Robert Inventor

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Overview of Tune Smithy
Download your free test drive of Tune Smithy
Time Signature Metronome for Rhythms and Polyrhythms
Chord Progression Player
Play & Create Tunes as intricate as snowflakes
Musical e-cards
Microtonal Explorations
Microtonal Scales and Tunings
Music Keyboard Retuning
Compose Microtonally
Retuning Midi File Player
Mouse & PC keyboard music
Mouse & Joystick Theremin
Lambdoma Music Therapy
Lissajous patterns
Audio Pitch Tracer
Sounds Harmonic Analysis
Chord Synthesis
CSound Automated Orchestra
Wave Shape Player

Microtonal Explorations
One of the many features that come as part of Fractal Tune Smithy

Explore microtonal music with Tune Smithy.

Tune Smithy can be approached in many different ways, depending on your interest. For example, someone interested in historical tuning and modern well-temperings would probably use the Retuning Midi File Player and Retune music keyboard features.

Scale designers would work with the Microtonal Scales and Tunings feature in conjunction with the Scala program.

Composers should look at the Microtonal features for composers section.

Fractal composers and others involved in generative music and algo comp (algorithmic composition) or anyone who wants to preview a tuning, can explore the fractal tunes, see Play and create tunes that play endlessly.

Those particularly interested in just intonation may find the Wave Shape Player of interest because it is particularly designed to bring out just intonation chords, and it also gives extra exactly-pitched sounds for any microtonalist. Also the Chord Synthesis feature can be used to make chords with very precisely pitched sounds.

Those interested in the Lambdoma can use the Lambdoma tasks. Find out more on the Music Therapy page.

Chord Player can be used to hear chords in any tunings.

To continue reading about Tune Smithy, go on to Retune music keyboard

The program comes with a Free Test drive with all the features completely unlocked (start the test drive at any time):

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To find this feature:
look in the
Tune Smithy Tasks window for:
Many of the tasks can be used for microtonal explorations









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