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Why Josh Hawley's bill about an alert after 30 minutes of social media use can't pass - he can't be seriousEdit
Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

‘Arctic on fire’ is normal, part of nature - moose, bears, voles, foxes, owls, birds of prey all depend on wild fires

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Ethiopians collaborate to plant 353 million trees in twelve hours - world record - aim is to plant 40 trees each this summer for a total of 4 billion trees - can we follow their example in the UK and elsewhere?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

China to Increase 2020 Climate Pledges, Support Green Climate fund- Maintain Biodiversity & May Peak Emissions Early 2020s

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why An Ice Free Summer Arctic Will NOT Have The Same Effect As 25 Years Of CO2 Emisisons

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford
Robert Walker
Nothing to worry about with grasshoppers in Vegas or locusts in YemenEdit
Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford
Challenges for combining climate change mitigation with biodiversity - not a 'tame' problem - examples of problems and solutions we are working towards in the UKEdit
Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford
Robert Walker

Great tits do NOT risk extinction from climate change - are of least concern and increasing - what did the paper really say?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Should IPCC speak up about FALSE Doomist Rhetoric of 12 years to save planet (and now 18 months) - Paper in Nature

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford
Robert Walker

New harmless asteroids scaring people, 2019 OD can’t hit ‘till 2088, expected to miss then too - 2015 HM10 removed - 2010 PK9 and 2019 OE were never in risk list

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Despite what many think, Trend is towards more democracy and income inequality average is unchanging worldwide

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Latest in Iran - UK to set up combined force with Europe to protect shipping - distancing itself from US - and how the UK could be an intermediary for eventual discussions between the US and Iran

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Another unreliable article from Techdirt - about draft EU e-commerce directive update

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Ursula von der Leyen’s proposed green new deal will make Western Europe the first 1.5°C compatible continent if passed

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

If strong AI was possible - future AI more like Marvin in Hitchhiker’s guide than Terminator

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Past failed prophecies for 2019: M̶a̶r̶c̶h̶ ̶2̶1̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ ̶-̶ ̶J̶u̶n̶e̶ ̶9̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ ̶-̶ ̶J̶u̶n̶e̶ ̶3̶0̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ ̶-̶ ̶J̶u̶l̶y̶ ̶2̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ ̶-̶ ̶J̶u̶l̶y̶ ̶1̶2̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ -̶J̶u̶l̶y̶ ̶1̶7̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Another very silly rapture prophecy for July 17, 2019

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Prince Charles’s 18 months comment out of context - he was saying that substantial initiatives are underway as part of the many things we are doing that can help to decide our future in a positive way!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Positive news - conservation projects in Australia - and the prospects for corals in the Great Barrier Reef

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No The Simpsons doesn’t really predict the future

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, 1.9 million people are not going to storm area 51, it’s just an internet joke

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nothing to worry about - New CASE law before Congress could simplify small copyright claims - is opt out

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Climate analogues for city planning by 2050 - e.g. London like Barcelona - most are climates someone else already has (at a 2°C rise) - but some tropical cities have bigger changes from wet to dry season than any city today

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Earthquakes in California have no relevance at all to the New Madrid fault and earthquakes in Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama and Missisipi

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The Brazilian Spiritualist Chico Xavier did not make this prophecy for <future date> - that we would join a peaceful galactic federation of advanced civilizations if we avoid nuclear war

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Yes emissions are expected to rise or stay the same for a while on all scenarios - Yes we are able to ramp down to zero emissions

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, scientists are not opening a portal into a ‘mirror universe’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Small California earthquakes do not mean ‘Big one’ is more likely - a tsunami is not likely - megatsunami impossible - nothing can make California sink into the sea

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

2007 FT3 - yet another harmless No Hazard asteroid hyped up by the sensationalist press

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Wind farms and solar farms need to be sited carefully to protect wild birds, bats and insects - but biggest risk by far is … the domestic cat! Responsible for 63 extinctions, wind farms for 0 extinctions

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Japan to resume commercial whaling - no risk of whale extinctions from this

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

New study does NOT conclude that we have too many fossil fuel power plants and vehicles to stay within 1.5°C

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Common misunderstandings when talking about doomsday fears with people who are autistic, Aspergers, or very empathic and imaginative

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Some progress towards preserving Iran deal - Europe enables first sanction avoiding transactions with Iran just before it reaches 300 kg low enriched uranium

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Trump steps into North Korea and invites Kim Jong Un to visit the White House

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Yes our generation’s children are headed for a world with nature and wonder in it - and their children too

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Magical thinking is normal, even JPL flight directors and ISS astronauts do it!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

This is just a heat wave - all heat wave related deaths are preventable - and our future is a very habitable Earth!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Blue ocean event - Earth will not suddenly warm up and go ice free year round if Arctic goes ice free for a month in summer

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Philip Alston’s report is important for its focus on integrating human rights protection into climate action - nothing new about climate science

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Example of ridiculously silly Nibiru story for 30th June 2019

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Study about possible asteroids in Taurid stream helps protect us from asteroids - and if they exist - none can come near us this time

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How can Indians prevent future water shortages? Big report for 23 cities

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

On Magnetars, muons, gamma ray bursts, black holes and Phil Plait’s now out of date book

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

US - Iran situation is not a personal risk for most people - even for sailors working on tankers in the region

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Latest on Iran - Trump seems to have ordered a strike on key military installations then canceled it

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Iran shooting down RQ- Hawk drone - not something to worry about but it shows its capabilities

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Accelerated Himalaya glacier melting confirms previous results - projections are for increased water through to 2050, after that reduced - needs adaptation and resilience even at 1.5 C

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No the IPCC does not err on the side of least drama, just follows scientific method

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Withdrawn report about US tactical nukes not a big deal - US, Russia and Pakistan already have them - to deter invasion by overwhelming conventional forces

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No the world is not going to end because of fish in sink holes near the Dead Sea

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Josh Hawley’s bill on Section 230 to force social media to be ‘politically neutral’ is just a political statement - not expected to pass

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Another update on Iran - president Hassan Rouhani says they will not wage war against any Nation - and the US and everyone else concerned also say they do not seek conflict with Iran

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Annotated mistakes and exaggerations in ‘The poisons released by melting Arctic ice’ - BBC Futures

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Worst case for US - Iran - targeted strike on nuclear facilities

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Greenland is losing a lot of ice this summer - but actually gained ice in 2018 - what does it mean for sea level rise - and what do rising seas mean to the world?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Battle to prevent ‘deep fake’ is not the end of the internet

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why the US can’t invade Iran

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

New study is consistent with earlier research that we are safe from superflares

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to worry about effect of Article 13 / 17 on fan art

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to worry about Antila 2, it passed through our galaxy a billion years ago

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

OOPS - Purto Rican insects in the forest canopy increase with warmth - not decline - and frogs like the warmth too

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to worry about oil tanker incident in gulf or Oman - no way that Iran and US will start a war - and nobody else would directly support either side in such a war

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nearly 600 plants extinct means - 0.15% of all plant species - and most plants can be saved from extinction in seed vaults - Annotations for BBC article that is scaring people

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Should farmers stop keeping livestock to save the planet? Answer - it is complicated - Criticism of Cowspiracy

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

2006 QV89 asteroid - NO HAZARD - most likely next impact splosh in pacific - shorter version of article, in pictures

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Plan to alter Earth’s orbit - this is far future and nothing to be scared of - Annotated Daily Express

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No Jesus did not appear in Argentina

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Climate Change Will NOT End Civilization By 2050 Or Make Humans Extinct - Australian Report Had NO Scientific Peer Review

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

‘Global risk of deadly heat’ is about heatwaves that already affect 30% a year - elderly and vulnerable should take precautions

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The IPCC’s own worst case climate change example - a 3°C rise by 2100

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Understanding the NASA Sentry Earth impact montoring table

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No Scotland does NOT face a climate apocalypse

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we have a problem with sensationalist news in Google News, Apple News and Facebook Trending

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Simplified ‘toy models’ of Earth’s future without social processes often bleak - can be sustainable with zero emissions if you add them in

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Do renewables for power generation take up more land area than fossil fuels? Well - not really!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to worry about late sowing in the US

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Climate Change usually means a change to a climate someone already has, example, Florida to Mexico

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Grey whale is not even classified as threatened any more - and prospects are good in a warming world

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - 2028 false prophecy about a 6000 year old world created by God for entertainment because he was bored

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: the number of phytoplankton in the oceans have decreased by 40% - out of date research from 2010

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No the US is not going to invade Iran - no achievable military objective

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

24 ways the world is getting better - good news journalists rarely share

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Australia will still be strong in renewables after ‘losing’ the climate vote - and each government is only for three years

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Yes the Moon is shrinking, very slightly - this is harmless and interesting

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

We can feed everyone through to 2100 and beyond

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No risk from something ‘punching a hole’ in our galaxy - distant, harmless and even beings living there probably never noticed

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, Koalas are not ‘functionally extinct’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, the US and Iran are not about to go to war

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

This is normal - every May, CO2 levels are highest on record and highest since the Pliocene

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why the US is not headed towards civil war

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

World War III unlikely - trend in opposite direction, to smaller wars and fewer casualties not large ones - and reduced tendency for the great powers to fight each other

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked last pope prophecy - an early example of fake news (1590)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Don’t worry about the Iran guestures - they don’t want to start a nuclear war - it is all an attempt to find a way to sell oil to Europe.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

IPBES cochairs and press conference with transcripts

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Let’s save a million species, and make biodiversity great again - UN report says we know how do it

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

NO Trump can’t stay in power if he is voted out in 2020 - US constitution and three branches of government prevent it

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Breathe in and out slowly and deeply to calm a panic attack

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Asteroid strike on twitter for 2019 PDC on April 29, 2027 is a FICTIONAL EVENT - like Dungeons and Dragons

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Ambiguous Rapper lyric does not mean all US citizens will die in 2020

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

A closer look at TERREG EU removal order for terrorist content - Internet digital rights are okay

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: That we risk societal collapse as a result of climate change - what could David Attenborough have meant? - perhaps ‘climate slogans’?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: That we are going to run out of topsoil in 40 years

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The world is not going to end because Notre Dame cathedral went on fire

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nancy Pelosi and Elizabeth Warren want to destroy the internet by revoking section 230

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to be scared of Tim McHyde’s dreams about 2022 and 2026 (which you need to pay $10 to read)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The Svalbard seed vault is an extra backup able to restore world agriculture just by itself - and it is fine - ignore the silly clickbait titles

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Black hole photo - cool physics - a day astronomers will remember for centuries - nothing to be scared of

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Absurd blog post at Arctic News predicting a ridiculous 10 °C rise in global temperatures by 2026 - using a QUADRATIC to EXTRAPOLATE!!!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to be scared of the EU TERREG draft directive to help stop extremist videos

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Ronald Weinland - false prophet J̶u̶n̶e̶ ̶9̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶9̶ pay no attention to him

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Leaked report on impact of climate change in Canada - actually is nothing new - just sensationalist reporting

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

On 10th April ESA may release first photograph of a black hole - Sagittarius A - far away and harmless

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Killer frog disease - the declines peaked in 1980, it’s nothing new.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Deep adaptation - climate change paper which is just: ‘Crap’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No we are not headed for an ‘Uninhabitable Earth’ - debunked: David Wallace-Wells’s book and articles such as ‘The end of the world and you are responsible’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Random harmless asteroid picked up by the sensationalist press - 2014 MV67

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

About article 13 - not going to kill the internet - that’s just hyperbole and hysteria

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we would see a rogue planet, black hole, neutron star or star long before it could get here

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Water wars

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

New video - Did you know, NASA have NEVER issued any ASTEROID ALERT - with text of video

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky’s prophesy for March 21 is a prophesy of peace and he does it most years, often many times a year

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

UN Environment’s Sixth Global Environmental Outlook - outline the paths we need to follow for a healthy planet and healthy people in the future

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Relaxing videos for the easily panicked - guided meditations, self hypnosis, meditation and ambient sounds

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Did you know, NASA have NEVER issued any ASTEROID ALERT - most likely future warning: Tiny Asteroid to Splosh Harmlessly in Pacific Ocean

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What did the research about “cloudless skies” really show?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Some past asteroid impact fake news stories

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What have researchers found out about rain in Greenland in winter?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Some of the telescopes looking out for asteroids every single day

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Are North Korea rebuilding missile test site to prepare for a dramatic media event blowing them up?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: world to be hit by Siberian snow due to Nibiru - DUH - this is winter

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Yes kelp and seagrass also have issues like coral bleaching - but only vulnerable spots near the warm edge of the species range

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Remarkable progress on Climate action after two years - 1.5 °C within reach with prompt action - current policies a full degree below business as usual at 3 °C

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Trump Kim meeting broken off - it’s not nearly as bad as it seems. More of a failure of a major agreement than a major disagreement.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What next with the India / Pakistan conflict? Not risking nuclear war, that’s highly unlikely

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

UN report is far from bleak - an encouraging survey of measures being used to preserve biodiversity - many knowledge gaps and issues but also much we can do

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Arctic Canadian and Siberian permafrost carbon release significant but exaggerated in news stories - fraction of a degree rise in worst case - and can even be a carbon sink instead of emitter

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Asteroid 2006 QV89 Classified NO HAZARD - Expected to Miss - Most Likely Next Asteroid Impact - Harmless Splosh in Ocean

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Asteriod 2010 GD37 (1.26 km) is NOT EXPECTED TO HIT EARTH in December 2019 - and NO, NASA did not issue an impact warning!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Trump won’t have unlimited powers - his emergency powers have to be declared and it is likely to have legal challenges and Congress can stop the emergency

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nothing to worry about - yes a Rabbi Kanievsky says that their Messiah is about to arrive - March 21 2019 - he says that just about every year and for Jews it is a message of hope for a future of great peace and happiness worldwide

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) does kill deer but there is no evidence of it harming humans - and it is nothing to do with zombies

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Two astronomers think that June may be a good month to look for small asteroids, probably passing by further away than the moon - nothing to be scared of

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

New research does NOT mean a world without insects

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Do climate scientists err on the side of least drama? New paper being discussed on twitter - nothing to be scared of

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

A Daily Express random harmless asteroid alert - 2019 CB2 - nothing to worry about at all

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Does it matter about huge hole beneath fast melting Antarctic Thwaite Glacier?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

In real life a million to one chance means it is NOT likely to happen - why you don’t need to worry about false vacuum, black holes etc

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

False prophets are ‘paper tigers’ - no need to worry about them

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nothing to worry about ‘Big Rip’ or Dark Energy’s strength increase

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Yes US and Russia have suspended the INF treaty - but that does NOT mean nuclear war - and what was that about low yield weapons?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Relax, 2002 NT7 will not hit Earth on 1st February - it is already millions of kilometers away and flying further away every day

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to worry about a black hole jet at center of galaxy pointed our way - just ions, electrons, and radiation, with loads of dust and gas in between to block it

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Doomsday clock announcement - the “new abormal” - and about the power of the internet for good as well as fake news

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Background to: Big rise in atmospheric CO2 expected in 2019

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What is the doomsday clock going to do? Please don’t be scared either way.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why are there no annoucements about 2002 NT7 from NASA? Because it is harmless and uninteresting to them

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What to expect for this lunar eclipse

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Asteroid searches still continue during the shutdown

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to be scared of a plague of locusts in Mecca - they are harmless

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What would the effect be of a “No deal” Brexit? Nuisances but not catastrophe

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

New Zealand Tsunami or Megatsunami?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - Russian torpedo supposed to create megatsunamis - more like a big splash - our nuclear weapons don’t have enough power for ocean crossing tsunamis

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to be scared of the Apophis asteroid in 2029 or 2036

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Lunar eclipse is just Our Own Planet’s Shadow On Distant Moon - False Prophet Paul Begley At It Again - Jan 21, 2019

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Update on 2002 NT7 - flew past at a great distance, 16.50 UTC today 13th January - that's further away than Mars at its closest

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Warning about erratic motion of Earth’s magnetic field

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked, David Montaigne’s claim that the world will end in December 2019 due to planets passing in front of distant stars

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, the large magellanic cloud will NOT wipe out all life on Earth two billion years from now.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to worry about asteroid 2002 NT7

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to be scared of US government shut down or national emergency

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The conjunction of Venus with the Moon is harmless, just the Moon passing between us and the very distant Venus

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, a second big bang is not about to rip our universe in half - click bait Daily Express sensationalism

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Asteriod 2017 RH16 removed from the impact risk monitoring list

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Campi Flegrei is not ready to collapse - thousands of years into the future most likely - also not quite a supervolcano

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Agenda 21. Left wing governments DO NOT have a plan to depopulate the world

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Humans extinct in 100 years - old interview with Frank Fenner - NOT TRUE

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Heard Of This Small But Hugely Carbon Negative Country? Suriname In Amazonian Rain Forest - From Today's Talanoa Story Dialogs

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

For REAL astronomers, Nibiru is FICTIONAL . If they say Nibiru is REAL, they are NOT A REAL astronomer

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How big our solar system is - NO EXTRA BIG PLANETS out to PLUTO and ‘NIBIRU’ is BONKERS

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth’s magnetic field to reach zero this century - can’t be right

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to worry about the ‘Great Dying’ - it’s about the Permian extinction 262 million years ago

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why Astronomers LOL at ‘Nibiru’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nonsense ‘Nibiru’ - like heavy penguins with tiny wings flying over central park in New York

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to worry about the “mysterious seismic wave”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Another nonsense Nibiru story. The world is not going to be hit by an exploding planet in December - Russian equivalent of UK red top tabloid

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, the world is not going to explode because of sea water sinking into subduction zones

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What is that very bright light moving across the sky silently? Spotting the ISS

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What the IPCC report actually said

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

New president of Brazil Jair Bolsonaro wants to remove protections from the tropical rainforest - how much can he do?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to be scared of the Apep potential gamma ray burst star - not pointed our way

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How to avoid fake doomsday news

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nothing to worry about - ‘Dark matter hurricane’ - if it exists, has blown through Earth for all human history and we don’t notice a thing

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Breaking Israel News - sensationalist Israeli paper with stated aim to repackage Jewish prophecy to appeal to Bible belt Christians to bring money from them to Israel

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Did a solar sail from an extra terrestrial civilization fly past us last year - is that what Oumuamua is? Just a rather far fetched but entertaining article in Scientific American by Harvard researchers

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Many religious views about the world ending or not

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

You don’t need to be scared the world will end because of a dream by a six year old child

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

US to withdraw from INF nuclear treaty - NOT START OF A WAR - what’s next and what’s the background to Trump’s announcement?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Yes YouTube was down for 90 minutes - nothing to worry about, just a nuisance

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we don’t need to worry about the flyby of Gleise 710, over a million years into the future.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Yes, We Can Rise To The IPCC Target To Keep Global Warming Within 1.5°C (2.7°F)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to worry about the ‘spooky skull’ asteroid 2015 TB145 - flies past millions of miles away

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

EAS message was just: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What did Ambassador Hutchison really say and what did it mean about “take out” the Russian weapons?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The “Goblin” is not evidence of ‘Nibiru’ though it may be evidence of a planet that orbits permanently way way beyond distant Pluto

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth to shrink to 330 feet as result of particle experiment

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why it’s okay that North Korea say they have to trust the US to denuclearize

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to be scared of Jakob Lober’s prophecy of the world ending 2000 years after Jesus died (He didn’t actually say 2033)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Neutrino bursts in Antarctic ice may lead to exciting discoveries about distant objects in our universe - nothing to worry about - first instance of a “neutrino telescope”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Past dates debunked to cross out: ̶A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶ ̶4̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶J̶u̶l̶y̶ ̶2̶1̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶ ̶J̶u̶n̶e̶ ̶2̶4̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶J̶u̶n̶e̶ ̶2̶1̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶̶M̶a̶y̶ ̶2̶0̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶ ̶1̶4̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶A̶p̶r̶i̶l̶ ̶2̶3̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶A̶p̶r̶i̶l̶ ̶1̶8̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶̶A̶p̶r̶i̶l̶ ̶1̶1̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶M̶a̶r̶c̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶f̶e̶b̶ ̶9̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶ ̶ ̶J̶a̶n̶ ̶3̶1̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶8̶;̶̶D̶e̶c̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶2̶1̶s̶t̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶1̶9̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶ ̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶1̶4̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶N̶o̶v̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶4̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶O̶c̶t̶o̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶3̶1̶s̶t̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶O̶c̶t̶o̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶1̶2̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶O̶c̶t̶o̶b̶e̶r̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶̶S̶e̶p̶t̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶2̶3̶r̶d̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶A̶u̶g̶u̶s̶t̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶J̶u̶n̶e̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶F̶e̶b̶ ̶1̶6̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶J̶a̶n̶u̶a̶r̶y̶ ̶1̶3̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶7̶;̶ ̶̶D̶e̶c̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ 2̶6̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶;̶ ̶ ̶O̶c̶t̶o̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶3̶1̶s̶t̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶;̶ ̶ ̶O̶c̶t̶o̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶2̶1̶s̶t̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶6̶;̶ ̶̶S̶e̶p̶t̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ 2̶8̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶5̶;̶ ̶S̶e̶p̶t̶e̶m̶b̶e̶r̶ ̶2̶4̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶5̶;̶ ̶M̶a̶y̶ ̶1̶5̶t̶h̶,̶ ̶2̶0̶1̶5̶ ̶

