source file: mills3.txt Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 10:36:22 +0200 Subject: JI Pop? Yeah? From: "Jonathan M. Szanto" Hi, kids -- delurking for a sec... >>Denny Genovese's band plays >>poppy stuff with a world-music orientation, although it might sometimes >>cross over the "art" world. > > It struck me as closer to the art world, but hey, who's to say where to >draw that line? Me. And it's right over there. No, a little to the left, by the sofa... I'd say the crux of the matter is just *how* Pop we are talking about: just as far as the 'art' bands, like Talking Heads or King Crimson (or even Orb, to an extent...), or are we including the massively pervasive bands? Come on: it's a nice little thought, but really parallels when I would go and see some headbanger drummer (who would be the idol of all my drum students) in a clinic saying "OK, all you budding young lions, you've got to master 'odd meters' before you can *really* cut it in the big time!". And when was the last time you heard mainstream Pop being done in anything resembling odd meters? It was very fun to hear a band approaching BIG TIME ACCEPTANCE (SoundGarden) doing it, but only on a few songs. I was onstage at one of their last concerts (friends of the drummer): look out at that teen spirit, and someone please tell me that the foremost thought in their collective mind was the intoxicating rush of the 5/4 -- 6/4 measures. I like what a lot of these people are doing (Neil, Catler and the lot), but let's get a grip: we are talking one *veeerrrryyy* long evolutionary curve here... Or not. By the way, this message was LucyTyped(tm) ;) Cheers, Jon *------------------------------------------------------------------* Jonathan M. Szanto | Nearly one year old, Partch's place online Corporeal Meadows | is really showing signs of urbane sprawl... | *------------------------------------------------------------------* SMTPOriginator: From: Subject: ensoniq mr rack tuning PostedDate: 16-09-97 20:31:40 SendTo: CN=coul1358/OU=AT/O=EZH ReplyTo: $UpdatedBy: CN=notesrv2/OU=Server/O=EZH,CN=coul1358/OU=AT/O=EZH,CN=Manuel op de Coul/OU=AT/O=EZH RouteServers: CN=notesrv2/OU=Server/O=EZH,CN=notesrv1/OU=Server/O=EZH RouteTimes: 16-09-97 21:16:55-16-09-97 21:33:38,16-09-97 21:32:54-16-09-97 21:32:56 DeliveredDate: 16-09-97 21:32:56 Categories: $Revisions: Received: from by (Lotus SMTP MTA v1.1 (385.6 5-6-1997)) with SMTP id C1256514.0069E792; Tue, 16 Sep 1997 21:16:45 +0200 Received: by; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA03720; Tue, 16 Sep 1997 20:31:40 +0200 Date: Tue, 16 Sep 1997 20:31:40 +0200 Received: from [] by ns (smtpxd); id XA03681 Received: (qmail 13486 invoked from network); 16 Sep 1997 18:17:51 -0000 Received: from localhost (HELO ( by localhost with SMTP; 16 Sep 1997 18:17:51 -0000 Message-Id: <9709161115.ZM10704@richardo> Errors-To: Reply-To: Originator: Sender: