source file: m1561.txt Date: Fri, 23 Oct 1998 12:21:06 +0200 Subject: Re: Septimal schisma as xenharmonic bridge? From: The interval 33554432/33480783 has also been named by Eduardo Sa'bat, Beta 2. Septimal schisma seems a good name to me. The bridges from Margo's post are easily found with Scala. It can take all the combinations of two intervals and check whether a given interval (some comma for example) is a sum or difference of them. The list of interval names intnam.par that is provided can be used for that. So do: load intnam.par show combination 33554432/33480783 In this case, only differences are found: 5120/5103 - 32805/32768 Beta 5 - schisma 64/63 - 531441/524288 septimal comma - Pythagorean comma 15625/15309 - 34171875/33554432 great BP diesis - Ampersand's comma 134217728/129140163 - 28/27 Pythagorean double diminished third - 1/3-tone 8/7 - 4782969/4194304 septimal whole tone - Pythagorean double augmented prime 16777216/14348907 - 7/6 Pythagorean double diminished fourth - septimal minor third 9/7 - 43046721/33554432 septimal major third - Pythagorean double augmented second 2097152/1594323 - 21/16 Pythagorean double diminished fifth - narrow fourth 32/21 - 1594323/1048576 wide fifth - Pythagorean double augmented fourth 67108864/43046721 - 14/9 Pythagorean double diminished seventh - septimal minor sixth 12/7 - 14348907/8388608 septimal major sixth - Pythagorean double augmented fifth 8388608/4782969 - 7/4 Pythagorean double diminished octave - harmonic seventh 27/14 - 129140163/67108864 septimal major seventh - Pythagorean double augmented sixth 1048576/531441 - 63/32 Pythagorean diminished ninth - octave - septimal comma Manuel Op de Coul