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Chance of false vacuum collapse so small it’s not possible

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why the sunspot solar observatory could not have spotted an asteroid - it was shut down because of a criminal investigation by the FBI of an individual at the observatory

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Clathrate Gun Hypothesis is effectively debunked now

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: FBI shut down solar observatory because we are about to have a super flare - JUST NO!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: FBI closed down solar observatory to hide the sun?! Or for aliens?! - NOT - so what is it?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No president Trump didn’t set a date for the rapture - he subscribes to the ‘Prosperity gospel’ - not a believer in the third temple prophecy

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

We would have ample warning of a supervolcano eruption - centuries, or thousands of years

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Red cow (heifer) born in Israel as a reason for the world to end - NOT

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: No we are not on track for end of world by 1972 computer model

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Some of my posts on climate change debunking the journalistic hype and junk science - also about resource depletion

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

You can’t trust ‘Fox news’ on doomsday related topics - as bad as the red top tabloids - proved without going into politics

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru SPOTTED? Bizarre 'red planet' appears beside moon sparking doomsday fears - just an offset double reflection of some sort

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: “Gravitational waves could collide sucking Earth into a black hole” - nothing to do with either Earth or our known universe

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: 7 dates when the world will probably end (NOT)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How we know 2002 NT7 will not hit Earth on 1st February 2019 - and why it is normal for asteroids to be removed from the Sentry Earth Impact Monitoring table

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What is the fuss about 5g and can it harm us?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: that the world will end under the current Pope Francis

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: computer predicted end of civilization in 2040

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Blocked from editing Wikipedia indefinitely, but saved from a site ban

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Will the year 2038 problem with times cause issues?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Just in the middle of a really silly tiresome thing on Wikipedia, sorry everyone!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Roger Penrose’s circles in the sky from a previous universe (if they exist) - fun - not scary

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Ethos, Pathos and Logos - three ways of persuading people and how this helps with Doomsday Debunking

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Air force silent after huge meteor hits near US military base

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth is running out of resources to sustain life

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Distant planet larger than Jupiter is harmless to Earth. 4–5 times further away than nearest stars

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Not as scary as it seems: Planet at risk of heading towards “Hothouse Earth” state

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Steven Fletcher’s false 4th August prophecy - from Kevin Heckle’s Astronomical Discovery in Revelation

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - Russian unstoppable nuclear torpedo

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Trump and Rouhani (Iran) trade angry tweets - just posturing and groundless threats

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Why does Google Translate sometimes translate nonsense into end times messages

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Governments can’t and don’t hide news of upcoming disasters - just a movie “trope”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to worry about the planets “lining up” - total tides a few mm

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to worry about archaeologists opening a Black Sarcophagus in Egypt

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Comet C/2017 S3 green ball size of Jupiter - is harmless to Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Eye of God and God walking in clouds - just examples of Pareidolia - picking out patterns

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Bees going extinct and humans can’t survive without them - NONSENSE (falsely attributed to David Attenborough and Einstein)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Heat waves in summer are normal - climate prediction - more and hotter heat waves on average - more risk fo wildfires - and drought

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why there is no need to be worried by US intelligence that NK is continuing “business as usual” with its nuclear facilities

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Staring at the sun is bad for your eyes - so what do you do if you are scared we may have a second sun?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, Vesta is not going to buzz or hit Earth. It is not going to be a brght yellow star in the sky. You will need a telescope to see it

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: July 27 “blood moon” - NOT end of world - just moon passing through Earth’s shadow tinted by sunrise and sunset

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked 5 asteroids and a neutron star headed for Earth - not true - nearly every sentence in this video is mistaken and it is scaring children as young as 7

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

June 24 prophecy yet again - utter nonsense

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What has the Kim - Trump summit achieved?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What can a Trump - Kim summit achieve?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: “A failed Kim - Trump summit would be a catastrophe”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: world to end on 70th Jubilee Pentecost June 21 2018 (or some time in the fall 2017 or 23rd September 2015 or …)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Tips for Biblical false prophecy debunkers for Doomsday Debunked

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: world to end in one of three horrible scenarios in mathematical model by Adam Frank

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Please don’t take Shane Dawson’s upcoming video about human extinction seriously - actor and comedian who doesn’t check things

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Tips for Doomsday Debunked debunkers

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

End of world dialogs between anxious (but joyful) Zoe and laid back Sam from AD 52 to AD 10 million :).

