source file: m1428.txt Date: Tue, 26 May 1998 13:23:48 -0500 Subject: Tables for Pitchbend to Cents From: "Benjamin Tubb" I need a table of Pitchbend to 12tet Cents equivalents for the various semitone ranges available for Pitch Bend Sensitivity which is the MIDI Registered Parameter Number 0 (i.e. CC101=0 [MSB] and CC100=0 [LSB]). Does anyone have such a table available, which I suspect is _not_ linear (or I wouldn't ask since I could figure such values in any spreadsheet which indeed I already have)? I want values which have been verified at least by actual frequency tuning analysis for _every_ Pitchbend value (-8192 to +8192) among _every_ "sensitivity" (1-12 semitone range) setting. If anyone knows that these values are indeed logarithmic in respect to a certain _applied formula_, I would prefer to know that formula _most of all_ of course. ------------- Benjamin Tubb