source file: mills2.txt Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 13:39:32 -0700 Subject: The tonicity of tempered intervals and t From: PAULE The following is excerpted from an old version of a paper that will appear in Xenharmonikon: ***********************************PART 1*************************************** [13] Parncutt's theory of harmony is essentially an extension of the theory of complex pitch perception, i.e., the waywe synthesize the harmonic partials of a musical tone into a single sensation, whise pitch is that of the fundamental component -- even if that component is physically absent from the stimulus[14]: According to Terhadt, the root of a chord is a virtual pitch, i. e., a complex tone sensation. This observation alone is not very useful, as there are virtual pitches at _all_ the notes of the chord. The root is different in that the spectral pitches in its harmonic pitch pattern arise from more than one complex tone (note). In other words, the root is the implied fundamental of a group of pure tone components belonging to different complex tones. For two notes in a harmonic relationship, whose frequency ratio in lowest terms is given by p/q, with p>=q (0) the "fundamental frequency" is given by f0=f(p)/p=f(q)/q (1) Now according to any of the theories of complex pitch perception (Goldstein[15], Terhardt[16], Wightmann[17], the relationship becomes difficult to perceive for f0 very low (or, what will amount to the same thing, for p and q very large); let us tentatively require f0>=F (2) F being the lower bound for any f0. We now find F<=f(p)/p and F<=f(q)/q (3) or p<=f(p)/F and q<= f(q)/F (4) If we are comparing intervals by fixing f(p) and varying f(q)[18], the fractions will satisfy p,q<=N (5) where N=f(p)/F (6) Now we will assume that N is large compared with the p and q of fractions we are actually trying to represent in our tuning. This is reasonable (I am able to tune just intervals such as 17:13 by ear, though it could hardly be considered a consonant interval); the question is to what extent these more complex ratios disturb the representation of simpler ones. In fact, we will let N approach infinity (by letting F go to zero), causing the particular frequency at which f(p) is fixed to cease to have any bearing on the result, so that we can judge intervals solely by their size and not by the register in which they are played. Given any N, the set of fractions satisfying (5) and (0), arranged in ascending order, is called the Farey series of order N. For example, the Farey series of order is 1/1,6/5,5/4,4/3,3/2,5/3,2/1,5/2,3/1,4/1,5/1,6/1 ( 7) This series has the property that any two consecutive fractions p(i)/q(i) and p(j)/q(j) (j=i+1) satisfy[19] p(j)q(i)-p(i)q(j)=1 (8) If the next fraction after p(j)/q(j) is denoted by p(k)/q(k) (k=j+1) we find 1=p(j)q(i)-p(i)q(j)=p(k)q(j)-p(j)q(k) p(j)q(i)+p(j)q(k)=p(k)q(j)+p(i)q(j) Say the interval one is trying to represent is p(j)/q(j); then p(j) is small compared with N. Then p(k)~p(i)~N (9) because: (a) membership in the Farey series requires that they be <= N; and (b) All three fractions being similar in magnitude implies that (9) also implies q(k)~q(i)~Nq(j)/p(j) (9c) therefore if p(j) were <= N-p(j), the fraction (p(i)+p(j))/(q(i)+q(j)), which lies between p(i)/q(i) and p(j)/q(j), would also belong to the Farey series of order N, contradicting the assumption that p(i)/q(i) and p(j)/q(j) are consecutive. By (8) we know that cp(j)=p(k)+p(i), cq(j)=q(i)+q(k) (10) for some c, so p(k)=cp(j)-p(i),q(i)=cq(j)-q(k) (11) whence q(k)=cq(j)-q(i) (12) >From (11), p(k)q(i) = (c^2)p(j)q(j)-cp(i)q(j)-cp(j)q(k)+p(i)q(k) (13) and using (12), p(k)q(i)-p(i)q(k)=(c^2)p(j)q(j)-cp(i)q(j)-cp(j)(cq(j)-q(i)) p(k)q(i)-p(i)q(k)=-cp(i)q(j)+cp(j)q(i) p(k)q(i)-p(i)q(k)=c (14) by virtue of (7). Now (9) and (10) tell us that c~2N/p(j) so p(k)q(i)-p(i)q(k)~2N/p(j) (15) While N is still finite, there is a range of intervals f(1)/f(2) which could be interpreted as p(j)/q(j). A natural set of bounds for this range is[20] a(j)=(p(i)+p(j))/(q(i)+q(j)) id WAA16751; Fri, 27 Sep 1996 22:30:28 -0700 Date: Fri, 27 Sep 1996 22:30:28 -0700 Message-Id: <199609280529.XAA25540@freenet.uchsc.EDU> Errors-To: Reply-To: Originator: Sender: