Endless tunes
Seeds & Fractals
Fractal Tunes

Sound on Sound Review Tunes

These are midi clips so the sound quality and the actual instruments used depend on the instruments you have installed on your computer to play them. So for instance if a violin is used, then you will probably hear some version of a violin sound but the actual sound you hear for the violin will depend on your computer setup, or the plug in your browser uses for midi clips (e.g. QuickTime).

Rushes blown in a storm

echo effects in rests

Fibonacci rain shower

paleolithic field recording

bird calls with Afro-Caribbean percussion

string quintet

shakuhachi and koto

resting in the shade

percussion medley

non-repeating bongos

Version 2.4 of Tune Smithy was reviewed in October's edition of Sound On Sound 2004, with particular attention played to its fractal tune generating possibilities. (clips for the tunes he mentions also given separately below).

"The final stage in the journey is the Fractal Tune - a combination of Scale, Arpeggio and Musical Seed, plus a choice of one or more instruments across multiple MIDI channels. Using the Play button now generates continuous, ever-changing tunes based on your settings. If you want impressionistic flurries and cascades of notes, try 'Rushes blown in a storm' or 'echo effects in rests'. More extreme examples include Fibonacci rain shower', the unsettling 'Paleolithic field recording', and 'bird calls with Afro-Caribbean percussion'.

Don't go away thinking FTS can only generate avant-garde meanderings for classical and jazz buffs. Although many of the offerings are 'off the beaten track', they may still inspire new songs, while others, such as 'string quintet' and 'shakuhachi and koto' are gently melodic, and still others (such as 'resting in the shade') create floating backdrops. You can also explore the more rhythmically-based offerings, such as the improvised 'percussion medley' and 'non-repeating bongos'."

To read the complete article, go here:

Endless tunes
Seeds & Fractals
Fractal Tunes