or the US...

Is it true that most Japanese kids draw the sun in red?

This website says the truth about the planet Nibiru, and is this website about Nibiru trustworthy?

New: Google News Without All The Nonsense - Top Astronomy News...

Google News Without Fake News

Pastor Paul Begley’s latest false prophecy

Answer to question: Why don’t you get scared by all the end of...

Debunked: US civil war, EMP pulse and major solar storm all to...

How far up do you have to travel in order for the Earth to pull away from you and actually leave you behind in space?

Debunked: that we need to worry about a false vacuum decay

Debunked: End of world from ‘Black Star’ on November 19 2017

Search engines for genuine science and astronomy news - doesn’...

What’s the background to all this news about possibly the firs...

Debunked: End of world from ‘Earthquake swarm’ - Nov 17 or 19

Is the news of an earthquake Armageddon on November 19 triggered by Nibiru/Planet X by express.co.UK real?

Astronomy Bullshit Tester - how to deal with the flood of fake...

Daily Express, Daily Star, Mirror, Sun, Planet X News, all pub...

Debunked: A Nearby Neutron Star Collision Could Cause Calamity...

How small could an alien be while still being intelligent?

Debunked: A comet will hit Earth and is a fragment of Nibiru -...

Debunked: ‘It should NOT EXIST’ Hadron Collider scientists fea...

Could anything make us extinct in this century?

Review of David Meade’s book - “Planet X - The 2017 Arrival” -...

Nibiru is not in any constellation

Why don't they send an elf into the Lonely Mountain instead of a Hobbit? Since an elf is very light on his feet and would most likely not wake Smaug, correct? Or is Smaug's curiosity about the Hobbit his downfall?

Nibiru is not in the Bible

Why do they say the Earth won’t make it to October 2017?

Why is David Meade saying that we are at the end of the historical age, and what did he mean by that?

Debunked: No the German research doesn’t mean that we face an ...

Why Nibiru is utter codswallop, bullshit, balderdash, humbug, ...

Short summary, why Nibiru is impossible

Please don’t try to make sense of David Meade’s prophesies

David Meade’s book content - only 25% is his own work

Debunked: At risk from megatsunami from the Canary Isles - La ...

How to avoid the Daily Express (also the Sun, Daily Star, etc)

Debunked: Apocalypse WARNING: Earth will CRACK sparking end of...

Debunked: Why is the sun red and the sky an orange colour? Doe...

For those scared of David Meade’s October dates

No, Yellowstone is not going to erupt as a supervolcano soon. ...

How we know David Meade is a “Prophet for Profit”

Latest on 2012 TC4 - passing at 72% of the distance to the Moo...

Trump: “Must it be today Jesus? Three years left of my preside...

David Meade’s response - ‘Your letter indicates you have not r...

Email to David Meade: ‘Effects of your prophesies on young chi...

David Meade and Daily Express etc are Prophets for Profit - an...

Debunking ‘Prophet for Profit’ Matt Rogers - why pink sunsets ...

Debunked: Why is the Moon so large and why does it move so qui...

Debunked: World to end because of a prophesy by the “Three sis...

YouTube channels to avoid - constantly post fake end of world ...

There is no astrology in the Bible - it even warns against it

Why didn't NASA build a rocket capable of a vertical landing, like Space X's Falcon 9 and BFR yet, despite having a much larger budget?

Why nothing can eclipse the sun today, 5th October

If “Nibiru” were real and passed through our solar system - th...

Are there great mathematicians that were bad at math when they were young?

Followed Oct 4, 2017

What to do if someone shares a photograph of what they say is ...

Did you ever intentionally leave a bug while writing a software code?

What was the Watcher in the Water? I know that Tolkien left it vague on purpose, but what is your opinion?

Followed Oct 3, 2017

If you could design the ideal K-12 mathematics curriculum, what would it be?

Is a torus-shaped planet possible?

Debunking: End of world date setting and numerology

I understand there are some studies that require human beings to actually be in space, but couldn't the vast majority of all experiments that take place aboard the International Space Station be automated?

Could our Sun explode (go supernova)? Answer No. And what woul...

What are the chances that the International Space Station will be decommissioned in the future?

Tips from CBT - might help some of you to deal with doomsday a...

When is the Killshot solar flare predicted to hit earth according to Edward Snowden?

Why it’s normal to see the Moon in daytime and other fun facts...

How is it that anyone could believe we have two suns? Or the p...

Where can I find science and astronomy news that doesn’t over ...

How does a computer choose a "random" number?

What is the code for the rand() function which generates random numbers in C language?

The Black Gate was impassable; Cirith Ungol too dangerous; how did Gandalf expect Frodo to get into Mordor?

Is there really NO chance that the moon landings were fake?

If you have a ring of power from LOTR, what would you do with it?

Is there ever a time when the entire planet is experiencing the same date?

Why hasn't NASA built a massive telescope on the Moon? Couldn't they just send it in pieces like the ISS?

How many "enlightened" (by the Buddhist definition) people are living in the world right now? Would one easily know if they interacted with someone enlightened?

Debunked: David Meade saw his sign on Sept 23 where he lived

How will our life look like after strong Solar storms destroy our technology?

What is this - sunrise with what looks like a second sun risin...

About the Daily Express

Will we ever see again a comet as bright as Hale-Bopp was?

Debunked: 2012 TC4 is Nibiru and will hit Earth

Is an apocalypse really going to occur in October?

David Meade’s latest prediction - Gna is not a threat to Earth

Is David Meade saying that the world is going to end because he's trying to scare us?

David Meade’s bonkers near future predictions - reality check ...

David Meade’s Book ranking high on Amazon

Why don't moons have moons?

Views on Rev 12 by Catholics, Quakers, Church of England, Chur...

Draft letter to the Guardian to propose an op ed for Guardian ...

We know too much about Saturn. Why did they plummet Cassini into Saturn when they could have made the probe dive into Uranus?

How do Buddhists recognize reincarnated Lamas as babies and find them in different parts of the world?

Could a Buddhist be reincarnated as a person of a different religion?

Seven tips for dealing with doomsday fears

Nonsense of Time Zones for David Meade’s prediction

World Didn’t End - And No End of World Streaming from ISS - FA...

Summary for those still worried

Debunked: NASA is hiding Nibiru from us - or more generally - ...

Ambient sounds for relaxing sleep

Can a person walk on Mars with only an oxygen mask, ordinary clothes and no space suit? What will happen if they do?

Who is David Meade and why is his “prophesy” news?

Venus is Nibiru :) At least the ancient Sumerians would have s...

A Constellation giving birth to a son then wandering in a dese...

Why we’d spot “Nibiru” at least a decade before it got here - ...

No a magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Mexico does not mean the worl...

Another earthquake hit Mexico, this was 7.1 magnitude. Is the world ending?

Debunked: David Meade has “revealed” the location of Nibiru - ...

Do you now see that Nibiru is Impossible? Zoom in on Mars.

Debunked: Brazilian senator Telmário Mota claims that NASA tol...

If Nibiru was a real planet would we see it by now?

What is the background - what does the Bible say and why can’t...

Total eclipse: 21st, Harvey hit Texas: 25th, flooded Houston: ...

Have astronomers found “planet X” and is it about to hit Earth...

When the sun rises or sets I see red clouds or a red sky in th...

Debunked; NASA ‘hiding Red Dragon formation in space that PROV...

If ending rebirth for an individual does nothing to end rebirth in general, does enlightenment really mean anything?

Is there a Nibiru that will destroy the Earth?

How are alignments really used in astronomy?

Comparing How David Meade Says he Found a New Planet With How ...

Scientists were concerned about Cassini crashing into one of Saturn's moons and contaminating it. Were they also concerned about the plutonium on board burning up in the atmosphere of Saturn?

What does the Bible say about September 23rd?

Why It Is Absolutely Fine Not to Listen to Bullshitters

This 23rd prediction thing is not particularly Christian!

Why David Meade Hasn’t “Predicted the Future Using Signs and N...

Why Nibiru is as Daft as an Extra Continent in the Pacific

Is the search for extraterrestrial life a major objective of the James Webb Space Telescope?

Why did NASA send the Cassini spacecraft crashing into Saturn rather than allowing it to fly past the planet? Perhaps some other life might encounter it and know we are looking for them.

Why have so few of the Mars probes and rovers been focused on searching for signs of life rather than focusing on geology? Don't we need to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Mars is lifeless before sending humans there?

What's the minimum size an alien race would have to be to become highly technically advanced?

Why can't we find a living being on Mars? Has NASA landed on the wrong side? Perhaps these beings might be living underground.

If we were to deliberately contaminate the surface of Mars with micro organisms, what are the odds that any of them would thrive? How would they change Mars over the next few decades? Can we test this in a lab?

Hi Robert.Is it true that the fact that water and food are running out too quickly is gonna get all of us to extinction? If it doesn't, than the harmfull gases we release in atmosphere will? Is there something that lead us to near extinction?

Will Cassini have enough time to take pictures of Saturn's atmosphere and relay them back to earth before being destroyed this Friday?

Is it possible that Mars is still geologically active?

The world is NOT going to end on 23rd September - FAKE PROPHET...

Are there any known gamma ray bursts that will hit Earth?

Hi Robert.Can we cool down Yellowstone's caldera so it won't be a problem anymore? I heard that NASA have a plan, but I'm worried about what will happen if it explodes.Will it end the human race as we know it?

Is the end of the world coming soon, any signs?

Debunked: NASA has confirmed planet X and it is about to hit E...

Does earning an undergraduate degree in mathematics make you a mathematician?

Is it true that on the 23rd of September Nibiru is going to hit or cause issues on Earth as NASA has confirmed Planet X exists?

How ethical would it be to use artificial methods to terraform Mars to make it possible for humans to live on?

Debunked: There is a planet Nibiru within striking distance of...

Debunked - World to end on September 23 - and Hurricanes + fir...

Are all the latest events, such as hurricanes and earthquakes, in Mexico related to Nibiru and to 23.9 as the end of the world?

No - NASA do not have a risky plan to drill into Yellowstone p...

Debunked: David Meade secret photos of Nibiru

How could Robert debunk and talk about how people are trying to say recent natural weather events are "signs of the end times"?

Debunked: Tiny self replicating machines are going to destroy ...

Debunked: We could be wiped out by a disease

Harry Frankfurt's definition of "Bullshit"

Are we in danger from “Hidden monster black holes found near t...

On the Quora tool bar, what are the gigantic quotation marks used for? What about the brackets?

What's the difference between the centre of gravity and the centre of mass?

What temperature is it on Pluto?

Is it possible for a human to give birth on the moon?

Since a week ago, the moon was gone completely and now its back. Since 4 days ago, it shows in the middle of the day with the sun, also I see red sky in the night with shining light in it and weird sounds. Is their any explanation?

Future humans?

How the lift to drag ratio of an orbital airship relates to th...

As Asteroid Florence approaches tomorrow it is now 65 million years old. Isn't our planet overdue for another collision with a 'dinosaur-killer' asteroid?

How much time will it take humanity to lose religion?

Is Nibiru in striking distance of Earth?

Is there a Nibiru that will destroy the Earth?

Debunked: If I can just get past the next “End of the World” p...

Debunked: the Large Hadron Collider will create mini black hol...

Why Nibiru is as daft as a Hippo in my Kitchen

Is Nibiru real or just a hoax?

What can we do to retire the risk from asteroids quickly?


Effects of asteroid impacts, from tens of meters to hundreds o...


Say we built an indoor colony on Mars that gradually expanded until it covered the planet. What would happen to Mars' atmosphere if we then opened the enclosure and released all the built-up oxygen?

What do you believe happens to you after you die? (Not what is believed by others). I was hoping for creative ideas, interesting personal beliefs. Obviously the body decays and blah blah blah. Put some creativity in your answers.

Has anyone died from being hit by an asteroid?

Is the world really going to end this 23 September? Some people want to commit suicide because of that news.

Debunked: Nibiru on its way after being seen during solar ecli...

Is it possible to have an asteroid larger than the planet Earth?

What information is available that validates the return of Nibiru?

Why is desalination not the answer to all the world's water problems, considering that two-thirds of the earth's surface is ocean?

Do you think Nibiru will definitely hit Earth?

Why would't NASA and other space agencies be utilizing advanced self-replicating automation for colonies on barren planets? It seems ultimately more efficient then any kind of manned colonization mission, so why not?

Debunked: We need to find a way to deflect “Nibiru” - and how ...

Can NASA deflect Nibiru when it's going to hit Earth?

What does NASA recommend is the safest way to view the solar eclipse?

Will the August Eclipse show Nibiru? No - but you get to see f...

Will the August solar eclipse show Nibiru?

Why is Pluto considered a planet, again?

What will happen if Comet Swift-Tuttle strikes the Earth in 2126?

Supplementary material for answer to How vulnerable are we to ...


Debunked: World to end because ‘It’s a sign’

Will Nibiru come on August 21, and will there be an end on September 23?

What will be the effects if comet Hale-Bopp hits the earth?

Debunked: The Planetary Protection Racket


As a religious leader, why should the Dalai Lama participate in politics? Why do they persist in splitting the motherland?

David Meade’s evidence for Nibiru ending the world this autumn seems legit. Is it?

Are there better alternatives to deal with life-extinguishing NEOs (near-Earth objects) than just deflecting them from a collision course?

Why does Quora not allow a photo in a question?

Is the ability to take questions reserved for Quorans with more than a certain number of followers?

Followed Aug 18, 2017

As a Buddhist, how can I increase my level of compassion without being taken advantage of?

Is there a risk that a return mission to Mars, or other planets, could bring back harmful bacteria etc?

Is the fact that we don't see time travelers popping up everywhere not perfect proof that time travelling should be seen as forever impossible?

What does NASA's Office of Planetary Protection think of Elon Musk's Mars colonization plans? Would they stop him because settlers will bring bugs?

If Voyager 1 can complete first orbit around Galaxy, will its orbit take it close to Sun's orbit?

Will Quora's decision to remove the question details hurt the company?

When do you think we'll have an actual manned mission to Mars?

Why is there a limit on the maximum number of friends one can have on Facebook?

If a comet is heading to earth, like the Armageddon scenario, what are the options for earth to survive?

Debunked: If a planet was about to hit Earth in a month or two...

Is there any proof of "Nibiru" (Planet X)? Conspiracy theorists say that it follows an orbit unlike the other planets and that we can't see it because it is approaching us at a weird angle. Where do they come up with this?

Are there more stars than grains of sand?

How close are we to war with North Korea?

Why can't we use the Hubble Telescope to see the lunar lander?

North Korea Update

Is there any way I can download all the answers written by a particular user?

Is this real, Comet 'bigger than dinosaur killer could destroy Earth by 2030' http://www.express.co.uk/news/science/798221/Comet-Graham-Hancock-hit-Earth-2030-Gobekli-Tepe-Magicians-of-the-Gods?

If 1999 AN10 was going to hit the earth, and if it did hit a continent, would it only have local effects on the impact area?

How to backup all your quora content to a single page on your ...


Quora all content


Quora all content




Will the 2017 solar eclipse be the end of the world?

Is this video of Nibiru real?

Is there any scientific and factual proof that Nibiru is fake?

Is it safe to observe a partial solar eclipse?

Why does the observation path for a solar eclipse move from west to east?

How to back up all your Quora answers to your computer - short...


How to back up all your quora answers to your computer (shorte...


Why doesn't Quora allow the use of emoticons, when it would make the site more interactive?

Some Ideas about Buddhism to download with HTTrack

Random Things for HTTrack

In Buddhism, can you prove that matter exists? Is there an argument to prove that the mind also exists and it’s not just as an emergent property of matter? Or is there an argument to prove that matter does not exist and that the mind alone exists?

How to back up all your quora answers to your computer


List of answers to download with HTTrack

Question details recovery


List of my answers to date for downloading with HTTrack

How vulnerable are we to a catastrophic asteroid impact? Are there people whose job is to watch for them?

Will the world end on September 23rd, 2017? I'm worried.

Quora replaced question details with question sources. Is it against the rules to create a webpage with your question details in it, and link to it as a question source?

Is answering a question with a question an answer?

“Which Tank will Will Fill up First? (example with 12 tanks, A to L, see question source for image)

“Which Tank will Will Fill up First? (example with 12 tanks, A to L, see question source for image)

Asked Aug 6, 2017

Why were question details removed from Quora on August 3, 2017?

How am I supposed to ask complex questions without question details?

Are Buddhist attached to being unattached?

Why does Quora not allow a photo in a question?

Should Quora bring back question details? Why or why not?

Was Quora removing the question details feature a good idea?

If a super volcano erupts in Yellowstone national park, where is the safest place to be?

How would you explain all this talk about Nibiru, David Meade, the solar eclipse? The world is ending everywhere, now.

Does a Nichiren Buddhist reject other Buddhist schools?

Followed Aug 2, 2017

If there is an equation 0 = ax^2+bx+c, why can't we conclude that the equation must not have real roots, even though it says that y = 0?

Why the eclipse this August is a wonder of nature and not some...

Why is Russian news talking about Nibiru?


How can you prove that [(x+x(x+1)−m−−−−−−−−−−−√)2n]

is an odd number?

Followed Jul 21, 2017

Is 22/7 the nearest rational number approximation to π?

What are two events that took place in the same time in history but don't seem like they should have?

If you had to fall 2000 feet into a liquid what would you pick?

Once the sun dies and the solar system goes dark, would Europa (if it had life) continue to provide a liquid ocean and a biosphere?

Why do astronomers think finding a planet with extraterrestrial life necessarily means we can live there? Their "oxygen" could be different.

Debunked: Nemesis is Nibiru - updated

Is Nibiru a real place that will hit Earth? I’m very scared, is the BBC lying?

Can an 800 meter asteroid destroy life on earth?

How can we make 2+2=5?

How do mathematicians approach proving a theorem?

If Buddhists don't, and never have, "evangelized" or "proselytized", how did/does Buddhism spread?

Theoretically, what's the largest object by mass that could be orbiting the sun currently that hasn't been discovered?

What would mathematicians do if someone proved that it is not possible to create a consistent system of axioms?

Tibetan Buddhism: What's the difference between crazy wisdom and just plain crazy?

Why has not His Holiness Dalai Lama become fluent in English yet?

A meteorite will crash to earth in a year destroying the Western world. Do you think this information should be made public?

Should I believe the Nibiru YouTubers?They seem pretty legit.

How dark would a human see the moon?

Would there be any wind inside an underground colony on the moon?

I'm really scared about Nibiru and I'm afraid that it will hit us in October. How do we know NASA is lying to us? I don't want my kids to die.

I believe Nibiru is coming and no one else believes me. Does anybody agree?

Will Nibiru end the world in October 2017?

How do I tell my kids that Nibiru is going to kill us all in the next few months?

Is Nibiru going to hit the Earth in 2017?

Is Nibiru going to hit the Earth in 2017?

When is planet X or Nibiru expected to pass by Earth?

Will the heat shield of the Webb telescope reflect enough sunlight so that it appears as a star to earth based telescopes?

How did the search for the reincarnated Dalai Lama from humble origins become instituted historically?

How credible is the Daily Mail?

Why can't one jump from everest with a parachute instead of walking down?

How did a person jump without parachute from thousands of feet, landing on a trampoline without breaking his neck?

What are the least amount of changes that would have to happen for Mars to be habitable like Earth?

Why did Londoners elect a Muslim as their mayor? Was it to prove that they're not racist?

Why do protons have a mass exactly 1837 times that of an electron?

What happened to Gautama Buddha after he died?

What kind of trees produce the most oxygen?

How much oxygen does a tree produce?

Do trees consume oxygen?

Debunked: the Earth’s natural Schummann resonances are being m...


Is it possible to build a mid-air city?

Does Planet X or Nibiru really exist or is it just an internet hoax?

Debunked: hidden asteroids in new branch of Taurid stream will...

Debunked: Asteroid called 3BC2017 will kill millions in June

Debunked: Mysterious 'anomaly' linked to ancient apocalyse mas...

Debunked: Our sun was born with an “evil twin” which may have ...

Is the Waterseer a scam ?

Why are there so few enlightened people in the world? Is the success rate of Buddhism really that low?

Why do dust storms happen on Mars?

Since no one can "own" Outer Space because of the "Outer Space Treaty", what do we do about countries that don't acknowledge this?

Why do the British accept to pay the high expenses of their monarchy?

In what realistic scenario(s) would a Mars colony significantly increase the likelihood of the survival of the human species?

What would have happened if the Fellowship went with Frodo to Mt. Doom?

For a=b, does that mean b-a=a-b?

What are the most notable software bugs in the software aboard the Mars Curiosity Rover?

Why is no government helping with or is interested in the Skylon spaceplane? Is it overrated?

If the purpose of a Buddhist is to stop reincarnating by achieving Nirvana, why does the Dalai Lama reincarnate?

Are the rich building bunkers for Nibiru's arrival?

Why is Jeremy Corbyn so convinced not to use the Trident under any circumstances, safe in the knowledge that he could lose votes in 2017 election?

Would someone please explain to me in plain terms what the Dalai Lama is?

If all the ice in Antarctica melts, which countries in the world will be entirely covered in water?

What do you think of Trump pulling the United States out of the Paris Climate Agreement?

If we had scientists on Mars, how long would it take before we knew whether Mars ever had life?

Does Mars have a livable atmosphere?

What would a Buddhist say about the self being an emergent phenomenon?

Why is the Earth’s moon not considered a planet?

Why it is said that two perpendicular lines meet at infinity? How so?

How do I know if I am a Buddha?

If I wanted to live and practice as a Buddhist monk, as a westerner (more specifically Australia) how would I go about this?

Why do buddhists talk N lifetimes for enlightenment when the only time anyone will get enlightenment is in this lifetime right now?

How does one become a bodhisattva?

Review of End Day (2005 BBC docudrama) - Megatsunamis, Asteroi...

Is it possible to survive if you lie along the rail tracks and a train passes over you?

Why do some Buddhist teachers appear to lack compassion?

What are some unexpected math proofs? By unexpected, I mean that the proof is very unusual for that type of problem or for every kind of problem.

Followed May 18, 2017

Is there something that could ruin your karma (Buddhism, etc.) for life?

How does the concept of rebirth (samsara, karma, etc.) differ between Buddhism and Hinduism?

What is the difference between Buddhist and Christian compassion?

Is Quora converting Wikipedians (Wikipedia Editors) to Quorans?

How much bigger can the ISS get?

Debunked: Stephen Hawking says humans have only 100 years left...

Am I the only frustrated former Wikipedia editor? (The English Wikipedia is not as bad as the German one, though)

For Buddhists, how does the concept of "attachment" apply to the closest people in your life?

Why WkiGnome Darkfrog24 is blocked from editing wikipedia for ...

How many nukes would it take to completely and permanently irradiate a planet the size of Earth?

Are pictures on Windows desktop background authentic?

Is it true that some Buddhist monks can die while sitting in meditation? How do they know they are about to die?

Why does it take 2 days for a spacecraft to dock the International Space Station?

Is it legal for China to mine the moon for helium? Doesn’t the Moon belong to America, since we landed our astronauts and put our flag first?

What and where did this dark energy come from?

Did Buddha teach how to be Happy?

Debunked: 'This is NOT a hoax' Asteroid strike will kill milli...

Debunked: Horacio Avila Villegas prophecy that we will have a ...

How does one get born in other planes in Buddhism?

How much vegetation do you need to provide oxygen for six astronauts on the ISS?

What would the radius of a centrifugal space station need to be to avoid getting sick or going crazy from the endless spinning?

How do I know if I am learning Buddha's real teachings? How do I determine if the source I am learning from follows Buddha's teachings correctly?

Why not simply create a ship with artificial gravity for the journey to Mars?

Tense situation concerning North Korea

If it's plausible that a true "water world" could exist (100% ocean with a sea floor), how deep could the sea be (% of planet diameter, or distance)?

List of some of my quora answers on Buddhism


Can Mars support human life?

What does the UK have that does not exist in the US?

In which of the 6 realms do Buddhist deities such as Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri & Vajrapani reside?

What are your thoughts on Planet Nibiru/X sightings?

Was Buddha literate?

How is the Buddhist idea of dependent origination related to cause and effect?

Analogy of an African elephant with Planet X / Nibiru

Is Nibiru going to hit the Earth in 2017?

Is there anything of economic value on Mars that would allow trade to finance a colony on Mars?

If one million people prepaid the $200,000 Elon Musk estimates it will cost to go to Mars, could we do it within a decade?

What will the next ISS be like?

Are Russian space crafts death traps?

Debunked: NASA or other organizations have huge mirrors or len...

Debunked: Planet 9 is Nibiru (Again)

Do we know anything more about the "word of command" that Gandalf refers to in Moria?

Is it true that when we colonize Mars, our chances of going extinct drop to nearly 0%?

Confusions about Sharia law


Was there any procedure set up for the Apollo mission astronauts in case they found alien life on the moon? And if so, what was it?

Debunked: A huge black hole 8 billion light years away endange...

What are the Buddhist beliefs about the afterlife?

Can a Buddhist change and become a Christian?

Debunked: TRAPPIST 1 is Nibiru

In Elon Musk's plans to colonise Mars, what cost has been budgeted per person settled on the planet and how is this cost predicted to fall as the plan progresses?

Debunked: Galactic superwave theory

Can Magnetar Starquakes really end the world by stripping it's atmosphere?

Proposed origami robots for Mars, Europa, Moon etc


How we know the Sun is not just a few thousand miles away


Why I don’t think we were contacted in the past by aliens or h...


Why are world political and religious leaders meeting up in An...


What are your thoughts on project “Blue beam”?


Do you believe in UFO'S and the different species of alien lif...


Debunked: crack in the firmament


How does the ISS avoid being hit by micrometeoroids?


How did Apollo get through the Van Allen belts?


Did Obama warn about the coming of Nibiru?

What was the mission for Laika the space dog?

Have governments around the world built fallout shelters for the elite and them selves for Nibiru's arrival?

Will Nibiru end the world in October 2017?

Why I see Science as part of the Buddhist path


Do you follow the Buddha's prohibition on alcohol?

Are the Trappist planets “orbit clearing”?


Why did it take NASA decades to land on Mars after landing on the Moon?

If distance was not an issue, would it be easier to build a colony on Mars or on the moon and why?

In your opinion, do you think Pluto is still a planet?

Debunked: this bank note shows the orbit of “Nibiru”

Why do people still think Islam is peaceful?

Why decommission the ISS in 2024 when it could have so much more potential usage (just like the space shuttles)?

What are Dalai Lama’s views about Islam?

Should we inseminate our solar system with life?

Why does listening to a metronome drive me crazy?

Is the author David Meade correct about the arrival of Nibiru in October 2017? I have done research on Nibiru and seen so many pictures and videos being posted on social media of two suns or an extra celestial body in the sky daily.

What kind of formal education does the Dalai Lama have?

If a distant star is red, does it mean it's really far away?

If you were offered a seat on SpaceX's first trip to the moon for free, would you take it? Taking into account the obvious dangers and the months of intense training required, would it be worth the risk to be the first tourist to visit the moon?

Was life discovered in a meterorite from Mars?

Does SpaceX have the capability to send people around the moon?

Did Quora deactivate realtime notifications for comments due to scaling challenges?

What's the status of the missing comment notifications bug?

Why am I no longer getting topic or comment notifications?

Quora: Why don't I get a notification about all the comment replies to my comments?

Who will lead the Tibetan Buddhists when His Holiness the Dalai Lama dies?

It's impossible to percept or imagine that nothing happens after death, are you sure that's what happens?

Who is the Dalai Lama?

What are your opinions on the SpaceX ‘tourist flight around-the-Moon’ in 2018?

Are there any slight differences between the G-flat major and the F-sharp major?

Is there an area in our solar system that we haven't yet seen or can't see?

Debunked: NASA do all the asteroid tracking and hide informati...

Debunked: We are headed towards a new ice age (Grand Solar Min...

Why a bright light shining on clouds during a sunset is not a ...

Debunked: Scared because the Sun and Moon rise at different ti...

What it would be like if we really had two suns (or three in t...

List of my Nibiru articles in Debunking Doomsday to date


Debunked: the Large Hadron Collider will create mini black hol...

Debunked - The obituary of the teenage girl who committed suic...

Debunked: birds singing at night are a sign the world will end

Why you probably don’t have a “phobia” if you are scared of as...

Debunked: Mountain sized asteroid 2014 UR116 headed towards Ea...

Debunked: We are in danger from a magnetic pole shift in the n...

Is it possible that an intelligent species once flourished on Venus, then became extinct because of global warming or another natural catastrophe?

Is NASA covering up Nibiru's existence?

What are the chances that an asteroid less then ten kilometers can hit earth in this century?

If a super big magnetic meteorite fly near earth, will it be possible to attract the earth away from its original route around the sun?

Do Buddhists believe that we come back as grass and trees as well as animals and insects?

Debunked: 2016 WF9 to hit Earth and trigger mega-tsunamis Febr...

Debunked: Earth is threatened by a supernova

Could a spaceship enter the Earth’s atmosphere slowly - shorte...


Debunked: Doomsday becoming 30 seconds closer

Why we don’t need to be scared of the “Doomsday clock” (short ...

Debunked: Russia is building a cobalt bomb - to make the entir...

Are there any scientifically inaccurate parts in the Martian?

Debunked: Nibiru fragment to strike Earth in February

Debunked: One of Trumps first actions on becoming president wa...

If there is no ‘self' in Buddhism, how is there a belief in reincarnation?

Would it be possible to put a colony on the moon, or would the gravity be too weak?

Is there a limit to mountain height on earth?

Why do people believe Nibiru (Planet X) exists?

If an icy meteor one quarter the size of our moon hit the planet Mars, would it change its climate and make it sustainable for human colonization?

What is the possibility of Earth being affected by a Gamma Ray Burst?

Debunked: Earth will be visited in 2017 by ancient beings from...

Is 2017 the return of the ancient ones from Nibiru?

Is Nibiru real or just a hoax?

Debunked: Because Eris is further away from New Horizons than ...

Debunked: Rich people are buying bunkers to escape from Nibiru

Why didn't Apollo land on earth like the moon?

Is it safe to touch Mars? Just imagine that a sample of Mars’ soil has been taken back to Earth. Would it be safe to touch it?

The last NASA mission to Venus was in the 1990's. We've been to Mars and Jupiter several times. Why is NASA not as interested in this planet?

List of news sites that have run false reports that Earth is a...

Can Mars be claimed by a person or group?

Is Nibiru a Hoax? (Answer YES!)

Are there solar systems without a Galaxy?

Are there any organizing units between a solar system and a Galaxy?

List of newspapers that run fake or unchecked Doomsday “news”

Debunked: World to end on Friday 13th because of a Full Moon a...

Debunked: World To End After Two Snowy Days In Salento, Puglia...

Why are Buddhists certain that other people suffer, even if they are not feeling like it?

Debunked: A new supernova star will appear in the sky in 2022 ...

If a pure water planet could develop would its core be solid?

Does ice evaporate in a vacuum?

What are the chances of an asteroid or comet hitting the U.S. in the next 50 years?

Have planetary scientists been able to determine anything concrete about the side of Pluto that wasn’t clearly photographed in the New Horizons flyby?

What would happen if galaxies were bright enough to be seen in our earthly sky?

Is there a Tibetan Buddhist practice that doesn't involve deity visualization?

Are we in danger from “Hidden monster black holes found near t...

Quick way to cross off fake doomsday news sites and video chan...

Are there any videos or simulations of how orbits in our solar system actually work?

In Buddhism, why would an enlightened person defend themself, if their "self" doesn't really exist?

Why did the Dalai lama say that the Death of Osama Bin Laden was necessary if he says so much things about compassion (even towards" bad people")?

How do Top Writers on Quora write such detailed answers to several questions in the span of an hour?

Debunked: Dire predictions for 2017 by Nostradamus

What are the Nostradamus Predictions for the 2017?

Fake doomsday and disaster news from 2015 through to 2017

Debunked: Nibiru will hit or fly past Earth in September (or O...

Debunked: Melissa Huffman did a video of Planet X

Debunked: The Vatican built a huge telescope, one of the large...

Can I be both Christian and Buddhist?

Is Buddhism true?

Debunked: You should always read both sides of the argument ab...

Are there any specific organisms that could conceivably survive on Mars in its current state?

Is the Dalai Lama a god king?

Debunked: ALMA’s Gna (if it exists) is Nibiru

A company wants to buy my site for $1.6 million dollars. I'm currently making $8k to $11k per month with it. Should I take the deal?

Debunked: Earth is threatened by a flow of interstellar helium...

When will the next ice age begin?

Would it not be a lot smarter, less costly & deadly to test out theories on how to colonize Mars, on the Moon first, before going to Mars?

Would it be prudent to migrate away from west coast in advance of Nibiru?

Will a Magnetar Shockwave hit earth in 9-10 days?

Debunked: Asteroid 2012 DA14 to hit Earth in 2020

What is the fastest moving known celestial body?

Debunked: NASA researcher says humans face possible future ext...

If we started to harvest all helium-3 from the moon for all energy requirements of the earth, how long it would last?

Debunked: 2002 NT7 is NOT going to hit Earth in 2019

Do we have any meteorites, rocks or comets that originated from outside of our solar system? Would scientists be able to tell the difference?

Debunked: Earth faces a century of 400 giant impacts starting ...

A friend says science can’t prove that black holes exist cause we can only tell what is real from what we can observe through telescopes. Is he wrong?

Is Nibiru and planet 9 the same thing?

Why is the Youtube interface so bewildering?


I can't see any comments on youtube videos, what can I do to see them again?

Errors in the Wikipedia Four Noble Truths article


Debunked: Pastor Paul Bagley predicts that Magnetar SGR 1806-2...

Debunked: A gamma ray burst could make humans extinct

Debunked: “Doomsday” clock, Brexit “Doomsday” and use of “Doom...

What is a parallel universe?

Debunked: Trump (or any other president or president elect) is...

Could Donald Trump be the Antichrist?

Is there any evidence, as Donald Trump suggests, that "windmills are devastating to the bird population"?

What is dark matter?

What if the super-large exoplanet is 0.01 ly form our planet?

Debunked: This is a leaked video from NASA showing how Nibiru ...

Where can I download the Silmarillion?

Why so many people post sightings of “Nibiru” - and why not “S...

Debunked: Nemesis or Tyche is Nibiru

Bullshit Detector Plugin for Chrome for Fake News Sites

Debunked: Nibiru is Wormwood so must be real

Where is Nibiru? Does it exist?

Is Nibiru a YouTube phenomenon or is it real? How could they keep it secret with all those astronomers out there?

Debunked: Astronomers such as Robert Harrington get murdered b...

How are major content disputes adjudicated and resolved in Wikipedia?

Debunked: Those who say Nibiru is real say that we should be s...

Is it possible to develop harmonic progressions in a 17-note scale?

Why does NASA avoid contamination of other worlds?

Debunked: Doomsday scenarios predicted using an Ouija board

How can I abandon atheism?

What will happen during the Galactic Alignment?

How far away is Nibiru/Planet X now?

What you can do about the Alice through the Looking Glass worl...


Ideas for wikipedia reform for the long term


List of the articles in my Debunking Doomsday blog to date


Is there a space treaty to buy and own other planets?

Debunked: Baba Vanga from the Balkans predicted xyz, e.g. that...

Nibiru Debunked: Yes, we deserve to know the truth about Nibir...

How would we communicate with a probe that we send to Alpha Centauri?

What is the maximum range for which we can maintain contact with a space probe?

How frequent does the Mars' surface gets bombarded by asteroids, comets or meteoroids? How severe are these impacts?

Debunked: This is a “Winged planet” and is Nibiru - and “missi...

Debunked: Paul Cox said that we have two suns

Could a pandemic wipe out humanity?

Is there any plausible reason for aliens to wipe out or enslave humanity?

Is it possible for Earth to have 2 binary moons orbiting each other?

Debunked: Nibiru is at coordinates …

Debunked: The US government is building vast underground bunke...

Nibiru Bullshit Tester - How to check if they know anything ab...

Debunked: Nostradamus predicted the end of the world on [inser...

Debunked: The Doomsday argument

Would it be a very big failure for USA if Russia managed to make a manned mission to Mars and colonize mars?

Why is it dangerous to contaminate other planets with human bacteria?

Should Quora remove links to fake news websites in questions?

Debunked: Did these three cousins predict the Apocalypse

Debunked: Earth could be struck by a huge asteroid hundreds of...

Debunked: Mysterious sphere spotted in NASA’s Sun Images

Debunked: A nuclear war would make Earth uninhabitable - and h...

Who would you like to see play The Doctor in 2018? And maybe companions too?

I agree we should colonize Mars. But what are the reasons to not colonize Mars other than the costs?

We will NOT run out of oxygen to breathe, even if we cut down ...

Why Climate Change is No Longer a Political Debate Outside the...


Debunked: Everyone who says Nibiru is not real is lying

Debunked: This tablet from the ancient Sumerians depicts 12 pl...

Debunked: NASA has found a brown dwarf in our solar system

What really happens if Yellowstone erupts as a supervolcano, o...

Debunked: Carlos Muñoz Ferrada discovered Nibiru

Debunked: Niku is Nibiru

Debunked: Soon we won’t be able to feed everyone because the w...

Debunked - Stephen Hawking puts an expiry date on humanity

Debunked - an alignment of the visible planets behind the sun ...

Debunked - The world will end because the Bible (or some other...

Nibiru is so scary because it isn’t real - what can you do to ...

What is the theoretical furthest outer orbit a planet could have around the sun? Does the answer depends on its size and mass?

Debunked - Nibiru will hit Earth between January and March 201...

Debunked - California could fall into the sea or the Earth spl...

Will it be necessary for safety reasons (such as deadly martian viruses) to ban the return to Earth of persons who travelled to Mars?

In what phase was the moon during the Apollo landings?

Since there is no mechanism in the USA to stop President Trump from launching a nuke, what is the chance of it happening?

Debunked: Supermoon on 14th November is the beginning of the e...

If an astronaut accidentally became untethered from the ISS during a spacewalk, could the ISS be maneuvered to rescue him/her?

How does reincarnation happen with a growing population?

Why do we show such an extreme reverence for potential signs of life on Mars, and yet so little about preserving entire spieces on Earth?

Why the idea of Nibiru seems non refutable - and how does astr...

Do Chinese people consider Dalai Lama a traitor?

What are the most frustrating aspects of being a Wikipedia editor?

How certain are we about the existence of Planet Nine?

What do Buddhists think of the afterlife?

Debunked: Global warming as terrifying apocalyptic scenario - ...

Debunked: How can the videos and photos be hoaxes when so many...

Debunked: Ancient astronomers knew things we don’t about plane...

Should the successor to the ISS be focused on developing tech for closed life support and long-term manned missions? Is this politically feasible?

Debunked: Climate change will make the world too hot for human...

Debunked: We are doomed because Earth will pass through the ga...

Debunked: The IRAS infrared satellite found Nibiru in 1983

Where can I get support if I’m scared of Nibiru / Doomsday may...

Debunked: Nibiru has been found on Google Sky

Debunked: How can it be false when so many people share photos...

Is there life after death?


Does the International Space Station ever get dirty on the outside?

Why is it so difficult to penetrate our atmosphere with a returning spacecraft? In other words, why can’t the vehicle slowly enter our atmosphere?

What are the Four Noble Truths?

Debunked: A Solar Storm Put A Crack In Earth's Magnetic Field

What research is being done on the potential pandemic of Morgellons?

Is Wikipedia biased?

Are Morgellons and chemtrails connected?

How do I get infected with Morgellons disease?

Can a sheep live without a shepherd?

Debunked: The eclipse in the US in August 2017 will mark the s...

Debunked: NASA warns that 1000 asteroids might hit Earth in th...

Dazzathecameraman’s amusing parody about HCT2014 (Huge Chocola...

Likely hundreds of billions of years before any rogue planet, ...

Debunking: Inuit elders say that the Earth’s poles have shifte...

Do water planets exist?

Could the Interplanetary Transportation System proposed by Musk be potentially weaponised by governments and/or competing companies?

Universe will NOT end soon, with a Big Rip, Big Crunch or Big ...

Who else says Nibiru is nonsense?

If and when humanity colonizes the solar system which planets and moons will be viable targets?

What are some challenges associated with interplanetary travel?

An AI that has been correct at predicting the last 3 elections has predicted Trump to win. Thoughts?

Debunked: Nibiru is invisible because it is a brown dwarf and ...

Debunked: A planet in a 3600 year orbit can hide behind the su...

Is humanity’s venture to Mars the modern version of people moving to the new world?

Why don't the Mars probes parachute all the way to the surface, especially with a rover, which could just detach the parachute and move away from it?

Debunking: Think how stupid you will feel if Nibiru is real - ...

Debunked: NASA has been tracking “Planet X” for decades

What photos look Photoshopped but are actually real?

Debunked: Every time we have a cluster of earthquakes, we must...

Debunked: This is a photograph of two suns

What area on Mars is the most interesting for us?

I understand that Nibiru is not real but still feel scared all...

What is the largest size meteorite that could hit the earth without us detecting it before impact? How much damage would it do?

Doomsday Debunked Kindle Book Draft Cover

Debunked: Governments fly planes back and forth in front of th...

Is the world gonna end on October 31 2016?

Debunked: Why the World will End Surely on 31st October 2017? ...

Debunking: Stephen Hawking Says Universe is on the brink of in...

Debunked: Nibiru will hit Earth on [Insert Date here]

Debunked: We are endangered by “Star Quakes”

Debunked: NASA is getting ready to Capture Planet X / Nibiru o...

Debunked: Doomsday Stories like Nibiru must be true because lo...

Debunking: a president of the US could order a nuclear attack ...

Did the landing sequence of the Mars lander Schiaparelli really have to be so complex?

Does the President of the United States have the authority to launch a nuclear attack without proper justification?

Debunked: NASA says that Earth will enter total darkness for 1...

How did we miss the Chelyabinsk asteroid?

Debunking: All going to die as a result of impact of Asteroid ...

Debunking: Halley’s comet is going to hit Earth this week.

Debunking: You can’t trust anyone except the Nibiru people - e...

Debunking: NASA is hiding astronomical information about extra...

Debunk: Planet 9 is tilting our solar system

Debunking: Planet 9 is Nibiru

Debunking: Solar Storms to end all life on Earth

Can Halley's comet strike a planet in the solar system?

Recently on Quora, it seems that topics like, “What’s your cat’s name?” and, “What’s your most embarrassing food moment?” have taken precedence over questions with substance. What has recently happened to Quora?

Why couldn't the Mars landers be equipped with a video camera, so that people could see moving images of the planet's surface?

Does the new batch of WikiLeaks really show evidence for Nibiru?

Is there a Nibiru that will destroy the Earth?

Are all the planets being tilted by planet 9 passing through the solar system, What does this mean for earth? Is nibiru still in the picture?

Imagine that you are the president and it has just been announced that a 15-mile wide asteroid is going to hit the Earth in 90 days. What's your plan?

Why do people want to colonize planets when space colonies would be the better choice for an expanding, technological civilization?

Is asteroid 2009ES approaching to Earth?

Why do people believe Nibiru (Planet X) exists?

Could I pay my way into outer space?

Why don't the British have a space programme?

Is it true that they found liquid water on Mars? And what does this mean for us?

Given our current technology and materials, could we build a "space" suit that could survive the surface conditions of Venus? If yes, for how long?

Is it possible for another planet to collide with another?

What is the real image of Earth seen from space including space junk?

Are the YouTube results personalized, when a keyword is searched for?

Will it be viable one day to mine the Moon and extract the resources there for something useful?

Why don't we send humans to the moon instead of to Mars?

What will happen after we die? What about our thoughts?

What would happen if a large asteroid ten times the size of Earth missed it by a few kilometres?

Will Mars colony always need a special suit or did Elon plan to inject oxygen in the air?

Is there a future opportunity to become rich from the colonization of Mars?

What would be the ethical implications of letting a private company colonize Mars?

How can Mars be "warmed up" as Elon Musk implied during his September 2016 presentation?

Is Venus a better place to colonize than Mars?

Shouldn't we focus on colonizing Antarctica and the Sahara before colonizing Mars?

Is there any form of Earth life that could currently live on Mars?

What are your views about interplanetary travel plans of Elon Musk?

Are the Dry Valleys of Antarctica similar to surface of Mars?

Is Corbyn right about the Bomb?

What surprising activity has NASA found in Jupiter's moon Europa?

What is your opinion on Chinese astronauts being banned on the ISS, and what do you think of their space stations the Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2?

Is it true that Mars experienced retrograde motion? How does it happen, and what are the changes that happened in the planet?

Why do we not deploy airships to explore other planets?

Could colonizing Mars be a lucrative or potentially profitable venture?

If we find life of any type on Mars, perhaps bacteria or plant life, will the DNA be able to show if it is related to life on Earth, perhaps spread by way of meteorites, or if it started separately?

List of Hypothetical Biogenic features in ALH84001


How did meteorites from Mars escape its orbit and reach the Earth, for instance, ALH84001, in Antarctica?

Would a tidally-locked planet be merely a planet of two extremes or would there be temperate zones where life might be sustained?

Why haven't we found any broken planets?

What's the hardest bug you've debugged?

Is there a minor inconsistency in the 11th chapter of The Hobbit?

Could Hubble take a picture of voyager 1?

Would ESA violate the COSPAR guidelines for planetary protection if the 1969 R1 comet that Philae landed on hits a planet in the future?

Were there two Buddhas?

Which Buddhist sutras are what the Buddha said?

Is it possible that a planet is entirely made of liquid much like Jupiter and Saturn in which are made entirely of gas?

Say a billionaire is willing to invest half his net worth (~$10bi) into space settlement, which celestial object should be focused into?

What would happen if a 15 km diameter comet hit the outback of Australia?

If we found a habitable planet but it already had sentient inhabitants, would we try to conquer it? Let’s assume we have the capability for inter-planetary travel, and the other planet’s inhabitants also have a roughly similar technological level.

I've heard many people claim the moon landing was a hoax, what are the odds they are true?

How does it feel when you garner an awfully low number of votes after writing a sufficiently long answer of more than 600 words on Quora?

What procedures were in place, if the Apollo 11 astronauts had been contaminated with a living organism from their stay on the moon?

What kind of computers were used in Apollo 11 Mission (of 1969) that resulted in the moon-landing?

Why are there only 12 pitch notes (C, C#, ..., B) in the world? Pitch is determined by frequency of the sound waves. For example, C3 is 130.8Hz and C#3 is 138.6. So what the heck is between those two pitch notes?

Is it a good idea to introduce Chroococcidiopsis to Mars?

Given the fact that the Moon is pretty much a sterile planet with almost no living organism, why were astronauts quarantined after returning to Earth?

If a 9km asteroid were approaching earth right now, at what point will it be visible during daytime? How many days away from impact?

What are some interesting facts about Usain Bolt?

How close are we to launching supplies to ISS with a rail gun?

A new planet orbiting Proxima Centauri could be habitable. Should we be going there instead of Mars?

I have 99 pumpkins that all weigh the same and 1 weighs different, what is the minimum number of uses of a digital scale to locate the odd pumpkin?

Does the astro or geophysics of Earth create an upper limit to the size of an alien being that could physically land on Earth and travel our surface?

Will the use of nuclear weapons at the poles of mars make it inhabitable? Aren't there any risks to the earth if we do so?

Has humanity reached the Moon and Mars thanks to the bombing of London by the Nazi Germany?

What are some things non-programmers say that frustrate programmers?

Debunking Doomsday - Nibiru, Pole Shift, California falling in...


Is it possible to use an ICBM missile to send man to the moon?

How expensive would it be to convert all of the US's ICBMs into Space Rocket Transportation to places like the Moon or even Mars?

Debunking Doomsday - Nibiru, Pole Shift, California falling in...


Link to my Science20 blog


When does curiosity come back from mars and how will this help us?

What will really happen when the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts?

Who is scarier to be elected as president, Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton?

Why is "Nibiru" still being forced on some of us?

What would happen if a strong gamma ray burst were to hit the Earth? Any sort of technology that would withstand its effects? Would the burst affect the entire planet, or is there a chance parts of the planet would be affected to a lesser degree?

Is Nibiru a face-palm to astronomy?

Planet X will hit 2015?

Will a 490 metre wide asteroid end all life on Earth if it hits?

How can Curiosity survive the strong Martian wind storms and how doesn't it get damaged as Martian dust is very erosive?

Why didn't Gandalf in The Lord of the Rings pick up the Ring after Bilbo dropped it in the Shire?

Does Tom Bombadil predate the Istari?

Thermodynamics: For a given pressure and temperature, how fast does water-based ice sublimate?

Are continuous earthquakes a sign of the world's end?

Will the world really end on July 29, 2016?

What is daily life in Tibet like? What’s your favorite thing about your city & it’s people? Your least favorite? What do you do for fun? For work?

What would happen during an actual pole shift to people and every day lives?

What if planet X and Nemesis are the same thing?

What would it take to effectively alter a meteor's path using electromagnetism?

Would we be in a stable orbit if Nibiru were just behind the Sun?

What would happen if a very small moon or mars colony declares independence?

How much does a spacesuit cost?

What do you think about Melania Trump's speech at the RNC and the plagiarism accusations?

What would happen if there were no police?

Will global warming prevent the next Ice Age?

When will the next ice age begin?

How does the average lobster die? What is the average lobster? What are its characteristics?

Do moons have moons?

Why do composers use double sharps or double flats?

Which people have been most influential in developing longitude and latitude theories?

You're stuck in a hole with no way of escape. It starts to rain hard. Could you wait for the rain-water to fill the hole and get you out?

Is it true that scientists have found a new dwarf planet?

To be totally unconventional, should a piano with keys of E# and B# be produced? Would it be more versatile and more interesting?

If we install a radio telescope on the far side of moon (to shield from earths interference) would it be possible to receive data from it?

Where did the pan come from for Sam Gamgee to cook the rabbit in LOTR "The Two Towers"?

How many amateur astronomers are there in the world?

How many G's would Juno experience while passing so closely near Jupiter?

What is this bright object next to the sun?

Is planet 9 real?

What usually happens to some Buddhist children who don't fully realize the implications of the life they have committed to?

Are humans destined to colonize the universe?

How are astronauts protected from radiation during space walks?

Is there a 10th planet called Nibiru?

What are some of the most widely circulated fake pictures?

Will humans become extinct before we can colonize other planets?

Since the moon has no atmosphere, and thus drag would not be present, could something orbit the moon indefinitely?

Would it be possible to create a seamless stop-motion video of the Curiosity's journey on Mars with all the available photos?

Why doesn't NASA send a rover to Europa?

If a black hole is hurtling towards Earth and we have 120 years until impact, what can we do that is theoretically possible for us to survive?

What would the cost be to build a Stanford torus in earth orbit?

What is the Muslim - Arab influence on Science and Western civilization?

If China and Russia build bases on the Moon, will the U.S. do the same?

If a manned moon landing was attempted today, how would it differ from previous missions?

How does the Junocam on JUNO work?

What are the LOTR books about?

How can scientists be sure that asteroid 2016 HO3 won't ever hit the Earth?

What are some of the obstacles we will face when we colonize the moon?

Imagine that SpaceX has established a small habitable base on Mars. What are some ways to make the base profitable?

How to edit wikipedia without getting into trouble


I've heard that early Venus could have supported life. Is it possible that a civilization could have arose there billions of years ago?

Would Lava Tubes be a feasible location for a future moon base?

Can anyone give more details about the discovery of new moon that is revolving the earth?

When will humans build base stations and moon bases?

If we terraformed Mars via polar asteroid collision, how would the climate be affected by the new ocean and nitrogen?

Do we have the moral right to Terra-Form Mars if we find life existing there already, even single-celled?

According to Buddhism, everything is impermanent. So how can the state of enlightenment be permanent? Can an enlightened being become less enlightened, more enlightened, or even de-enlightened?

What are you banned from? Why?

Are we headed towards a new ice-age?

Is Brexit not a right decision? How can everyone claim it’s bad if Britain's democracy voted for it?

What building or structure would remain after a thousand years? What should an architect design to be sure it will last a millennium?

Why is the Dalai Lama seen as evil in China?

What will happen if the Earth's magnetic poles reverse? Will we have a catastrophe on our hands?

Have the people of Tibet been generally successful in choosing their Dalai Lama?

What are the best Mars analogue sites on Earth?

Why are we attempting to colonize Mars before the moon?

If there is a possibility of life on Europa, then why did NASA land a craft on Titan and not Europa?

How did the universe come into existence according to Buddhism?

Why didn't Sauron see Bilbo at his birthday party or see Samwise at Cirith Ungol?

What are the best arguments for debunking moon landing hoax conspiracy theories?

How does a Bhikkhu (Buddhist Monk) handle house bugs?

What are some generally unknown facts about the Apollo Moon landings?

Did NASA fake the moon landing? If so, how can you tell using the images?

How big would an asteroid or comet have to be to end life on Earth?

How might things have unfolded if Círdan (acknowledging him as the Head of the Istari) entrusted Saruman with Narya, instead of Gandalf?

Am I enlightened?

When we colonize the Moon, will we be able to see our buildings from earth?

Can I be a Zen monk or at least study it under a Master and still get to marry, have kids, have a job and not leave the urban life?

Is the Dalai Lama justified in withholding his duty to reincarnate?

Did Buddha intend Buddhism?

At Buddhist monasteries I am overwhelmed by so many images of gods and goddesses, so why are they so seldom mentioned in questions about Buddhism?

Are there any other fractions "like" x/7?

Can a Buddhist give me their perspective on Buddhism?

What do we know about the subsurface ocean of Europa?

Which is the "Bible" of Buddhism?

What is the purpose of the guru in Tibetan Buddhism?

Is there proof that Buddha existed? If so, what is the strongest proof about his historical existence that we have?

Does my dog know he is a dog?

Did astronauts in the Apollo space program observe an alien spacecraft?

When I was young and stupid, my cat ate my pet baby chicken. As a punishment, I put him inside the dog's cage (with 3 dogs) for a few minutes. They barked at him and he was so terrified. The memory bugs me so much. Was that a little too evil of me?

If you had 10 years before an asteroid would cause a devastating impact with earth, and you could do anything to save the planet, what would you do?

Buddhist sources on the Four Noble Truths


Wouldn`t it be better for mankind to explore the Moon, rather than go to Mars?

Is ordaining as a Tibetan Buddhist monk a lifetime commitment?

What is Punya, and how does it feel?

What are the primary tenets of Buddhism?

How heavy of a gas could form an atmosphere on the moon?

Will the James Webb Space Telescope be any more useful in the hunt for Planet Nine?

I talked to a guy who claimed his young brother (age 12) could recall whole chapters of LOTR. Scientifcally speaking, is it really possible?

Would a Hale-Bopp collision terraform Mars?

Would monk lose the title - Dalai Lama if there are other monk have better knowledge about Tibetan Buddhism than him or Dalai lama failed the test?

Are there any planets that aren't spherical?

Is going to Mars the right choice?

How can I rapidly reduce my bad karma?

How far are we from being able to use Mars as a pit stop on our way to other planets?

Is it possible for a planet to be ejected from a solar system and later captured by another solar system? If so, how?

What is the likelihood that SpaceX will obtain its goal for colonizing Mars being that Elon's track record is pretty solid?

Have there been any materials or phenomena encountered in space that were not already discovered or known about on or from Earth?

Mahayana Buddhism say that one should liberate all sentient being before become enlightened, in practice what does that mean? What is a desire-free ant

Why does Buddhism automatically assume that life is full of suffering for "everyone"?

Why does Buddhism posit existence of other realms and supernatural beings if there is no obvious evidence of such?

Besides Mars, where else in the Solar System should rovers be sent? Where else could we currently reach?

Is it possible that a government could be hiding evidence of extraterrestrial beings/activities?

Why did both Gautama Buddha and Vardhamana Mahavira aim to escape from the cycle of birth and rebirth?

Why do Buddhists perceive the cycle of rebirth to be a cycle of suffering and why do they wish to liberate themselves from this cycle?

Is it possible that a star is about to explode / have exploded in our nearby location whose GRBs can affect earth bringing end to humanity?

Is possible to modify the International Space Station (ISS) and use it as a vehicle to travel to the moon?

How likely is it that ExoMars will discover life on Mars?

What is it like to practice Vajrayana Buddhism?

Could we have established a colony on the moon by now if NASA had continued its lunar program?

Are there Buddhists who don't believe in reincarnation?

Are partly or completely autonomous Mars rovers possible? How advanced could rovers become?

Is Mars's gravity healthy for humans?

Was Dalai Lama enlightened? Why or why not?

If Buddhists don't believe in the idea of a "soul," why do they say the Dalai Lama is reincarnated from a specific person?

What is the subject matter of mathematics from Buddhist point of view?

Should we land on the Moon or go straight to Mars?

Do you ever feel guilty for hanging up on a telemarketer?

Does human body contain radioactive elements? How do they affect our body?

If we get to colonize Mars, as planned by Elon Musk, would the sunlight available on Mars be adequate like it is on Earth?

What are the problems behind terraforming Mars?

Would an amateur mathematician without a reputation be ignored if he claimed to be able to prove an important conjecture? How could he contact a reputable mathematician and convince him?

What are the chances the earth will be hit by another asteroid that will wipe out all life on earth in the next 1000 years?

How far is NASA from sending a robot to explore the ocean of Europa?

What is the last 4 digit of 333^444+444^333?

If you add 1, in front and after a two digit number you get a number that is 21 times as big as the original number. What two digit number is this?

Followed Apr 2, 2016

Why is using a metronome while studying an instrument helpful?

How long till we have a fully self supporting colony on Mars?

Would you rather be in space or earth now, if you get to choose?

Do the four noble truths of Buddhism constitute an empirical method that is falsifiable?

Is it possible that civilizations existed in planets before the birth of our sun itself?

Could a domed city be built on the Moon or Mars?

Would Elon Musk's proposal to terraform Mars with nuclear explosives violate the Outer Space Treaty? I'm asking purely as a thought experiment.

Could a large nuclear weapon detonated on Mars melt enough CO2 to cause a global warming cycle?

How does Mars have more solar radiation than Earth when Earth is closer to the sun?

If human civilization is wiped out sometime before 2025, what would the most likely cause be?

How much computing power does Google's Alpha Go use?

Of the things humans can currently do better than computers, which seem most likely to still be this way in 20 years?

Has NASA ever considered a mission to Mars wherein astronauts in orbit around Mars control a rover on Mars' surface (allowing real-time operation)?

Should Humans Fill the Galaxy?


If ants or roaches lived on Mars could we detect them with the equipment we have one the planet?

Have humans reached the technological point where they can start a colony on Mars?

If there were another planet exactly like Earth but with no life and we were to add bacteria to the surface, what would happen?

What is better: ALAP (as late as possible) or ASAP approach to send astronauts to the Moon or Mars?

How do seasons on Mars compare and contrast with seasons on Earth?

So an asteroid is aiming toward Earth, it has a 15000km to 1000000km margin for error?

Has NASA ever recorded sound on the surface of Mars?

How does "memory transfer" happen in rebirth according to Buddhism?

Buckminster Fuller (architect): Why hasn't anybody built a cloud nine (tensegrity sphere)?

How can humans survive the Van Allen radiation belts?

How do scientists feel about the White House's plan to use science fiction to inspire authors and future scientists about space habitation?

What are reasons (not including his appearance or wealth) why people think Donald Trump would be a bad president?

What should I do if the pilot passes out and I (with no flight training) have to land the plane?

In the next 15 years if "someone" had a way to the moon or other inhabitable planets, could they colonize them and claim them as their own?

If the Buddha said clinging to rituals is one of the fetters blocking the path to enlightenment, why are certain Buddhist sects filled with rituals?

What can NASA realistically do to stop an asteroid from hitting the Earth?

If Bernie Sanders is 74, why would anyone realistically vote for him?

What do AI researchers think about the Wait But Why article on AI?

Why didn't Tolkien give the One Ring more offensive powers?

What does the Dalai Lama mean when he says that man never really lives because he pursues money?

Why do so many people from Europe want Bernie Sanders to be the president of the United States?

Why shouldn't we colonize other planets?

Does Buddhism allow fun?

What is considered unethical about taking earth based life to other planets?

Why haven't we sent a robotic rock/soil sample return mission to Mars yet?

Is it possible, in the near future, that NASA will be able to send missions to Alpha Centauri?

Why doesn't Quora oblige or encourage users to provide sources/references for their answers?

Can two people repopulate Earth? Is it possible?

Why do we send astronauts if we can control droids with VR?

What constraints to AI and machine learning algorithms are needed to prevent AI from becoming a dystopian threat to humanity?

What are the launch windows for different planets?

What planets/moons can you see humans setting foot on by 2100?

Is it true that a neutron star will hit the Earth in 75 years from now?

Can you suggest a second Earth aside from Mars, considering climate, resources, and distance from Earth?

Would Elon Musk have the right to sell property on Mars if he is the first to establish a permanent colony?

I saw a Buddhist nun window shopping in a mall. Is it deplorable of me to judge her for it?

Would SpaceX need permission to send people to Mars?

If the recent Russian meteorite was too small to be detected, and yet caused considerable damage, just how big would one have to be, to alert us?

If Mars was warmed up, would it release enough CO2 to allow people to walk around with only an oxygen mask?

What do we do if we find a planet within a few years of travel distance and it is populated by a species that has not yet taken to space?

With our current technology, how long could we make a space probe like Voyager last before it would shut down/lose contact with us?

How does hell work in dominant religions, such as Islam, Buddhism, Christian etc?

Is NASA's asteroid redirect mission a little bit too dangerous?

What could we learn from a manned mission to mars that we wouldn't know from an unmanned mission?

Is it true that the core of the Sun is Plutonium?

Is it true that the chinese robots didn't find anything on the moon?

Should we focus on colonization of space to save the future of our species? Assuming we cannot sustain life on earth indefinitely.

Is Mars full of rust?

Are airbags a good solution for 'soft lunar landing'?

Is Pluto a planet?

Let's say I don't believe the world is round. How can one prove the world is round to me?

Will Earth ever be as inhospitable to humans as Mars is now?

Compared to Chinese or Japanese Buddhism, is Tibetan Buddhism more focused on gaining control over imagination and thoughts?

What should be the first words from Mars? What topics could be involved?

What would happen if humanity learned that our planet is part of a huge territory claimed by extraterrestrials?

If the Starship Enterprise were in a "standard orbit" around Earth, how bright would it appear to the naked eye?

If we finally find life on mars, how can we prove that this isn't the result of a (human) contamination?

Which side of the Moon did the Americans land on: the "dark side" or the "other side"?

Is there any possible way to make a black hole orbit the Earth?

What do I need to be able to see the ISS?

What would happen to the Solar System, if we created an artificial planet?

Do any of the large satellites in the solar system have moons themselves? If not, could the orbits of such hypothetical moons be stable, given the gravitational pull of the satellite's primary?

Is Planet 9 responsible for mass asteroid impact made here on Earth?

How big should a planet be (radius,mass) and how far away from it's star to have (for example) four natural satellites?

Does the Earth experience a centripetal force due to its orbit around the sun? Isn't it just like a ball being spun on the end of a string?

Why are there no Mars photos of the daytime sun?

Would it be possible to make an object orbit the moon at a very low height (e.g. 10m) without station-keeping, given the lack of atmospheric drag?

Is it really true that before 2050 we would be living on moon in dome shaped houses?

Could Planet X explain why the Oort Cloud releases comets that enter our solar system?

How could you move 'Planet 9' into a circular orbit within the solar system's habitable zone?

How could you slow 'planet 9' down enough for it to achieve a stable orbit around the sun like the 'inner' planets?

What is the purpose of the Asteroid Belt and is it a former planet?

Is it clear whether the putative "ninth planet" has cleared its neighbourhood?

What does the rest of the world think about the controversy over the TMT (thirty meter telescope) in Hawaii?

Would it be possible to significantly impact the orbit of the Earth if I kept performing sling-shot maneuvers across the solar system?

Should we (human race) explore more of space and start colonizing it?

What is it known about this hypothesized ninth planet in the solar system?

Is it possible for a planet to have an oxygen-rich atmosphere without having life on it?

How soon can humans move to and live on Mars?

Is Mars capable of supporting life?

Quoran Astronomers: How close will planet 9 get to the Sun and to the Earth in its perihelion and perigee?

What type of scientists will be the first to be selected to go to Mars?

What is the probability of human race being immigrants to Earth a long time ago?

Mark Watney introduced life forms originating from Earth to the Martian environment. Did he act ethically by colonizing Mars to survive? Should he have done anything differently?

What is the maximum distance a planet could be from the sun and still consistently orbit it?

If Planet Nine exists, could it be the first of many additional planets we find in our solar system?

Should I be worried about the possible 9th planet?

How important would be the finding of another planet in our solar system?

Why is this flower's blooming in outer space special?

What if the latest telescope came across 9 stars perfectly in a line, would 'we' take this as proof of higher life or a chance happening?

Can an asteroid/comet/meteorite enter the atmosphere, pass reasonably close to Earth surface, and still exit it without any consequences? Has it ever happened?

Can it be possible to colonize a planet without any non-human animals?

What are reasons terraforming Mars would not work?

Is there any evidence contradicting the Cornice Avalanches on Mars theory?

Is it possible for us to send humans to Mars and bring them back before 2030?

Is the FizzBuzz task an effective way to interview engineers? Does this task accurately differentiate engineering candidates?

What are some things that those who have won lotteries have done to benefit society with their winnings?

What is the full plan of Elon Musk to terraform Mars from the fusion of the poles to the magnetic field in creation?

What if we exchanged the position of the Earth and Mars? Would the Earth still continue supporting the life as now?

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Which organisation will be the first to put a human on Mars?

Was there or is there life on Mars.? . And are extraterrestrial beings such as the tall whites etc.. Visit or even occupy this earth?

How did our ancestors know that there are 9 planets?

Can we destroy the Earth?

Why is only a one-way trip to Mars achievable?

What shape is a rainbow from view of the pilot?

What would you do if the whole planet was going to be destroyed next week?

What do we do to survive an asteroid hitting the earth?

How should we KNOW if a race of advanced beings lived in the Earth's core, the Sun, Moon and Planets all this time, and are about come out?

If you were on a different planet, could you eat organisms on the planet? Would they be made from DNA?

Hypothetical Scenarios: An asteroid 10 miles wide is headed for earth, how soon will we be able to detect it?

How much can the Falcon9 lower the launch cost?

Can humans live generationally on Mars with its low gravity?

How soon can humans move to and live on Mars?

Why are people saying that a rogue Planet X (Nibiru) will hit the Earth? I'm very worried.

If we can 'square' and 'cube' numbers, could we also 'sphere', or 'triangle', or <insert arbitrary shape> a number?

If there were an inhabited planet close to Earth, which reached the same technological level as Earth and then went war with us who would win?

Is motivation all that matters in morality, ethics or a mahayana path?

If we warm up Mars and add a lake of water filled with diverse organisms engineered to survive the conditions, could life on Mars evolve within a million years?

Why did the Buddhist monk talk to me like I was a very special person?

What would happen if someone violated the Outer Space Treaty?

Is there a 10th planet called Nibiru?

Assuming Nibiru is real, what would be the azimuth and elevation at which to watch for it?

For groups who monitor asteroids, is there an official policy on whether or not to tell the public about asteroids with a very high probability of hitting earth?

Did Tolkien read, or was he influenced by, H.P. Lovecraft?

Is there life after death?

How do I find out if this assertium is logically valid?

What data points lead us to believe there was life on Mars?

Would a NASA Scientist be able to find Earth if they were to travel from the Andromeda galaxy?

Is it possible to see Jupiter's moons with the naked eye from Earth?

What cultures have used microtonality in their music?

Which types of Tibetan Buddhist monks would seek to avoid sitting next to women? What are their reasons?

Could the Mars rover have contaminated Mars with Earth based life forms?

If we look at a star millions of light-years away, which we have done, the light takes millions of years to get to us, so we are looking millions of years backwards in time. Using this reasoning, what is the furthest we could look backwards in time?

How common is it for buddhist monks to regret their decision?

If the ISS had powerful lighting, could it be seen at night? (Not in twilight)

Why does Tibetan Buddhism have been conducting so many human sacrifices?

Why is the Dalai Lama allowed entrance into the United States?

Why do so many people want to believe in an afterlife?

Is Planet X a potential danger to planet earth as its orbit nears ours?

Is Planet X gonna crash into earth?

When will Peter Capaldi be replaced as Doctor Who?

Is it possible to be buddhist but have different views of the afterlife?

If we detected a planet-killing asteroid, is there anything we could do about it at the present time?

If life is found on Mars, which religions would be the most compatible with this finding?

Is the question of prior or current Martian life more important the potential of terraforming Mars?

Planet around in solar system orbit our sun because of gravity. Can we make a small scale version on the Earth with all the planets orbiting the sun in this model in the same way, again under influence of gravity?

Is it ethical for humans to terraform other planets? Do humans have the right to completely change the nature of other planets or moons to suit our needs?

How do unknown authors achieve success with their first books?

What is the largest item humans ever discarded into outer space?

Flying: Why have I not seen another plane in the sky while traveling on an airliner?

How hard would it be to stow away on an unmanned SLS launch?

Why call Buddhism - buddhism - if one of the corner stones is of the philosophy/religion/psychology is that it Buddha was an average sort of person?

Could we feasibly make many large space colonies that orbit the Earth?

Can Mars support human life?

What are some ideas to protect the earth against a potentially human-destroying meteorite impact?

Why are we so interested in Pluto but no one talks about Neptune or Uranus?

Is it unethical to eat animals if you aren't willing to kill them yourself? Should all carnivores be comfortable killing an animal, rather than buying prepared meat?

Why are most science fictions movies about aliens invading Earth rather than humans invading alien-inhabited places?

The Fermi Paradox establishes the contradiction between the probabilities of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations and our lack of proofs for that. Do you have any new explanations?

How much of a concern were meteors during the Apollo missions?

If somehow we found a way to ignite fusion on Jupiter and turn it into a small star, would any of its moons be habitable?

What happens to a particle when its entangled partner falls into a black hole?

When was the last time Mars was struck by an asteroid? Or is it always happening?

Is it theoretically possible for a black hole to exist that's small enough to be safe in a lab?

What are some tasks that took months to complete 100 years ago that today a computer can do in a few seconds?

If Hubble can take better pictures than a telescope on earth, why keep building telescopes on earth instead of building more telescopes in space?

Why do you only hear of meteorites hitting the Earth but not asteroids or comets?

Now that Curiosity has landed on Mars and made some discoveries, what's the next mission likely to be? What's the next step?

If there was living creatures in Mars, in which year we would be able to "detect" them?

Is there a 10th planet called Nibiru?

Question That Contains Assumptions: What would be the safest place when Nibiru comes?

Is there a 10th planet called Nibiru?

Is there a 10th planet called Nibiru?

Outer Space: Is interstellar space full of "Oort objects"?

If we are truly the only intelligent life form in the universe, does this mean the universe is ours for the taking?

Have all the chemical elements in the universe been discovered? How can we ever know for sure?

All things being optimal such as an atmosphere, just going by Mar's distance from the sun, what is the highest temperature possible on Mars?

Could there be life in any form inside the Sun or other stars?

Why didn't the Apollo 11 mission stay longer on the surface of the moon?

If all earth's landmass was distributed homogenous how high would the oceanlevel be?

Is sun gazing safe?

What if interstellar space exploration was being tackled wrong? What if we used tiny satellites (the size of a coin) and accelerated them to half the speed of light around the Sun's gravitational pull? Is it possible?

Why do we remove spacecraft from orbit at the end of missions?

Why is the Cassini mission ending in 2017?

If something went wrong with the ISS and it became inoperable, what would we do with it?

Why is there significantly more water in planet Earth than in other planets of the solar system?

In 4 billion years our sun eat our earth. can we plant the saturn V rocket engine into half of the earth surface and ignite it together to push earth away from the sun?

If there is not a Self to find anywhere in Buddhism, what if anything continues after death?

Do we know if complex life existed on earth before the moon impacted it?

Is it possible that some administration (NASA or other) has already sent astronauts to Mars and haven't told us?

Why wasnt the asteroid explosion over Russia in 2013 predicted? Why did no space agency see it coming?

What is the greatest misconception most people have about a specific event in The Lord of the Rings?

Is it possible that humans, if they live long enough on Mars, can adapt to live without life support systems?

How do we know there isn't another planet beyond Pluto's orbit?

Did NASA have a rescue plan for Apollo 11 if they failed to leave the Moon?

Hypothetical Scenarios: If aliens teraformed Mars, and left it alone, how long would it remain capable of supporting earth life?

How can the Dalai Lama say he will not reincarnate, since he is a Bodhisattva who vows to incarnate until all sentient beings reach Nirvana?

NASA claims that Mars atmosphere was stripped away by solar winds. Why hasn't the same fate occurred to earth?

Considering all of Mars’s flaws, is it really worth the hassle of colonizing it?

Is there a 10th planet called Nibiru?

My dad loves weird science-like things and space/astronomy. What are good Christmas gift suggestions?

Why do we think of colonizing mars while we are ruining the mother earth?

What are some mind blowing facts about the solar system?

How do perchlorate on Mars impact human exploration of Mars?

If there isn’t something BIG out there, like Nibiru, Nemesis, or Planet X, what's messing up the orbits of Uranus and Neptune? What is NASA covering up?

What will happen when I look at the sun with a telescope?

Is it possible for a sun planet moon system to exist such that the moon stays in the sky of the planet for months? Read description.

What if a private firm announced a mission to Ganymede or Europa?

If a chunk of dry ice 10 miles in diameter struck Mars, would it instantly melt and create a dense atmosphere?

How visible would a Texas sized asteroid be to the naked eye as it approached earth?

Will space travel to Mars be worthwhile in our lifetimes?

Peak Humanity: What if the population stops growing in the year 2050 and declines forever?

If a bird is trapped in my house and banging itself constantly against the window, should I just kill it to relieve it of its misery?

What do the Buddhists of Quora think of Steven Seagal?

If the population of the Earth keeps on increasing indiscriminately, will there be an effect on the Earth's orbital patterns?

As Deimos, Mars's moon, has an escape velocity of only 5.5m/s, if I jump high from Deimos' surface will I escape from it forever?

Do we have the technology to create an automated greenhouse on Mars that could grow and store food for an upcoming manned mission?

What Earth life forms have the potential to thrive on Mars as it is now?

What are some of the most annoying movie clichés?

If we are planning to make a landing on Mars and make a colony, why aren't we making sure that we can make a colony on our closest barren neighbor (the Moon) to make sure that we do it right?

What objects from space are going to hit earth Nov 13th, 2015?

How can one build a spaceship that can pass right through the sun?

Is it possible that Venus was once habitable and that in the future Mars could be habitable, could expansion of the Sun be relevant to this?

How does the dust storm in The Martian movie trailer trow stones through the air despite mars having just 1% of earths air density?

Could Mars' thin atmosphere conceivably allow for a dust storm of the magnitude seen in The Martian?

What are the exact steps to transform Mars atmosphere to suit for human living?

Can you leave the space station when you want?

What are some common illogical scenes that occur in films? I'm not talking about medical conditions that don't exist or physics-defying stunts, but just common, illogical things that don't really happen in real life.

What is required to put an Earth like atmosphere over Mars?

Is there a 10th planet called Nibiru?

Why aren't there fossils on mars?

Is there life on Mars?

Can we force trigger an evolution cycle on mars by maybe sending microbes which can resist the extreme climate on mars?

Outside Earth and the ISS/any other man-made satellite, but still within the solar system, where is the place you can survive the longest without a space suit?

Do you think NASA's "Journey to Mars" report is feasible to get us to Mars?

Why are scientists searching or looking for life on Mars? Is there anything like earth will be doomed let's say within 100 years and people around the world would have to move to Mars?

Once we colonize Mars or another planet, what are the chances those inhabitants branch off into a different species under the Homo genus - perhaps one that is more suited to the conditions if the colony planet? And how long will it take for this to occur?

Why did the astronauts in 'The Martian' abandon their mission and leave Mars due to a storm? Wouldn't they have anticipated the conditions on Mars beforehand?

If there was a lake on Mars, how would swimming in it be different?

How far are we from developing fully self-sufficient space stations? Given that attempts at creating terrestrial closed ecological systems have been a struggle, are we close to developing the technology for developing a living environment in space?

How is it possible for liquid water to exist on the Martian surface and how will the recent discovery affect future missions?

NASA recently announced that they have found signs of flowing water on Mars. How did they manage to collect the required information to make such claims, and how reliable is that information?

Is it possible or probable that there was a very ancient civilization on Mars that died out but whose remains will be discovered soon?

If we found (probably microscopic) lifeforms on Mars, would they pose a health risk to potential Earth colonists and would we wipe them out?

Could there be liquid reserves of water below the surface on Mars?

Water on Mars: What if it is the wrong "type" of water for life?

Considering the fact that the earth is round, does this mean that all objects on earth, like a straight pencil for instance, are actually curved but we don't notice it because of gravity illusion?

When terraforming Mars, will there be protected areas?

Water flows on Earth because of rains. If there is flowing water on Mars, does that also means it rains there?

What precautions does NASA take to ensure that the Mars landers do not contaminate Mars with earthly bacteria or microbes that might be on the lander or rovers?

What does the earth look like from the moon during a "blood moon"?

Can humans walk on martian (Mars) soil?

Why hasn't Envisat been brought down or destroyed or brought to a graveyard orbit?

Why don't people populate Greenland first before trying out on Mars?

Is John Hagee correct about the Blood Moon Prophecy?

What is more beneficiary for mankind in the long run: a manned mission to Mars or, for the same money, lots of LEO projects like space tourism, a bigger Space Station, cleaning the debris in low orbit, playing with asteroids, etc?

Why didn't NASA send an aerial vehicle to explore Mars?

Who is Renee M? Are her predictions about the world ending true?

Why should I use Quora instead of just searching the Internet?

What is the probability of asteroids which are not in the visible spectrum (invisible asteroids) to hit the Earth?

What is the position of women in Tibetan Buddhism?

If Space X reaches Mars first, can they claim the planet as their property?

Are Buddhist monks leeches in society who only beg for food and meditate, or do they provide some sort of service to the people?

Who owns the right to go to Mars and contaminate the Martian atmosphere with contaminants from Earth?

Could we heat Mars' poles by nuking them?

What were the primary religions in the world before Islam/Christianity/Buddhism became popular?

Can Buddha Reincarnate?

Is it possible that there is a small group of nonhuman hominids hidden somewhere on earth?

Is it possible to breathe and survive on Mars with an oxygen tank, but without a space suit?

What is a list of Suttas in the Pali Canon where the primary speaker is not the Buddha himself, but some other monk or lay follower?

Followed Sep 18, 2015

Another shadow or a real Alien? Is this a real Mars Crab and if yes will we still try and send a mission to Mars?

What is the best reason for sending a manned expedition to Mars?

What is the realistic top speed of an asteroid that might threaten the Earth and would we still be able to detect its approach?

Is it possible for a planet to form that consists entirely of water (i.e. lacking a rocky core)? If so, what would the dynamics at the center be like?

Extraterrestrial Life: Why don't we (earth) send some living bacteria (that can adapt to any environment) in a space shuttle to distinct planets (say to Mars), so that we can create a new life form species (yes it will take some millennia to evolve into a bigger species)?

Is it legal to drop a nuke on Mars?

Do we have a positioning system for space objects and planets similar to GPS?

What exactly is a "Super Blood Moon" and why is it so rare?

Could humanity construct a new Earth-like planet in the solar system?

Does NASA use Photoshop?

Wouldn't sending a manned mission to Mars violate NASA's policy of not infecting other worlds with life forms from Earth?

Have any of you encountered issues with the Wikipedia system of arbitration, and if so, how do you think it can be improved?

What is the best way to encourage collaborative editing in an online encyclopedia - and how could wikipedia be improved in this aspect?

Quora Bugs: Why doesn't the "rephrase question" tag remove itself when I have actually rephrased the question?

Are there any advantages of exploring Mars' moon Phobos?

Why don't Mars rovers move faster?

If the Sun disappeared completely, what would happen to the Earth and the rest of our solar system?

Could we survive without the sun?

How do you imagine the Earth without the Sun?

If the Sun disappeared completely, what would happen to the Earth and the rest of our solar system?

Without the sun, can oxygen be present on Earth?

What is the expected life of earth?

What is the common scientific opinion about Elon Musk's plan to nuke Mars' poles to accelerate the creation of an atmosphere?

Could a planet like Mars or Venus be equipped with an artificial magnetic field similar to Earth's?

What is the common scientific opinion about Elon Musk's plan to nuke Mars' poles to accelerate the creation of an atmosphere?

Why the edges of Martian Polar Caps are not being searched for liquid water?

Why they always ilustrate black hole as a black disk with distorted surrounding when it should be "just" distorted space? In other words, shouldn't it be without the black disk in the middle?

Can bombardment by comets significantly add up to the amount of water on Mars within realistic human timescales (i.e. a few centuries)?

Can you describe how detonating thermonuclear charges on Mars' poles can lead to the planet becoming hospitable?

What is going to happen in September 2015?

Can an astronaut re-enter the atmosphere with just a spacesuit and a jetpack?

Is the comet really hitting the earth in the month of September?

Why don't Mars rovers move faster?

Can any space agency or government legally stop me from contaminating Mars* if I announce that I'm going to take **germs/microorganism with me on my trip to Mars?

Could it have been feasible to boost Shuttle main tanks into orbit?

What is the deep/dark web and how do you access it?

Why can't humans spend more on exploring the remaining 95% of the oceans, rather than on space exploration?

Between the moon and the sun which one was created first?

Is it possible to upgrade space suits so that they can survive re-entry and then parachute down like Felix Baumgartner?

If SpaceX was responsible for destroying a huge asteroid that was headed for earth, do you think they would be successful?



If a 1km sized rock was, for certain, to hit Earth in 6 months, what could we do about it?

How are plants growing in the ISS? Is it different from normal? If so, in what ways?

Can the International Space Station be brought back to Earth if it were to be dismantled?

How will space tourism work?

How do I go about ignoring the end of the world predictions and live my life to the fullest?

Is the world going to end in September 2015?

Who says our world will end in September and why are they wrong?

Is the world going to end in September 2015?

How is Quora different from Yahoo Answers?

Why did God create the world if he was just going to destroy it at Armageddon?

What are the odds of a bigtime asteroid hitting the Earth a la Armageddon and Deep Impact?

Why can Buddhist monks in Japan get married?

What are disadvantages of self-studying?

Is it possible for a star to orbit a planet? Has it ever been observed?

What would be the reaction on earth if the Curiosity rover sent back a photo of an intelligent extra terrestrial life form? Would the governments release the picture and make it public?

If life on Earth would have been observable for a million years, why has there been no contact?

Are there any advantages in setting up a telescope (operated remotely from Earth) on other planets (such as Mars)?

Why is it so difficult to sterilize spacecrafts?

How are human skin thangkas being made?

What is the estimated cost of the International Space Station (ISS)?

Why are there rocks scattered on the sandy plains on Mars?

What makes more sense for humans becoming an interplanetary species: colonizing Mars (as Elon Musk wants) or building space stations (as Jeff Bezos wants)? Which approach is likely to yield the best long-term success and why?

Why won't this "if" statement work?

Followed Aug 23, 2015

Talking about real spacecraft, not the fictional ones seen in Star Wars and Star Trek, what is the best looking spacecraft ever made?

Why is SpaceX trying to build a rocket booster to safely land upright instead of building a spacecraft that can take off and land like an airplane but exit and re-enter the atmosphere? Is it because the Falcon 9 is something that is easier to achieve at this point in time?

What is the closest distance in space where there could realistically be at least a human-level civilization without us noticing it? What about Alpha Centauri? Could we "detect ourselves" if there would be human-level civilization out there?

Assuming that human travel to Mars is possible, what are the other hazards that prevent establishing a permanent settlement on Mars?

Why can't the ISS split astronaut's exhaled CO2 and recycle the oxygen?

You point a torch with a small ball in front of it towards a planet with a diameter of 2 light years and 200 light years away and quickly rotate the torch so as the ball's shadow covers the planet's diameter. Is it possible that the shadow of the ball breaks the light speed barrier?

Why does Elon Musk believe that we can't electrify transportation to space?

What keeps trolls away from Quora?

How can I put my "experience" as a troll to good use?

How many trolls does it take to change a light bulb?

Why do Christians not believe in the concept of reincarnation?

Why has the new pentagonal tiling received so much attention in the press?

Why can't I add a comment at this time?

Are some Buddhists also Christians?

Why is it important that on the launching day of the Mars rover, the two planets should be close to each other?

Is Quora required to include attribution for reproductions of my content?

Assume a, b, c are integers. What is the proof that abc(a³–b³)(b³–c³)(c³–a³) is a multiple of 7?

If a person were born and raised on a lunar colony, complete with pressurized environments containing all necessary water, nutrients, and stimulation, what, if any, ill effects would that person suffer if he moved to Earth at the age of 25?

When will the probability of a life-threatening space object hitting Earth reach significant levels?

In a recent answer, Robert Frost stated that there are 2600 inoperational satellites orbiting around earth. Is this a part of what they refer to as space debris? If so, did they design satellites in such a way that we can recycle them in space once their life cycle is complete?

How is New Horizons of NASA powered?

Will Uranus and Neptune ever switch back?

Is it illegal to download something that one has the corresponding physical version of?

Is it illegal to download a pdf version of a book if you own the original book?

Are there any die-hard Lord of the Rings fans that can't stand the movie trilogy? If so, why?

Was the journey of Voyager so calculated that it didn't crash into a meteor or was it destined to go into interstellar space?

How far could we travel within our solar system with our current technology, if we were to send a manned spaceship ?

Is NASA presently capable of fending off a collision if a meteor or any other celestial body were to strike the earth?

If a meteor collided with the Sun, how big would it need to be in order to be a concern?

How certain is the claim that the ISS is the most-expensive single item ever built, taking inflation into account?

Buildings: How much in today's dollars is the cost of a medieval cathedral?

Does NASA care more about finding the first alien life or setting up human colonies on other worlds?

Should there be a limit on the size of answers on Quora?

Why doesn't the ISS have a centrifugal gravity module? Is it because it's too expensive or because it just can't be done with current tech?

How practical is it to put a satellite to orbit ISS?

Is Quora the new Google? Will Quora eventually become a mainstream search engine? Instead of saying "Google it" will we eventually be saying "Quor it"?

Why can't plants be used in the ISS to take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen so that oxygen content inside the ISS remains almost constant instead of taking air from earth to fill in the tanks of the ISS?

What would happen if someone proves P=NP or P!=NP?

Is there water on the moon?

What are your current all time stats on Quora?

Is the act of drilling into an Earth-bound asteroid to blow it up with a nuclear weapon (as seen in Armageddon) technically feasible? If so, how much would it cost and how many nukes would you need?

If intelligent aliens came to the Earth, would they be able to figure out which humans were considered good looking without us having to tell them?

Why is it almost impossible to learn a mathematical concept on Wikipedia? They are very difficult to follow, especially if one doesn't have a solid background in the subject.

If the Sun disappeared completely, what would happen to the Earth and the rest of our solar system?

If someone made an exact duplicate of you with everything in the same place, would the duplicate have your same memories?

What would happen if the Pacific Ocean was suddenly teleported to the surface of Mars?

Was this pile of code written by a single team of software engineers?

Given that eyes appear to have evolved multiple times independently through evolution, why has human-level intelligence not evolved more than once?

What Quora stats or lists (e.g., most active users, best recent answers) would users like to see?

Followed Aug 2, 2015

How fast is Quora growing on a weekly basis? What are the growth metrics?

Is a cheaper computer as good as the more expensive computers?

What should be humanity's approach to exploring space and discovering alien races once we're able to travel to other planets?

Are we technologically close to a feasible "von Neumann probe" for exploration?

Is it true that before China took over Tibet, the Buddhist monks ran a feudal system akin to medieval Europe, impoverishing the people who had to work their land? If so, what is written about this?

If Pluto was much closer to the sun (say between the Earth and Mars) could it have been a habitable planet? If so, are there ways to setup isolated heated environments in such planets?

I just came up with an amazing theory. Where would I post that?

Is the significance and/or creditability of the Eagleworks EM Drive hard vacuum tests being unfairly downplayed by the scientific community?

Which line of work or profession has had the most impact on the course of human history? Why?

Pluto is very far away from the sun. If we were floating by it in a space suit, would we even be able to see it or would it be too dark for the human eye?

What could kill us so quickly that we wouldn't even notice?

Why don't ISS photos show any of the thousands of satellites orbiting Earth? Is it a matter of being in different orbits?

Can Earth create self-assembling or self-replicating nanoparticles and nanorobots or assembly linear nanostructures naturally?

Why do some intelligent people care to remember and understand a massive amount of details (characters, relations, interactions, events) of completely imaginary and excessively detailed settings?

What could be the largest object manufactured, if it was made while orbiting the Earth, if the current launch costs of a rocket were 1/10 of what they are now?

Do the best programmers use the fewest lines of code, as is consistent with my experience?

Jimmy Wales: Are there plans for an 'advanced' function on Wikipedia so all deleted articles can be available to a user automatically (in that mode), as many quality articles seem to be deleted by some administrators.

Given what we now know about evolved bacterial ecologies in our bodies and the tendencies of invasive species to overwhelm macro ecologies once introduced, isn't it almost certain that an extraterrestrial ecosystem would probably kill us?

Does the Moon always rise in the East?

If we could harness 100% of the sunlight that earth receives in a day, is it enough to replace the fossil fuels consumed in a day?

Does anyone actually like or enjoy mathematics?

What happens to defunct man-made satellites around earth? Do they come down on earth or do they collide with something? Do they disappear somehow or do they stay in orbit?

What is 40 degrees Celsius in Farenheit?

I walk into a restaurant for lunch and my check comes to π dollars. The restaurant will only accept cash for the exact amount -- nothing more, nothing less. What are my options?

How can Pluto be called a "dwarf planet" if it's not a planet?

Is it safe to pick up a meteorite with my bare hands?

If NASA sent the most developed spaceship to Pluto right now, how long would it take them to reach Pluto?

In the first book of LOTR, Frodo, Sam and Pippin elude the Black Riders while on a long arduous journey. This seems improbable giving everything that is said about them. They come close to them multiple times, but do not catch them. How is this possible?

What are the chances that a solar system with four rocky planets would go haywire and destroy itself?

Why do companies like Facebook and Uber need so many developers?

Why has NASA so far not found alien artifacts on the worlds of the solar system?

If there is intelligent life on Kepler-452b and it has managed to send "man-made" satellites orbiting around the planet, are we able to detect these satellites with the current technology?

Why doesn't the New Horizons mission put the spacecraft into orbit around Pluto?

Should I correct the grammatical mistakes in popular answers? Sometimes I read excellent answers on Quora with simple mistakes that detract from the quality of the answer. I always want to edit their errors out. What is the proper "netiquette" rule?

Space Travel: Who is going to Mars next year, 2016? Or was it just media hype?

Now that NASA has discovered Kepler-452b, is there any possibility to reach this planet considering that it's 1400 light years away?

I've read that water is a sign of life on other planets, and no life can exist without it. Are there any other extraterrestrial element/substances unknown to earth or humans that allows life?

How similar is Kepler 452b to our Earth?

How can NASA be assured of potentially favourable living conditions just by looking at Kepler 452B?

How much can we learn about the new Kepler planet?

Is there a way to detect if there is intelligent life on Kepler-452b?

How realistic is the book "The Martian"?

Our own moon will eventually escape Earth. Are any of the moons of other planets losing altitude, on course to collide?

Is it possible that Pluto is heated by meteorite impacts?

Is there anything of worth on the planets in our solar system like gold or something like helium 3?

Is the sunlight on Pluto bright enough to read by?

In how many years will we be able to construct viable Stanford toruses?

In The Lord of the Rings (creative franchise), were Frodo and Sam gay?

Is it possible to terraform just a portion of Mars by enclosing it in a dome?

If a pen were able to draw in three dimensions, would there be any notable traceable patterns, e.g. Platonic solids?

When did science determine that the Moon, Mars, and Venus were uninhabited?

How does one read poetry aloud?

Could our human eyes see normally on other planets or their moons?

Is it true that NASA is building a city in Mars?

Does Tom Bombadil even know who or what he is or has it been so long he forgot?

How could/would the ISS be weaponized?

Why are wyverns so much more popular than dragons in modern fantasy shows like Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and Lord of The Rings?

How do lottery winners pick their numbers?

What are some cultural faux pas when working as a member of the Fellowship of the Ring?

Is a asteroid gonna hit earth September 15th 24th 28th many websites claim it is but nasa down played it. Are they hiding it from us? Jade helm exercise anything to do with it? I'm sick of these asteroid scares want the truth

How does the Dalai Lama reconcile the existence of horrific serfdom in Tibet before 1959 with love and peace that he preaches? Is he grateful that somebody put a stop to this inhumane treatment for fellow human beings?

Were any humans aboard the SpaceX CRS-7 rocket that exploded during ascent on June 28, 2015?

How could we barely feel a 160 km/h wind on Mars because of its thin atmosphere?

Could a Lake Vostok exist on Mars today?

What would Mars be like if it was heated up enough to melt all its water ice and dry ice?

Why did Tom Bombadil permit evil to exist in the Old Forest and Barrow-downs?

Could the Rosetta Satellite, which is currently orbiting comet 67P, have a significant effect on that comet's orbit? Why or why not?

What are the weirdest orbits or trajectories ever observed among celestial bodies?

What would happen if an asteroid hit earth while you were in a plane?

I read somewhere that Mars doesn't have enough mass to hold an atmosphere. How would it be possible to terraform it, in theory, if the oxygen just goes away with the winds from the sun?

How realistic is the book "The Martian"?

How realistic is the book "The Martian"?

What is the largest known solid object in the universe that isn't spherical or almost spherical?

Would you be heavier on the dark side of the moon, as compared to the bright side due to the effect of the earth's gravitational field, and by how much?

Politically, how will the Moon and Mars be colonized by humans?

Do we have telescopes powerful enough nowadays to see the man-made objects left on the moon by the Apollo missions, proving 100% that humans did in fact land there?

When astronauts go to Mars, will we be able to watch them on TV like we did with the moon landing?

What are the odds that alien food from an Earth-type planet would kill us?

How common is homelessness among Buddhists?

Could the ring in 'Lord of the Rings' be destroyed on purpose?

When is the next anticipated supernova that will be visible to the naked eye in daylight?

Are there any pictures taken by Curiosity of Deimos and Phobos showing up in the sky at the same time? In case there is not, why?

Why hasn't anyone made an "analog" computer, where 0.5 could equal both on/off like a quantum computer?

Is there a particular reason, beyond coincidence, that our planet has large landmasses at each pole? Would a similar planet with relatively similar conditions (next to impossible, I know, but this is all hypothetical) also have two poles?

What do religions say about life on other planets?

Why and how is it possible for a planet to be shaped like a doughnut?

How long ago did the moon begin to form?

Will the asteroid mining by private companies be regulated by "Outer Space Treaty" (or any other international agreement)?

If there is an icy part of Mars, then why do scientists seem to have a problem with producing water on the Red Planet?

Why is it so hard to create a human-like AI?

Is there life on Mars?

How big would a meteorite have to be in order to be a "planet killer"?

If an independent group of people comes up with the resources and technology to colonize Mars, will any governments object? How might the political situation play out?

What will Philae do now? Will it explore the surface like a rover, or remain stationary indefinitely?

If one of our satellites crashed onto another planet, and assume the people who built it weren't careful and left fingerprints, hair, spit, sweat, etc. on the craft, could that spawn life?

What in layman's terms is Russell's Paradox?

How reliable or practical would it be to use liquid mirror telescope in zero gravity?

Might there be life on other planets but we just can't see it?

How hard would it be for a rogue nation to start a Kessler syndrome event?

What is LightSail's apparent magnitude?

What are some innovative uses for the Molniya orbit?

Does the fact that we can see (with naked eye) only a few thousand stars have any significance for Olbers' paradox?

If the planet earth stopped producing oxygen, for how long could life exist?

Could a probe be put in orbit around a Martian moon by amateurs using a few cubesat launches?

Is it possible to turn the moon into a spaceship and have all the humans live on it?

Can you de-orbit a tennis ball (or baseball) by hand from the ISS during EVA?

Should we visit Europa?

Is Morgellons a real disease?

Could an asteroid strike change the rotation of the Earth to spin in the opposite direction?

Other than navigational, solar flare, ozone layer, and power grid dangers, what will happen when the magnetic poles shift?

Is there any strong scientific evidence on this prediction about the 9.5 earthquake to hit California on May 28th, 2015?

Can planets take the shape of donuts?

Can a planet have an orbit shaped like a figure 8?

Would it be arrogant to refer to one of my findings as a theorem in my paper?

Is it possible to have life within the Earth's core?

Why do most of software engineers/programmers always act like they know better about your own product and think that your opinion about any technical aspect of it is irrelevant?

If I have a regular mediation practice, does that make me a Buddhist?

Is the hype surrounding the upcoming "Four Blood Moons" limited to Christians, or is it of secular interest as well?

How often do solar storms occur? Can they hit earth or cause harm to use?

Why didn't the universe collapse into a black hole just seconds after the Big Bang? I imagine it was very dense at that moment.

What are the chances of Asteroid 2012 TT5 hitting the Earth on September 24, 2015?

When looking at a planet like Mars, is there 0% life or are there microorganisms like Earth's germs?

Can tardigrades survive on Mars?

What is the concept of retrograde planets? Does it mean the planet becomes stronger or does the planet impact opposite to its nature?

Meteorites: Should we urgently take measures to make it easy to spot a meteor about to impact Earth?

Are there gliders that can be flown at night?

How was all the perchlorate on Mars formed?

Is there a formal protocol that NASA utilizes to prevent biological contamination of extraterrestrial bodies and is there any basis for enforcing it in international law?

Would a Rover mission to Venus be possible with current technology?

Is it easier to colonize the surface of Mars or the cloud tops of Venus?

If and when we colonize Mars, how will we prevent contaminating the planet with our own bacteria and microbial life?

Is there any set of circumstances that could lead to the moon having an orbit which brings it twice as close to earth at the closest point,(perigee) and twice as far away at furthest(apogee)? (data needed for a story)

As the universe had an origin and a finite size, how can it now be infinite?

Russell's paradox


What scientific proof is there that a giant asteroid is going to hit Earth this September? Why is NASA not stopping the nonsense, or is it true?

Why are goto, break and continue statements bad in computer science?

If we were sitting on Pluto looking towards Earth, would we be able to see our planet with an unaided eye?

Is our universe a black hole?

If you stand on the moon, can you see its surface curving?

At what altitude is there no orbital decay?

Is the environment of Mars harsh enough that both descendants of primitive Earth life carried there by meteorites and natively evolved Martian life could exist in isolated "islands" without interacting with each other?

Can a planet have a diamond as its center?

When will we have high resolution photos of Pluto from the New Horizons Mission?

What is a black hole made of?

Would a car accelerating to the escape velocity of the earth fly off?

Does the Dalai Lama speak for all Buddhists?

If earth were spinning faster than its escape velocity what would happen?

Why are all planets round and not square or rectangular?

Why does the moon appear in random places?

Is it physically possible for a moon (not ours) to orbit a double-planet system?

Could an Earth-like planet have a sizeable moon in a geosynchronous orbit?

Is this website to be trusted about an asteroid striking earth on May 14th of this year?

Where do Buddhists get their robes?

What would happen if we fired all nuclear missiles on earth at the sun?

What is the most likely death of the Earth? Is it the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies colliding, or is it the sun dying and expanding?

Is it possible to have a moon so reflective that when it reflects the sun, it will be like daylight? Is there a set of circumstances that can result in this phenomenon? What if we are on the moon, orbiting a nearby, larger, super reflective planet?

What are the odds that a viable population of humankind will escape to another planet before the earth becomes uninhabitable?

Does Mars have a blue sky?

How deep would you have to bury a Mars or lunar colony in order to protect it from solar radiation?

Is there wind on Mars?

How do developers retain so much knowledge?

Do the "Name A Star" certificates give you legal ownership of a star? If so, does that mean my descendants will be owners of a solar system when space travel allows them to visit the star?

Why doesn't our moon have Trojan satellites, much like the Trojan asteroids leading and following Jupiter?

Why can you sometimes see the Moon in the morning?

Mars or Europa, which one deserves more attention? Which has a more likely chance at being habitable enough to send a small colony within the next 100 years?

What will happen if Russia denies the US use of the Soyuz, which is currently required to access the International Space Station?

Roughly, how many lifetimes would it take to be a mathematical universalist?

Are you slow when it takes more than 10 seconds to respond to someone's question?

Why I think we are absolutely nowhere near being able to creat...


How can I produce sounds of musical instruments using Fourier series?

In this scenario, what would happen to the moon (and the astronaut)?

Why do Tibetan Buddhists visualize deities?

When will Mercury collide with the Sun?

Time (physics): If a civilization had colonies in two different planets, in galaxies that are very far away, could they use the same "calendar"? In other words, could each date in one of the planets be mapped to a certain date in the other planet, and viceversa? Would time advance at the same rate in both planets?

Are there any stars that will come close to our solar system in the future?

What exactly are the tiny stars that we see in the sky at night? Are they the same type of stars as our Sun? Are all of them in our galaxy?

What kinds of technologies are currently used to deflect asteroids?

Why is unmanned exploration prefered to manned exploration?

If there is life in the universe, how do we explain the so far failure of SETI to find it?

What is an EmDrive?

How were martian canyons formed?

Will an asteroid hit Earth on 25 September 2015?

Should Mars One set up a test camp on Earth, to see if the base they want to set up on Mars will sustain a large group of people indefinitely?

Why is Tom Bombadil important in Lord Of The Rings? This is my third reading of LOTR and I still don't understand the point of his character. Would the story have been any less without him?

Would mankind attempt to recover a Voyager type spacecraft from another world if it entered our solar system?

Why are Quorans so stingy about giving upvotes? Doesn’t more participation make us a better community? Why not upvote?

Rather than (or as a complement to) building desalination plants in large California cities, would it be feasible to harvest water vapor from the marine layer?

How long will it take us to be able to send robots to planets like Kepler 438b,"earth's twin", which is 470 light years away?

Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001 movie): How do goblins climb along the walls and ceilings of Moria?

Is there any video of Mars? If not, why?

If it was somehow possible to slowly lower an object/vehicle from space down into our atmosphere, would it/part of it still burn up on entry?

If NASA said that in a decade that they will prove that life exists on other planets, then what do they really know now?

What would happen if someone took off his space suit in the Martian atmosphere?

Is it possible to see lightning from the ISS?

What would happen if the Moon was replaced with Saturn?

Do moons have moons?

What are some teachings for me?

How is the picture of our Milky Way galaxy taken from the outside if we are inside the galaxy?

How is the picture of our Milky Way galaxy taken from the outside if we are inside the galaxy?

Could the Curiosity rover or the other Mars rovers take earth microbes to Mars intentionally or inadvertently? And, therefore, is there life already on Mars?

The mathematics of sloth canon number sequences and Per Nørgår...


Popular science media reports that a manned mission to Mars will be plagued by radiation poisoning. Is there shielding to prevent this like that used on the ISS and if so why would it not perform so well on a trip to Mars?

Would the US be lawfully allowed to claim Mars?

What is the procedure for dealing with astronauts that die in space?

Why are some spacecraft required to launch vertically while others can launch horizontally?

What building materials would we use to build buildings on Ceres?

Is it possible for human beings to adapt to new planets like Mars? If so, how long will it take?

How difficult is it to colonize the entire Galaxy and still have full governance over it when FTL technology is non-existent?

In your school of Buddhism, is time beginningless?

Dependent origination: since everything is a result of dependent origination, there is nothing which appears accidentally, right?

How much does it cost per minute to keep an astronaut alive in space?

Is there currently any technology or study for a pour-in-place or extruded product similar to concrete that would cure in a space body setting, and that uses locally obtained regolith from a planet or asteroid?

What is the other habitable planet for humanity in case we blow up the earth?

Why are we attempting to colonize Mars before the moon?

Why were Neil Armstrong, Eugene Cernan, and Neil DeGrasse Tyson all opposed to SpaceX?

Space Colonization: Would it be possible to build machines that replicate themselves with just the materials around them?

Since it costs so much to get things into space, why do we let things like Skylab burn up? Wouldn't it have been better to move it somewhere and use it for parts/materials?

How do Mars rovers stay upright on their wheels in severe storms? Has there ever been any incident where something toppled the rovers?

Is it possible to design a spacecraft reentry with a "shallower" profile, resulting in lower g-loading and heating? Could you fly a profile that decelerates more slowly, say at a maximum of 2g, like an extended period of aerobraking?

Life of the Buddha according to the sutras


Did Gandalf actually believe that Frodo had been captured when the Mouth of Sauron showed him the mithril shirt and Sam's blade?

Is the ISS finished? What are future plans for it? Could it ever double as a spaceship? Why wasn't it build this way from the start?

Why does hardly anyone ever mention planetary protection for h...


Do enlightened people get hungry?

Are the Curiosity and Opportunity mars rovers scheduled to meet each other?

Some Buddhists believe in rebirth. If there is "no self" or "no soul", then for these Buddhists what is being reborn?

How would space suits for manned missions to other solar system bodies (Mercury, Mars, Europa, Titan, Pluto, etc) differ from those used on the moon?

It is possible to create a circle using cellular automata?

Are there any Buddhists who believe in Atman or True Self?

In a lot of movies, we can see spaceships carrying a very huge crew (hundreds if not thousands of people) for desperate "survival of the kind" purposes mostly, but what would these ships even slightly look like if we would respect our technology and science?

Could the Mars rover have contaminated Mars with Earth based life forms?

Is there evidence that Siddhartha Gautama is a real historical person?

Aurora Borealis: Why is Antarctic Auroral Oval always off center over the South Pole?

If we colonize other planets, will we eventually reach a point where wars of independence will become common again?

Do we have to give up fighting for what is right if we follow the Buddhist precept of letting go of attachment and desire?

Will anyone ultimately "win": Muslims, Catholics, Buddhists, or some other religious or secular group and, if so, how? Will it be by attrition, war, subjugation, or by some other means?

Can the modern adult truly be a Buddhist?

What if something like a small meteorite or debris penetrated the ISS?

Can a software engineer survive without using recursion? I always tend to use iteration (for or while loop) instead of recursion. Can I always get by using iteration instead of recursion?

Was Steve Jobs a Buddhist? Did he meditate every day?

How hard would it be to grow food on Mars?

How many habitable planets can you fit in a solar system?

If scientists were to send an orbiter to Mars, how would the features and technology on board be different, in comparison to the ISS?

Why don't we send a rover back to the moon?

What are some theories on why we haven't been visited by aliens yet?

Is terraforming bioethically irresponsible?

Space Medicine is, discipline-wise, in its infancy. Is it feasible to sanction a manned mission beyond our Moon, where a medical evacuation is at least feasible?

What is the reason behind Tolkien not mentioning any kind of gods in the LOTR trilogy? Was Tolkien an atheist, and if so, was that the reason?

Would it be harder to dig underground tunnels on the Moon or on Mars?

Can a Buddhist be aggressive or assertive when it is appropriate?

How can a Buddhist have a relationship if that creates attachment?

What is the historical proof that Buddha actually taught the Middle Way?

Would the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 hold up today?

Magic at the Heart of the Buddha's Teachings - Two Kinds of Tr...


Could I make a profit by going to the moon with Golden Spike and bringing back a barrel of Helium 3?

How can a Buddhist have a relationship if that creates attachment?

Does Tibetan Buddhism involve animal sacrifice?

A great part of the Bible and the Buddhist scriptures are fabricated by later people, so how can we believe them?

Is Buddhism the only religion that believes in life outside of the earth?

What way into Mordor would have been better (safer) than Minas Ithil and the pass of Cirith Ungol?

Would people born and raised on Mars be able to withstand Earth's gravity?

Can a Japanese monk get married?

Besides Buddhism, what other atheistic religions exist?

What provisions did the Apollo astronauts have if the lunar rover irretrievably broke down while they were out driving it?

Why are the Rosetta maneuvers so extreme?

Why doesn't NASA build a Mars spaceship in orbit, the same way they built the space station?

Why is Bilbo Baggins not showing any signs of the ring's tormenting and turning him as Frodo had experienced in the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings?

In the context of space travel/exploration, what are some of the amazing things we are technically capable of doing today, but aren't doing due to budget, lack of priority, or other "human" roadblocks?

Whom would you send on Mars One?

I could not solve an easy problem. I'm 17 and I started learning C++ (first language) six months back, and I have just completed functions, arrays and strings. Should I quit programming?

What do you guys think of the finalists who are ready to die on Mars?

Why has NASA not changed the spacesuits?

Do Buddhists have a higher external locus of control or a higher internal locus of control?

Why do people choose Buddhism? What does Buddhism provide? Where do the other religions fall short?

Is Tibetan Buddhism different from other types of Buddhism? If so, how?

Why Forests are not the "Lungs of the planet"


What is the teaching of Buddhism about images and relationship with images?

What is the Buddhist answer to the state of mind which is related to 'feeling lonely'?

If either SpaceX or Mars One were to overcome technological challenges to colonizing Mars, what political challenges would stop them?

Could computers do astronauts' jobs at the ISS?

What made the Dalai Lama capable of receiving the Nobel Peace Prize?

Who owns the planets of our Solar System? Are the planets anyone's property?

Should a Buddhist be proud of being a Buddhist? If not, what?

What are the bad things about Great Britain?

Why do space explorations go horizontally along the plane of the ecliptic and not vertically, perpendicular to the ecliptic?

Origins of the Buddhist Sutras - were they the Teachings of th...


Can the Beagle 2 be remotely repaired if one of the future Mars rovers manages to travel to its location?

How would an asteroid collision affect Mars?

Will the fear of exterminating any potential life native to Mars prevent us from ever colonizing the planet?

How much does it cost to ferry an astronaut to the International Space Station?

What are the genuine flaws in Buddhism, if any?

Why is Elon Musk so obsessed with Mars? Who would want to go there?

What is the most pernicious and persistent myth about The Lord of the Rings that is believed by people who have seen Peter Jackson's movies but haven't read the books?

How soon can humans move to and live on Mars?

What do Buddhists think of consuming meat and drinking alcohol?

Excluding The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, why is Tolkien's work so dull?

Do Tibetans want to be a part of China?

Does Buddhism involve individualism as much as Western practitioners assume it does?

Is "Buddhistic temple" acceptable English?

How can I save myself from being reincarnated in the Tibetan Buddhist hell realms?

NASA is going to great lengths to prevent Earth organisms from contaminating investigations into the possibility of life on Mars. If that's the case, why are we planning to send humans to Mars?

Are the Tibetan people better off under Chinese communism compared to the past?

What will happen after the current Dalai Lama dies?

Since it takes between 3-22 minutes to send a message to Mars, we can't control surface robots in real time. What about having humans in (Mars) orbit control robots on the surface?

Are there any ideas or speculations as to where the water went on Mars?

Does Mars have water?

Should the Chinese Government control the succession of the Dalai Lama?

Do Gödel's theorems imply that there are limits to the laws of physics?

Would Tibetan Buddhism lose some of its credibility if the Dalai Lama abandons the tradition of reincarnation?

Is Mars' Curiosity rover designed to study anything biological or living?

Six Urban Legends - the Western Doom and Gloom idea of Karma


Six Urban Legends - the Western Doom and Gloom idea of Karma


What will be next step by NASA if we discover water and methane on Mars?

Bugs are everywhere. I find it impossible to believe that they have not found any insects on Mars yet. Where are they? If there are none, why haven't we sent any to Mars?

What are the biggest technical problems with nuclear thermal propulsion systems?

Does Jupiter's moon Europa have encouraging signs of life?

How can I calculate the ratio of Si to O atoms in SiO2, or the empirical formula of it, based on its structure?

I've seen a picture in which Dalai Lama converses with Carl Sagan about the universe, any details?

What would be the most profitable activity on Mars that would justify its colonization?

Which is more likely to first be colonized by settlements of millions of humans, Antarctica or Mars?

Are there intervals in Eastern music using the eleventh harmonic, such as the neutral third 11/9?

Where is the fallacy in the following argument?

Are there intervals in Eastern music using the eleventh harmonic, such as the neutral third 11/9?

Asked Dec 5, 2014

How does Buddhism differ from Hinduism?

How close to us would an Earth-like planet have to be for its settlement to be economically viable, using current technology?

How much of the detectable information coming to earth from space is SETI detecting and recording?

What is the British way of typing numbers?

Why do we find the number 10 (and its multiples) such a satisfactory benchmark number and its arithmetic application so simple?

What do mathematicians consider rigorous enough? Everything I learn about mathematics I think is not rigorous enough, or is not quite correct. For example, is it rigorous enough to define trigonometric functions with the trigonometric circle?

Are airships useful on Mars?

Are there serious doubts from scientists about the descent of man on the moon?

Is moon Europa all ice and water, or is there any rocky surface there too?

What is the cheapest, legitimate, and realistic manned mission to Mars proposal on record?

Wrong View - that Intention = Karma in Buddhism


Could someone legally build and sell "Hobbit Holes", human-sized buildings placed part underground in the style of Bag End from Tolkien's work?

Why you often can't do anything in a wikipedia content dispute


Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, on issues arising from introduction o...


Recently Destroyed Wikipedia Articles on Karma in Buddhism and...


Is there a viable business model for a permanent Mars colony?

Should settling and terraforming Mars be a higher budget priority than developing the capacity to reach exoplanets that are more similar to Earth than Mars? Why or why not?

In what succession of concrete steps should we colonize and ultimately terraform Mars, according to current science?

When will there be a mission to Europa, a moon of Jupiter, to check for life?

Which is more important to the private space race, colonization or commercialization of space?

What other space exploration surprises await us that are 10+ years in the making, similar to Rosetta?

What should I do when I get stuck on a mathematical problem?

What makes Mars more interesting than the Moon?

Why is it important that we colonize Mars?

How exactly does Rosetta communicate with the earth?

What are the green lasers I see in simulated footage showing the Rosetta mission?

Will there be a mission like Apollo 10 before actually landing on Mars?

Is it fair to compare Tibet under Dalai Lama to the Confederacy?

What is the likelihood humans will ever achieve interstellar space travel? Given we don't kill ourselves off first.

What is the best way to deal with combative or condescending editors on Wikipedia?

Anything Else


Tolkein, Lord of the Rings etc


Buddhism, Meditation, Tibet, the Dalai Lama


General Science


Mars and Space


Computers, Artificial Intelligence, and Programming








What is the probability of Earth being hit by a asteroid as big as the one that wiped out dinosaurs 66 million years ago? Should not we be worried with this?

Does NASA have an estimate of the probability that the Earth will be hit by a potentially hazardous object (such as an asteroid) in the next 100 years?

What are the real primary colours?

Mars (planet): Why isn't the light red in this picture?

What reasons do beginners have to be cautious of trying new meditation techniques without guided training?

How many years down the line would living on Mars become possible?

How much would it cost for humans to build a habitable space craft comparable to Earth?

Could a cockroach survive on Mars?

In Lord of the Rings, who is the "Lord"?

Karma, Dharma, and Rebirth - and - the problem of "Disatisfact...


Has NASA purposefully sent any life forms to other planets?

Is it possible to build a human suit or spacecraft that can travel through the sun without being affected? If so, what would one be made of and how would it work?

If the Dalai Lama is peaceful, why is he ignoring Rohingya prosecution?

What is the religion of China? If it's Buddhism, then why is China against the Dalai Lama?

Why do we never see any videos from NASA missions, but only pictures or animations?

In the case of a natural disaster, if everything gets destroyed on earth are there any chances for those scientists staying in space stations to come back to earth? If yes, then how?

How did the Mars orbiters maneuver their orbits to hide behind Mars when the comet was approaching?

Will space travel to Mars be affordable in our lifetimes?

If NASA really went to the moon, why don't they prove it to people who disbelieve them?

Why does Elon Musk want to send us to Mars?

Is there life on Mars?

Why are tides caused by the Moon rather than the Sun?"

Who wants to go to mars in 2020?

What were the most pointless/useless space missions in history?

Why do Tibetan Monks stare indirectly at the Sun, and what does it mean to them?

What are some current issues with planetary rovers such as the Curiosity that NASA and others would like to improve upon?

Is it possible to be spiritually enlightened and stupid?

If one meditates all one's waking hours as (some) Buddhist monks do, isn't one throwing away one's life?

When will the Earth become like Mars?

Is life possible on a planet which isn't orbiting a star?

Is it time to send a Voyager 3 space probe with a mission mandate of better exploration of interstellar space?

What is the most likely planet to be colonized after Mars and the Moon?

After we're done terraforming Mars, what crops should we choose that would have the best nutrient yield and fastest growth rates?

Who owns Mars?

Elon Musk wants to send one million people to Mars. Can he do it?

What would happen to liquid water poured out on the surface of Mars, given average conditions? Would it vaporise or freeze? If so, how quickly? Is there an altitude where it would remain liquid for a time?

Is there any other planet or moon besides Mars where humans can actually land?

What could be the pros and cons about proposed travel to, and settling down/living on, Mars?

How could we best create whole new planets that suit our purposes, like oxygen-bearing life support, abundant water, right temperature, etc.?

Are there any plans for terraforming Mars in the foreseeable future?

Are all modern computers built using Boole’s theorems? Why?

How long ago did the water on Mars disappear?

Alternate Histories (Hypothetical Historical Scenarios): How would the space race be different if it was proven early on that both Mars and Venus were nearly identical clones of Earth, capable of supporting life?

What are the scientific ways to test to see if a person is enl...


What will travel to Mars be like?

Meditators in Interplanetary and Interstellar Spaceships


Lord of the Rings as online Google book - useful for searching...


What is your favorite “Easter egg” in Tolkien's literary works? E.g., when the dwarves were created, the eldest was named Durin. In Old Norse, "durinn" means "sleepy." There are seven dwarves and one is named "Sleepy;" you can guess the other names.

The Lord of the Rings (creative franchise): How was Aragorn able to fend off the Nazgul at Weathertop well enough to allow his party to flee to Rivendell? After all, the Ringwraiths each possess one of the Nine Rings of Power.

The Curious Case - Is This A Spirit or a Buddha?


Mars missions: What do we Earthians do if we stumble upon an existing species on Mars and they started attacking us, perhaps seeing us as a territorial threat? Do we have any policies ready to deal with this?

Suppressing Thoughts and the Mandala principle


Cave in the Snow: A Western Woman's Quest for Enlightenment


Yidams or "Tutelary deities" in Tibetan Buddhism - as "Medicin...


The Heart and Essence of the Buddhist Teachings


What gives Planetary Resources the right to mine asteroids in outer space?

Why the Dalai Lama is not a Pope or Dictator


If Apollos 18, 19, and 20 had launched as planned, what would we have gained? Was there some new technology that would have been tested?

In The Lord of the Rings, why didn't Frodo just fly/ride some beast (e.g. the Eagles) to Mount Doom, or at least some of the way there?

Are there any plans for reducing the lag time when it comes to communicating with rovers on Mars?

So far as I've seen there are no caves on the Moon or Mars, what's with that?

If an event has a probability of happening does that mean it could happen?

What does it mean when people say "free Tibet"?

Among all the experiments done in ISS (International Space Station), will there be an experiment on childbirth in space someday? If so, why and when?

The much misunderstood idea of a "Guru" in Buddhism


What is the best thing you can do at age 30 to benefit your life at age 50 and beyond?

How do you compose music? What is the process? And what do you wish you'd figured out long ago?

Are there any current or planned attempts to try to contact intelligent extraterrestrial life?

When we say there is no life on Mars, doesn't it only mean that life do not exist there as we understand it?

Is it better for Quora that I answer any question I can or only the ones I really know?

Suppose a bug like creature living on Mars peeked into one of our cameras on the planet and gave a big grin. This bug was undeniable and proved there was life on the planet. He then disappeared and did not reappear. Best estimate, how long would it be until we had people on the planet?

Could any living organisms have been carried onto other bodies in our Solar System by human space probes, and could any have survived and be reproducing?

Will various countries establishing permanent bases on the Moon lead to war?

Karma in the Buddha's teachings - how is Free Will possible in...


Why should we colonize Mars in 2016? What is this move away from a planet that has so much "life" to one that is smaller and appears barren?

If NASA really wanted to could they have done a successful mars landing mission right after the apollo program?

Can we engineer an oxygen producing bacteria capable of surviving on Mars?

Would it be feasible/a good idea to build a super-sized space station, 10x bigger than the ISS? What would the cost be? Would the benefits outweigh the cost? What new experiments could be conducted on a station that size?

Can an astronaut jump to Mars or Jupiter?

What would be the biggest challenges to building a hose that extends from the Earth to a space station to supply air, water, fuel, etc?

Are some of the residual, local magnetic fields of Mars strong enough to significantly reduce the ionizing radiation that would be harmful to human colonizers?

Are there any good paintings or artwork of robots on the surface of Mars operated by humans in orbit (i.e. showing telerobotic space exploration of Mars)?

What would the moon be like if it was terraformed?

When did people start for the first time to prepare for space exploration?

Is there any good reason to colonize space in the near-term future (i.e. next 100, 500 years)?

What space missions are currently in the works?

Hypothetically, could the ISS inject itself into lunar orbit with its current engines and fuel capacity?

Where will the first places outside Earth to be settled by humans be?

Does Peter Jackson's change of The Hobbit in the Desolation of Smaug anger Tolkien fans?

Is there Oxygen in Mars?

The Sun attracts the Moon with a force twice as large as the attraction of Earth on the Moon. Why does the Moon not revolve around the Sun?

Why are “The Hobbit” movies considerably different from the book?

Will self-driving cars be able to drive above the speed limit, or will speed limits be raised or abolished due to them?

Is it pity that pi is an irrational number? Does it mean there is something wrong about our understanding of mathematics?

Will Russia's actions in the Ukraine result in the US unilaterally stopping all cooperation with Soyuz flights and ISS operations?

Why are all the people (men, elves, dwarves) in The Lord of the Rings (movie series) and The Hobbit (movie series) Caucasian?

If Mars' moons were merged and that they eventually equal 1/3 of Mars' mass, would the resulting tidal forces be enough to create tectonic forces to heat up the core and release trapped oxygen on the surface?

Could any of our current winged aircrafts fly in Mars' thin atmosphere?

How does Voyager 1 and 2 still have enough fuel to continuously fly since the 70's?

Why are Gödel's incompleteness theorems so misunderstood and abused?

What are some proposed solution recommendations when building a lunar lander in pursuit of the Google XPRIZE?

Is mankind currently capable of sending a manned mission to orbit the moon (similar to Apollo 10's mission)?

Prove that Fn∣Fm⟺n∣m,∀n,m∈N,n≥3

, where Fi is a Fibonacci number ∀i∈N0

Extraterrestrial Life: Supposing we were surrounded by a galactic civilisation whose members travelled by direct lines star to star at nearly the speed of light. Would any of these transits need to pass through our solar system?

What is the longest time an astronaut can spend in space before it is too hard to re-acclimatize to Earth?

Are there more, fewer or the same number of numbers between zero and one as there are larger than one?

How might the mathematics of extra-terrestrials differ from our own?

Is it okay to destroy the earth because it will any way be destroyed by sun/volcanoes/tectonic shifts/Earth axis wobble/geomagnetic shifts/galactic shifts/asteroids/meteors etc?

If mathematics is, at its core, inconsistent, does that mean that the Universe itself is, at its core, inconsistent?

Can I get a metronome that guesses the tempo when I'm playing?

Given current advances in space technologies, what are the chances human civilization will meet/discover ET civilizations in next 100 years?

Let's say someone proves the twin prime conjecture. What should he/she do with it?

What are concepts in other languages for which there is no English word/phrase?

If you were offered the chance to go into outer space but you had to go alone and you knew there'd be a risk in not making it back, would you go?

Why do so many people think they are smarter than Elon Musk?

Should every programmer or coder be able to add, subtract, multiply, and divide two-digit numbers on the fly?

When will we be able to confirm or deny if Jupiter's moon Europa has life?

Can satellites orbit the Earth over a fixed geographical location?

India's mission on Mars: Will a budget of INR 450 crore suffice to take a man on Mars?

If we are able to send earth life and extremophiles to other planets or moons so they can reproduce, should we?

Why does Wikipedia always end up with Philosophy when you keep clicking on the first real link in each article (not in parentheses or italics)?

Can anybody with the right equipment mine an asteroid?

Did Americans really land on the moon?

Are there any organisms on Earth which could live and propagate on another body in our solar system?

Why wasn't the ISS designed as a rotating wheel space station?

If Elon Musk landed on Mars, and claimed the entire planet for himself, what does that even mean? Does it change the nature and scale of wealth if someone lays claim to a whole planet? What legal claims could a human have to a whole planet?

Why didn't man go to Mars?

Would a space elevator significantly change the Earth's center of gravity or rate of spin? Would the length of days change?

Why don't we use a system similar to a railgun to accelerate space ships to escape velocity?

Is it lawful or do laws even exist in the instance of a private space company like SpaceX claiming a part of a celestial body as its territory?

Is there a number that cannot be expressed in any way due to limitations of our universe?

Why in all the pics of the Moon landing, only a few hundred meters of land is visible (say the lunar module being at the centre) and beyond that it is pitch dark even in sunlight?

Is there a Russian equivalent to NASA's Voyager space probes?

It is possible to adapt the atmosphere of Mars for the existence of life similar to Earth over a period of 100 years?

If the earth is rotating at a high speed and we jump up, why doesn't the earth move below us at high speed?

Based on SpaceX's many delays for the COTS 2/3 Demo Flight, how plausible is Elon Musk's prediction of putting a man on Mars by 2032?

What is the significance of prime numbers?

Should I feel bad seeing prodigies all around me? While I'm surrounded by people taking grad-level Math and Physics classes in Freshman year, I'm starting with Calculus II.

How can you explain the technical details of the technology of landing a rocket with an astronout to the moon and sending it back to the earth to a layman?

If the earth is rotating at a high speed and we jump up, why doesn't the earth move below us at high speed?

If mankind hit a maximum population limit, will we resort to "population control"? Or will we have enough time to expand to other worlds before it gets to that point?

Could diamonds potentially be found on Mars?

Does Mars have any moons?

Why do we make an effort not to contaminate other planets with Earth life?

What is the oldest mathematical conjecture?

If humans were to setup a civilization on Mars, would flying cars be realistic considering the gravity there is 38% that of Earth?

What has Great Britain (UK) achieved with regards to space exploration?

How long will it be until humans have space ships like in Star Wars, Star Trek, Battlestar, etc?

Why was "sky crane" Curiosity landing on Mars considered such a breakthrough achievement when equivalently-sized rovers were landed on the moon 3 times in the 1970s? Is it only because the former was unmanned? If so, in what ways were Apollo astronauts needed to deploy the Lunar rovers by hand that couldn't be mimicked robotically today?

What are some major ethical issues that are essential yet not actively discussed about with regards to sending astronauts on space exploration flights?

What are the best arguments for debunking moon landing hoax conspiracy theories?

Why have humans never been back to the Moon after 1972?

In what ways is writing for Quora more fun than writing for Wikipedia, or vice-versa?

Has it been conjectured that ppn+1n+pn+pn+1

is prime?

What should we do to ensure the peaceful exploration of other planets, in particular Mars? Is it even possible?

In terms of colonizing other planets, is it more a matter of "Is it possible?" or "How do we do it?"

How difficult would it be to colonize mars? How soon could such an endeavor happen? Is there any utility in doing so?

What happens to the rocket engines after the Space Shuttle detaches from them and are new rockets used with each flight or are the detached ones collected and reused?

What would it take to move Venus closer to Earth, making Earth/Venus a twin planet?

Can the entire world's energy demands be met with 100% renewable energy and 0% coal, petroleum, nuclear?

Is it relevant to race for Mars settlement when our own planet is in risk?

Does "survival of the fittest" imply or require a will to survive?

What are the risks of solar satellites beaming energy to Earth? How beneficial can they be? Is there a programme going on to prepare to deploy them?

What is the largest spacecraft that could currently be built (either in orbit or here on Earth) and used to travel around the solar system and beyond? Would it be larger or smaller than say, a Nimitz class aircraft carrier?

What do you say to the people who turn down space exploration & research in favor of fixing things on Earth first instead?

I want to try the Riemann hypothesis. What required area of mathematics and other supportive areas do I have to study?

Do math and physics geniuses really jot down their calculations everywhere in the room? If they do, why? In many movies, they seem to always do that when struck by inspiration.

How expensive is the colonisation of space?

Did man really land on the moon?

Is it possible to create artificial intelligence? Why or how?

What are the best arguments for debunking moon landing hoax conspiracy theories?

Can we make Mars habitable?

If money was not a constraint, what could be done to avoid an AI apocalypse?

Are there any good paintings or artwork of robots on the surface of Mars operated by humans in orbit (i.e. showing telerobotic space exploration of Mars)?

Asked Aug 5, 2014

Where should manned exploration programs focus first, the Moon or Mars?

How do you show mathematical symbols on a webpage?

Is there a human corpse in orbit or deep space?

Are astronauts allowed to make autonomous decisions?

Why does it matter if there was ever life on Mars?

When I think about four dimensions I visualize a three-dimensional object moving as a function of time, so is it wrong to assume that watching a three-dimensional movie is the perfect representation of 4 dimensions?

Did Earth life begin on Mars? If so, could we find evidence and or prove it?

Could a direct hit by comet Siding Spring make Mars more hospitable for life?

What are the possible origins of the "spidery black things" on Mars?

Is Mars One a scam?

What do you think about the decision taken by the United Arab Emirates to establish their own space program?

In retrospect, does NASA regret sending Voyager 1 and 2 with the golden records containing pictures and audio-visual info from Earth given that a superior life form may find them and may not be so kind to earthlings?

Do you think that humans are just an invasive species on earth? If so, who does the earth belong to?

Could one survive on Mars with only a pressure demand regulator and warm cloths?

Should we steer comets into Mars to give it oceans?

If we had the ability to terraform a planet to support human life, but in the process changed it irrevocably, should we?

Is Mars a little too close to the Asteroid Belt for serious consideration for terraforming?

If it were possible to collect half of the atmosphere of Venus and deposit it on Mars, would this make both planets more habitable?

What country/company will be the second to land a person on the Moon and which will be the first to do so on Mars?

If an alien species sent a spacecraft across the solar system (like humans did with the Voyager spacecraft), what is the possibility that we could intercept it and how would we?

What are some technologies or approaches being developed to make prolonged trips in space more tenable as regards human biology?

What is the minimum size for a ring-shaped, rotating space station?

If life developed on Mars instead of Earth, would life on the planet Mars be similar or very different from life as we know it today on Earth?

If a private company had the money and the resources, is there any law that would prevent them from building a moon colony?

Can we terraform the Moon? If yes, how difficult is it? Is it possible with our current technology and what are the major challenges might we face while terraforming it?

When will the terraformation of Mars be possible?

Can any of the planets in our Solar System be terraformed for human habitation?

Why hasn't NASA put onboard microscopes on their rovers to look for Martian microfossils?

What was the perfect reason for the Kalpana Chawla's Space shuttle failure while returning from space? How did she feel at that moment?

Would cave systems on the Moon or Mars be anywhere near as varied and intricately formed as ones on Earth?

If you are in a spaceship that is traveling at the speed of light, and you turn on the headlights, does anything happen?

How did NASA have the confidence to fly the Lunar Module with a human payload in the Apollo 11 mission without previously testing a powered descent to and powered ascent from the Moon's surface?

Is life possible on a planet without liquid water? Why wouldn't life develop on a different fluid?

What is the space that NASA monitors? Is there the possibility that an asteroid is traveling toward us right now and we do not have enough time to execute a plan of deviation?

Is it true that if life had existed on Mars evidence of it would likely be quite obvious?

Why are there no pictures of the abandoned NASA lunar modules, rovers, etc.?

The Moon: What was the argument to not accept project Horizon in 1959? What were the main issues with the project?

What are the reasons for man to not go to Mars?

If the US had the same motivation to get to Mars as they did to get to the Moon during the space race, could we do it within the next decade?

Can a computer be made analog and has it been done?

Can deserts be made habitable?

Can we create a spaceship with centrifugal artificial gravity with today's technology?

What is a true personal story that people have a hard time believing?

Is it true that there are more lifeforms on your skin than there are people on the planet?

Grammar: Which is grammatically correct: "I hope we can keep this between you and me," or "I hope we can keep this between you and I"?

How can Spotify be written in C++ when it works on the web?

Do all living organisms on Earth share a common ancestor, or did life begin more than once?

What would be the most effective way to fight overpopulation: to colonize a new planet or to efficiently manage terrestrial resources?

If you were to take a newborn baby from prehistoric times (say 10,000 years ago), and raised him/her in modern times, would this child grow up to be like us? Could he/she go to school, do a PhD in Genetics, or any other thing that we can do now?

Music Theory: What is the circle of fifths?

Why are pitches classified the way they are in music?

What is the best telescope for under $500?

How do different musical keys sound different from each other?

If evolution has no inherent goal how did such complex forms of life arise when bacteria goes about reproducing just fine?

Why do humans want to take care of weak creatures (animals)? Doesn't that go against the evolutionary instinct of survival of the fittest?

Is the development of sentient AI highly probable within this century?

Would a child be able to grow and develop safely if raised in a microgravity environment?

Extraterrestrial Life: Why dont we (people of earth) send certain lifeforms say some archaebacteria or mycoplasma or any other to the outerspace (maybe moon or mars) and let them evolve on their own as in we trying "Panspermia theory"?

Do you think Homo sapiens will spread across the cosmos?

To what degree is evolution determined by self-selection rather than natural selection?

What planets/moons do scientists expect to find life in our solar system? I only know of Europa?

How long has our galaxy harbored Class F, G, and K stars with potentially life-sustaining terrestrial planets?

Is human colonization of Ceres feasible?

If terraforming were economically and technologically feasible today, which planet would be best suited in our solar system for human colonization, and why?

James Lovelock's 1970s argument for no life on Mars - what doe...


What is your preferred answer to the Fermi paradox?

Is there any possibility that a species more intelligent than human exists on earth?

What is the probability of a significant asteroid impact event by 2100?

What are good ways to avoid bugs while programming?

Are there programmers who write virtually bug-free code?

If you are a self-taught musician, how did/do you learn? Did you have formal training at some point? Were you scared away from music at some point, and then found your way back later?

Is there life on Mars?

Why do we keep sending missions to Mars to search for signs of life when there are much better places in the solar system to look for life?

Why has the speed of airliners remained more or less a constant over the years? Can we expect to fly from Toronto to Melbourne in an hour by 2050?

What resources on Mars could benefit humanity?

Is there ever likely going to be a time when humans colonize another celestial body in our solar system?

What cool things can we do with a permanent base on the Moon?

Are the moons of Mars, Phobos and Deimos, also suitable for off-world colonization?

Is it ethical or wise for parents of young children to volunteer for the one-way mission to Mars?

Is it a special feature of Peano axioms that Godel can prove incompleteness from them?

What would be required to generate an oxygen atmosphere on Mars if water-ice were known to be in massive supply, at or near the surface?

If we actually find a habitable planet with liquid water, how long will it be until people start living there?

What kind of people will be the first to colonize mars?

What is the most probable next step in space exploration?

When the technology and science finally becomes a reality, how long would it take for humanity to completely move off-planet and colonize space?

Can we be 100% sure space is infinite?

Where should Earth's 1st off-planet colony start?

Mathematical Fallacies: Can we prove that 1=2 or 2=3 or 3=4 and so on?

Is it true that we can travel through time if we move faster than light?

Why should I provide my knowledge to Quora for free?

If we knew that Earth would be destroyed in 50 years, could humanity work together to build enough space planes and space stations to save the entire human race?

They found a possible lake in a crater on Mars. What types of fish were in the lake?

What software would be the best for 3D procedural geometry generation (fractals and patterns formed by algorithms)?

Is something still morally wrong if the victim is unaffected by it?

Is it really likely future space colonies would try to gain "independence?"

What are some reasons that many intelligent species don't colonize space and other planets?

What are some microbes which could be 'seeded' into Venus' atmosphere, to consume the CO2?

Let's pretend mankind has a small populated base on Mars. If some massive disaster ends all life on Earth, could we 'rebuild' the human race on our home planet?

How dangerous is it to live in a space station?

How would I own a piece of land on Mars?

In the future when we colonize the moon, won't the weight of the colonies have some effect on the moon's rotation axis and spin velocity?

With the human eye able to detect the light from the Andromeda galaxy, 2.6 million light years away, what propels these photons in traveling such immense distances?

Is your mind part of your body?

How do things age in outer space, either inside a spaceship or just floating in space? For example, would paper turn yellow? Would perishable foods perish? Would metal rust? Would biodegradable items degrade?

When we colonize the moon, will people on earth be able to see the settlements' lights on its surface facing us even during a crescent moon?

Is it practical to store data into PI?

How many people would we need to send to a distant planet to colonise it?

If one day we find a planet able to sustain human life and we decide to colonize, what kind of systems should we establish?

When we colonize the Moon, what will the colonists do to fight the low G effects?

Would it be preferable to colonize space by self-supporting spaceships, as compared to terraforming planets?

If some day we develop spaceships with wormhole technology, how many years would it take to colonize the entire galaxy?

If they are using huge gobs of money terraforming other planets and space stations because the world is going to end, how many people out of the 7 billion would they be planning to take with them?

If we used the resources from the asteroid belt could we create a space station big enough to house 10 million people?

Is it possible to build a stellar observatory on the surface of the Moon? If so, what are the advantages that it could offer over an Earth-based one?

Is the Space Age dead?

What are some good books, ebooks, videos, or websites to learn rhythmic concepts such as polyrhythms, polymetrics, hemiola, syncopation, and such topics, for pay or free?

What is the highest meaningful number in mathematics?

How many people are required for a self-sustaining Mars colony?

When will humans colonize Mars?

Is colonization of Mars needed? What are your thoughts?

How long can humans live in space and what is the worst case scenario for someone who lives too long in space?

Do most programmers/software engineers tend to be the quiet type? Why?

Do we kill aliens or let them kill us, or are there better options?

If it were discovered that an asteroid was going to wipe humanity out, say in 2 months, how would the governments of the world respond? How would people respond? How would you?

Should we terraform Mars?

What effects on the moon could colonizing it have on it?

How do people write more than 10,000 lines of code by themselves? What kind of an individual project could need that? What are the challenges that programmers face while coding such a huge system? How much proficiency is needed to reach this level?

What would a competent alien invasion force do differently from the normal Hollywood portrayals?

How much would it cost to colonize Mars including R&D?

If some person or organization wants to stop anyone from colonizing and contaminating Mars, how are they going to do this?

Is His Holiness the Dalai Lama a liar?

Do dragons and gnomes really live in my source code?

Impossibility of counting most mathematical objects


Is it possible that an alien civilization has completely different mathematics than ours? Is mathematics absolute?

What have been the top findings on Mars so far?

Is it worth it to send humans to Mars to build a settlement? Is it practical and possible given the timeline and budget?

If a meteor half the size of earth was approaching our planet, would we possess the firepower to neutralize the threat?

Will Earth ever face a black hole? Since the Sun is going to become a white dwarf, will Earth face a black hole before crumbling into the Sun?

What do people think about the "Mars One" project?

Should we travel to Mars for $55 billion?

If NASA chose you to help colonize Mars, would you do it?

With the Moon and Mars colonisation plans underway (Mars One, SpaceX, Chinese space program) what laws will govern the colony?

What economic incentives are there to colonize Mars or any other planet?

What goods could Mars colonists export to Earth?

Why are we thinking about a Martian colony when a Venusian colony would be more technically feasible? It seems that radiation shielded floating colonies could be assembled on Venus with plastic film and aluminum wire bags filled with breathable air.

Is it practical to send humans to distance of Mars orbit (say)...


What will drive people to colonize Mars and when can that theoretically happen?

What materials are there on Mars that are of value to Earth?

Would it be cheaper to send a person to Mars and back or to send him there with the ability to be self-sustaining?

Why are we not using nuclear pulse propulsion for spacecraft when it can reduce the time which we take to reach Mars to 1 week instead of 6 months?

Will we ever land a human on Mars?

How successful will Mars One turn out to be?

Why not send cockroaches to Mars?

If C and C++ give the best performance, why do we still code in other languages?

Has a computer passed the Turing Test, from a mathematical and computer science point of view?

Why Mars Microbes Matter - Like Tigers - And More So? - Microb...


Will humans ever colonize Mars, our solar system, or the entire universe? Or will they go extinct?

Why does the statement int i==4 yield an error in this C program?

When we look for life in outer space, why do we look for signs that make life possible on Earth? Isn't it possible that different life forms may have different requirements of temperature range, resources etc.?

Why is it assumed so often that human exploration of Mars should start with a crewed landing, rather than with the building up of advanced outposts on its moons?

If humans were to inhabit Mars would they carry religion and countries there too?

Why haven't we introduced life on Mars yet?

How do I view and understand source code?

Has the first person to live to 200 years old been born yet?

Will humans ever live on Mars?

The one-way Mars One colonization mission is kinda crazy. But would you take a 100-day roundtrip to Mars, if you had the means?

Freeman Dyson: Given that the trip to Mars requires the same technical advances to stay in deep space for many years as building a deep space colony, why should we bother going to Mars at all?

5 manned missions to Mars, including SpaceX, have been announced so far. Will any of the 5 likely make it?

If we live on Mars in future should these people have the right to keep and bear weapons? Why?

What would it be like to live on Mars?

If I were to build a permanent colony on either Mars or the Moon, which would be the better choice?

Why does everyone plan to settle on Mars when we are not even done with the Moon?

Why do people want to settle on Mars?

Will life on Mars be really preferable or will humans meet an Avatar like fate at the hands of possible extraterrestrial life living there?

What are some things films have led us to believe that are actually not true?

What little habits made you a better software engineer?

Space Show webinar - Partial and Artificial Gravity for Human ...


How much of Mars' surface is unexplored?

What is the most cost effective way for us to terraform Mars?

How do the Mars One applicants imagine their life on Mars?

How long would it take to terraform Mars?

Do you think people who have been defamed on the internet can ever live normal and healthy lives again?

Did the Buddha ever personally visit Hell to lecture the dharma to the hell-beings?

Why won't NASA consider a one-way mission to Mars?

What are some good resources for web developers who want to make their products more accessible for people with disabilities?

With all the talk about going to Mars in the future, would it not be more logical to build and experiment with a colony on the moon first?

Do we really need to send people to Mars?

How will the land on the moon be distributed among all of the countries?

Should I buy an electronic metronome or an analog one?

Is colonizing Mars biologically possible?



What are some ways to become more rhythmically precise when playing a musical instrument?

If there is intelligent alien life, with the knowledge and means to traverse space and travel to Earth, and they already know of our existence, what would be their reasons for not making contact?

How do top programmers work, e.g., Fabrice Bellard?

What would happen if during a spacewalk an astronaut tossed a screwdriver as hard as possible towards Earth? Would it re-enter the atmosphere as it burned up, go into a lower orbit, or reach the ground?

What would happen if we released a helium balloon from the Moon's surface?

If a colony of water bears were released on the surface of Mars, what would happen?

What provisions and technology would be required to establish a self-sustaining human colony on Mars after a successful one-way landing?

Is there any promising research into achieving artificial gravity?

Why don't they generate artificial gravity in ISS by rotating the ship on its axis, to generate centrifugal force equivalent to gravity?

Could we get a space probe to Alpha Centauri by 2121 if it got top priority?

How far could balloons go, can they escape into outer space, what happens to them when they reach their topmost point, and what are the scientific reasons for such an inquiry?

Is it feasible to move an iron rich asteroid into a geosynchronous or geostationary low earth orbit and build a steel works on or in the asteroid to manufacture a steel cable that could be lowered to earth?

What are the scientific ways to test to see if a person is enlightened?

How feasible is Elon Musk's idea to establish a colony on Mars in the 2020s?

Is Buddhism a violent religion? When you see a Buddhist monk, wearing orange robes, rolling his prayer beads, about to board your plane, does it ever cross your mind that he might be a terrorist?

Are Buddhists in America ignoring the message of ancient Buddhist doctrine that opposes both homosexuality and abortion? If so, why?

Do people lose interest in programming as they age? Is it accurate to expect that older programmers are slower, make more mistakes, and would rather be doing something else such as managing programmers?

Why have untruths about China's treatment of Tibet continued and why do we continue to believe Tibetans when facts support other views?

How many scales are there in music?

How does President Obama meeting with Dalai Lama "interfere" in China's internal affairs?

Can we ever travel faster than light?

Finding the Dalai Lama reincarnation: Could it be in ethnically non-tibetians and/or women as well?

Does the Dalai Lama believe in reincarnation? Does he purport this as truth?

What's the best way the human species can inhabit Mars?

Could building "worlds" like the Stanford Torus be cheaper than terraforming dead planets like Mars or Venus?

Has the Dalai Lama ever done anything evil?

Could a woman ever be the Dalai Lama?

What is the main perspective of Dalai Lama And his followers? What does they do in cities they travel. What changes this bring.

Which one would be easier to terraform: Venus or Mars?

Has it ever been tried to implant life from earth on another planet?

Can we travel faster than light? If not, is it within our capabilities to be able to some day?

Has anything ever been returned from Mars?

New Interest in the Possibility of Microbes on the Surface of ...

What were the most accurate predictions of all time?

What are the thoughts on the Mars One plan for settling humans on Mars?

Does Quora use Inspectlet -- which was designed for e-commerce sites, not social networks, and includes screen-capture/wiretapping capabilities--for user analytics? Is that ethical?

Many Ways to Use a Metronome - Enjoyment, Relaxation and Preci...

Are there visual analogs of music? If so are they more appreciated by those who are deaf?

What do we currently know about the history and future possibility of life on Mars?

Could the Mars rover have contaminated Mars with Earth based life forms?

Is Dalai Lama a deposed feudal theocratic dictator?

Is it true that record players have the best sound quality, as compared to cassettes and digital music? Comparatively analyze the various different digital sound formats.

Can temporal self-similarity done deliberately, yield music?

What do music fractals look like?

Why don't more composers explore time signatures containing irrational numbers?

Why has the Dalai Lama not called for an end to the spate of self-immolations in Tibet and culturally Tibetan parts of China?

What astronomically will happen on Dec. 12, 2012? What event did the Maya believe would end the world as we know it?

How did Western music “settle” on a 12-tone scale?

Music Theory: Why are there 1200 cents to an octave? Is it just to match with the 12 tones?