source file: mills3.txt Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 07:51:40 +0200 Subject: the word microtone From: Aline Surman Personally, I feel that the very word "microtone" came into being as a reaction to the 12 tone eq temp system, and is therefore only marginally useful on a deeper level. I think it is more of a reaction to the 12 tone system than an accurate description of the vast field of tunings and theory. Ironically, though, it IS a quick and easy way to sort of describe what I am doing with music to folks who know nothing about it. As I go on, however, it gets harder for me to justify any sort of personal usage of the term to describe the way I am now perceiving tunings and intervals. I wonder if cultures other than those with a western European "classical" musical tradition use such a word for their intervals... I see pitch as a quite endless continuum of points on an infinite line of sorts, but it isn't really linear, goes all directions at once, and also includes the zillions of pitches which are constantly zooming through the Universe, but which we aren't supposed to be able to "hear" (although this ability can be increased with careful study). I don't think I yet have a catch all word to describe my concept...but, I will use microtone in a pinch...Hstick SMTPOriginator: From: John Chalmers Subject: 1200, microtone PostedDate: 13-10-97 17:35:37 SendTo: CN=coul1358/OU=AT/O=EZH ReplyTo: $MessageStorage: 0 $UpdatedBy: CN=notesrv2/OU=Server/O=EZH,CN=coul1358/OU=AT/O=EZH,CN=Manuel op de Coul/OU=AT/O=EZH RouteServers: CN=notesrv2/OU=Server/O=EZH,CN=notesrv1/OU=Server/O=EZH RouteTimes: 13-10-97 17:35:00-13-10-97 17:35:01,13-10-97 17:35:26-13-10-97 17:35:26 DeliveredDate: 13-10-97 17:35:26 Categories: $Revisions: Received: from ([]) by (Lotus SMTP MTA SMTP v4.6 (462.2 9-3-1997)) with SMTP id C125652F.0055977D; Mon, 13 Oct 1997 17:34:53 +0200 Received: by; (5.65v3.2/1.3/10May95) id AA15201; Mon, 13 Oct 1997 17:35:37 +0200 Date: Mon, 13 Oct 1997 17:35:37 +0200 Received: from by ns (smtpxd); id XA15206 Received: (qmail 5651 invoked from network); 13 Oct 1997 08:35:31 -0700 Received: from localhost (HELO ( by localhost with SMTP; 13 Oct 1997 08:35:31 -0700 Message-Id: Errors-To: Reply-To: Originator: Sender: