Hi Gilberto, don't believe the things you read on the conspiracy websites. Our pole has not shifted. That's easy to check. For centuries, navigators have used the pole star to tell which way is north. Go out any clear night, look due north and you'll see the pole star. You can also go out a few hours later. All the other stars will have shifted position and only the pole star stays still. It's actually just a smidgen away from due north, but close enough so you won't see a difference by eye. This shows that the Earth's poles have not shifted.

Astronomers rely on the direction of due north in the sky to align their telescopes and would notice right away if it shifted. Anyone who uses GPS also can check this. If our Earth's axis shifted, GPS wouldn't work any more, and would say you are hundreds, or thousands of kilometers away from your real location.

It is all just made up and fabricated, or results of confusions. Our magnetic poles do shift, all the time, independently of each other indeed. But that's just the direction of Earth's magnetic field. Einstein did support a very old idea of continental drift for a while, according to which the Earth's crust could move in its entirety - but this theory was soon disproved. We now know that the continents move independently of each other. In any case, they move by centimeters per year, tiny amounts. There's also something called "true polar wander" but that also is tiny, centimeters per year. There is absolutely nothing to be concerned about as regards pole shift!

See also my Debunking: Inuit elders say that the Earth’s poles have shifted position

We are not in danger from a magnetic pole shift either, see my Debunked: We are in danger from a magnetic pole shift in the near future