Shortcuts - to show the window, hold down the control key and then type its number. The window shows up when you release the control key. Use F6 to get back to the main window, and Ctrl + tab or Ctrl + shift tab to move between the currently visible windows. Ctrl + 2 Beats - Expected beat patterns for pure harmonic timbres Ctrl + 3 New Seed Ctrl + 4 Tune Ctrl + 5 New Scale Ctrl + 6 New Arpeggio Ctrl + 7 Colours Ctrl + 8 or Ctrl + N Instr Ctrl + 9 Parts Ctrl + 10 Pitch of 1/1 of Scale Ctrl + 11 Record to file Ctrl + 12 Midi File Options Ctrl + 13 Superparticular Scales Ctrl + 14 Search Scales or Arpeggios Ctrl + 15 Sort Scales or Arpeggios Ctrl + 16 Find SCALA & make all the SCALA related files Ctrl + 17 Scale and Explorations Ctrl + 18 Scale Notation and Number Options Ctrl + 19 Tune Display Options Ctrl + 20 Tempo and volume for fractal tune Ctrl + 21 Non Melodic Percussion Ctrl + 22 Range (compass) for parts Ctrl + 23 Modulation and Tremolo for Parts Ctrl + 24 or Ctrl + K2 Notes to play for PC keyboard keys Ctrl + 25 Midi In Options Ctrl + 26 Music keyboard regions Ctrl + 27 Most Recent Note Played from Midi In Ctrl + 28 Options for Seed, Arpeggio & Scale Play buttons Ctrl + 29 Reflect, or Reverse Seed Ctrl + 30 Seed permutations, rotations, and add to seed Ctrl + 31 Seeds for Layers Ctrl + 32 Fibonacci rhythm Ctrl + 33 Tune options, drone, && Undo / Backups Ctrl + 34 Custom 2 or 3 Beat Fractal Rhythm Ctrl + 35 Fibonacci tone scape Ctrl + 36 Scales and Arpeggios for Layers Ctrl + 37 Custom Multi Instrument Voices Menu Ctrl + 38 Undo Changes and Backup History Trails Ctrl + 39 Drone Ctrl + 39 Drone Ctrl + 40 Theremin Options Ctrl + 41 Midi Out Devices, and Parts for Devices Ctrl + 42 Play list (Tempo map) & Record Tune Changes Ctrl + 43 File Associations - Options Ctrl + 44 Highlighted Instrument for Custom Multi Instrument Voice Ctrl + 45 Music Keyboard Options Ctrl + 46 Edit Custom Multi Instrument voice as timbre Ctrl + 47 Notes Currently Playing - Midi Out Ctrl + 48 Midi out options Ctrl + 49 Make web page of tune midi or audio clips Ctrl + 50 Stereo Pan Ctrl + 51 Organise windows Ctrl + 52 Choose parts by other Ctrl + 53 Twelve tone Mean Tones and Linear Temperaments Ctrl + 54 Make audio clips of all the MIDI Instr Ctrl + 55 To Notation Ctrl + 56 Ratios Options Ctrl + 57 File Associations Ctrl + 58 Midi Out / Save Timing Ctrl + 59 Tune Info Ctrl + 60 Midi Output Channels for Parts and Polyphony Ctrl + 61 Accidentals symbols and special opts Ctrl + 62 Tuner - Count Waves or Freq Spectrum Pitch Detection Ctrl + 63 Oscilloscope Ctrl + 64 Frequency Spectrum Ctrl + 65 Tuner Options Ctrl + 66 Oscilloscope Options Ctrl + 67 Frequency Spectrum Options Ctrl + 68 Frequency Spectrum Peaks Pitch Detection Ctrl + 69 Pitch Detection - Count Waves method Ctrl + 70 Times for temp recording & spectrum analysis Ctrl + 71 Record to RAM (temporary recording) Ctrl + 72 Notes Found in Recording Ctrl + 73 Configure Count Waves && Transcribe to Seed Ctrl + 75 New Seed, Scale and Arpeggio Options Ctrl + 76 Seed as bar charts Ctrl + 77 Main window seed Ctrl + 78 Send notes as controllers - eg for Fractal Panning Ctrl + 79 Seed Skips Ctrl + 80 Midi Out Resets Ctrl + 81 Calculator Ctrl + 82 Midi Relaying Speed Check Ctrl + 83 Selected Controller for Parts Ctrl + 84 Scales and Arpeggios for Parts Ctrl + 85 Presets for Scales for Parts Ctrl + 86 Scales to Morph to Ctrl + 87 Log notes to text file Ctrl + 88 Make scales drop lists from Folders, & Opts for FTS <-> SCALA Ctrl + 89 Rhythms and Polyrhythms Ctrl + 90 Fibonacci Tone Scape optimisation Options Ctrl + 91 Touch Ctrl + 92 More Midi In Options Ctrl + 93 Controllers for Part Overview Ctrl + 94 Controllers in Play Ctrl + 95 Custom pitch variation - vibrato type effects Ctrl + 96 Custom amp variation - tremolo like effects Ctrl + 97 Aftertouch for Parts Ctrl + 98 Portamento and Legato for Parts Ctrl + 99 Tune Smithying Overview Ctrl + 100 All Other Overview Ctrl + 101 Midi Relay Overview Ctrl + 102 All windows Overview Ctrl + 103 Rarely Changed Controller Options Ctrl + 104 or Ctrl + T Scale and Arpeggio as text Ctrl + 105 Remap Controllers Etc Ctrl + 106 Out Devices Capabilities Ctrl + 107 More Midi File Options Ctrl + 108 Record (temp) - Options Ctrl + 109 Arpeggios Drop List Ctrl + 110 Scales Drop List Ctrl + 111 What to show on pictures of music keyboards Ctrl + 112 or Ctrl + K PC Keyboard Pic Ctrl + 113 Music keyboard pic (Main window) Ctrl + 114 Dots Echo (Main window) Ctrl + 115 Music Keyboard pic Ctrl + 116 Dots pic Ctrl + 117 Mouse or joystick theremin Ctrl + 118 MTS Sysex and Tun Tuning Table Options Ctrl + 119 Wilson CPS Layout Ctrl + 120 Theremin Controllers Ctrl + 121 Make Muscial E-card Ctrl + 122 Muscial E-card Picture and Tune Ctrl + 123 or Ctrl + K1 What to show on PC Keyboard pics, sustain and controller Ctrl + 124 Musical e-card To and Subject Ctrl + 125 Tip of the Day Ctrl + 126 Frequency Spectrum Find Notes Pitch Detection Ctrl + 127 Similar Waves For Pitch Detection Ctrl + 128 Look for Moment of Symmetry scale Ctrl + 129 Lambdoma Com Ports Ctrl + 130 Theremin Pitch bend Range Ctrl + 131 Tuning program numbers etc Ctrl + 132 Text As Seeds - use any text to generate seeds Ctrl + 133 Dan Stearn's Under / Over Scales Ctrl + 134 Frequency Spectrum Layout Ctrl + 135 Lambdoma Scale Ctrl + 136 or Ctrl + D PC Keyboard (Rectangular) Ctrl + 137 Lissajous Pattern for Notes Played Ctrl + 138 Lissajous Pattern Options Ctrl + 139 Colour Code Options Ctrl + 140 Colour Wheel Ctrl + 141 Help For Tool Tip - Shift + F1 Ctrl + 142 Square or diamond Keyboard Picture Options Ctrl + 143 Lattice Scale Ctrl + 144 Randomise Tune Options Ctrl + 145 Lambdoma Auto Harmony and Show Tonality Info Ctrl + 146 Delightful Bugs Ctrl + 147 Make a Product of two Scales and Arpeggios Ctrl + 148 Desktop Shortcut Ctrl + 149 Tune Echo Ctrl + 150 Make seeds or fractal tunes drop lists from folders Ctrl + 151 Chord Progressions for Arpeggios Ctrl + 152 Just Intonation Retuning with pitch shifts Ctrl + 153 JI pitch drift and chords in play Ctrl + 154 Add Extra Chord Symbols for Chord Progressions Ctrl + 155 Make Polyrhythms Web Page Ctrl + 156 Pitch bend Options Ctrl + 157 Change or Edit Voice Menu Ctrl + 158 Volume remapping, note on / off volumes etc Ctrl + 159 Controllers Ctrl + 160 Play From Custom Midi In Notes Map Ctrl + 161 Cents Notations Ctrl + 162 Skins Ctrl + 163 Theremin Visuals Ctrl + 164 More Pitch bend Options Ctrl + 165 Go To Tune Time Bookmark Ctrl + 166 Edit Wave Shape Player Voice Ctrl + 167 Chord to synthesize Ctrl + 168 C Sound Save Opts Ctrl + 169 C Sound Instruments for Parts Ctrl + 170 Play Bar Ctrl + 171 Tune Script Ctrl + 172 or Ctrl + K3 Chords for PC keyboard keys Ctrl + 175 Midi Sync - Send & Misc Ctrl + 176 First Highlighted Part - Properties Ctrl + 177 Midi Sync - Receive Ctrl + 178 Midi Sync - Monitor Ctrl + 179 C Sound Reverb Ctrl + 180 C Sound Renderer, Manual, Editor & Instruments folder Ctrl + 181 C Sound AV Opts Ctrl + 183 Recently visited Files & File Types Ctrl + 184 Humanise Chord Timings - for Fractal Tunes etc Ctrl + 185 Waves Pitch Detection - Count Waves method (Part 2) Ctrl + 186 Reflect Seed Volumes and Rhythm Ctrl + 187 Tune Script Opts Ctrl + 188 Wave Shape Player Audio Format Ctrl + 189 Edit Wave Shape Player Instr menu and open or save the Instr Ctrl + 190 Volume Envelope for Wave Shape Player Voice Ctrl + 191 Pitch bend Range and Multiplier for Part Ctrl + 192 Set Out devices for In Devices Ctrl + 193 Retuning range for parts Ctrl + 194 Recently visited Files & File Types - Options Ctrl + 195 Project Options Ctrl + 196 Wave Shape Player Instr Ctrl + 197 Tablet PC Options Ctrl + 198 Lissajous Colours and Line Options Ctrl + 199 Make a Lissajous Chord Sound Clip Ctrl + 200 More Bugs Ctrl + 201 Current Project Info Ctrl + 202 General Options Ctrl + 203 Tune Extra Formulae Ctrl + 204 Dan Stearn's L out of M out of N Ctrl + 205 Harmonic Fragment Ctrl + 206 C Sound Manual Look Up Ctrl + 207 More Midi In Options 2 Ctrl + 208 All Tune Smithy Windows Ctrl + 209 30 Release Candidate Bugs Ctrl + 210 Music keyboard pic - Multiline Ctrl + 211 Synaptics Touch Pad Opts