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Trump Kim talks? Hollywood style movie, grand gestures, real progress, unified Korea civilian nuclear and space program??

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What if the Kim Trump meeting goes wrong? Preparations behind the scenes

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Daft origin of Mathieu Jean-Marc Joseph Rodrigue’s 24th June date in early versions of his blog post

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Now you too can make a random false prophecy of silly or fun things - this time with count down timer

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Kim Trump meeting back on track for 12th June - surprise NK announcement, Moon return visit to Kim in NK, and warm response by Trump

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunk for ANYONE who says the world will end on some date based on the Bible - try your hand at a random false prophecy yourself

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to worry about the Trump - Kim talks - brinksmanship not a break up yet - UPDATE talks cancelled for now

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

For an Earth resident to be scared of ‘Planet 9’ hitting Earth is as absurd as a skyscraper resident being scared of a collision with blue whales

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Suggestion for a way to use failed prophecies to innoculate yourself against the next false prophecy

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Now you too can be a "Random False Prophet" of a tartan planet buzzing Earth, a hailstorm in your local park, or the antics of a cute kitten

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you NEVER need to worry about stories about monster black holes

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No Trump and Kim aren’t about to go to war, Not likely they cancel the peace talks in June - UPDATE - Trump did though

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The Hawaii eruptions are normal - nothing to worry about

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Gaps in the clouds or clouds lit up by the sun are not planets buzzing Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to be scared of Yanny versus Laurel - started as question by high school student Katie Hetzel and retweeted by Chloe Feldman- not a government cover up

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why put your faith in false prophets of doomsday - would you put your faith in false prophets of hailstorms?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Trump’s Christianity - the Prosperity Gospel - not a believer in the 3rd Temple prophecy - and Pompeo and Pence’s beliefs

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Note to doctors - False Doomsday panic attacks result from believing extraordinarily scary fake news - not delusions - more likely Generalized Anxiety Disorder than Schizophrenia

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you can ignore all date setting prophecies based on the Bible - no dates in it

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we don’t need to worry about the Steamboat Geyser in Yellowstone - a chance to see it if you visit Yellowstone, that’s all

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: That antibiotics will stop working in the future

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we don’t need to worry about a Jewish “third temple” or war between Israel and Palestine

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

14th May - main event, US unveils plaque on old office building in Jerusalem

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why there never was any chance of NK fighting a world war against the US & why peace is possible

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Iran and Israel like rutting stags - they are careful not to escalate - not a risk of world war

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What next now that Trump has withdrawn from Iran deal? Deal continues for now - NOT WAR

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: giant cracks, in deserts and Antarctic ice sheets, mean the poles have shifted and the world will end - NOPE

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Bible says world will end on May 20 2018 Pentecost

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Will you be forced to have a “mark of the beast” chip implant to buy anything - and is this the end of the world? Answer: NO and NO

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Can superflares happen on our sun - latest research says no

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How to check if an asteroid impact story is fake - colour coded alert levels

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Yes, Near Certainty Hit By Tiny Asteroid Within Centuries - Chance It Hits You Miniscule - $50 Million Could Retire 70% Of Risk

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you can safely ignore the April 23 Doomsday from the Daily Express

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Daniel 70 week prophecy date setting debunked - and 14th May 70th Jubilee of Israel not end of world

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Just before Stephen Hawking died he warned of an alien invasion this year - NO!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Albert Pike predicted both world wars with uncanny accuracy and predicted ww3

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we don’t need to worry about artificial intelligence

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

County Bluff’s latest troll - if you forget even your name as you fall asleep - this is normal. It happens every night

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

So now you are celebrating surviving the end of the world - but expect after effects for a few weeks

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What are Trolls? 43 6f 75 6e 74 79 42 6c 75 66 66 20 69 73 20 61 20 74 72 6f 6c 6c

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

18th April date in #strayedaway story from self admitted troll promoting soundcloud album

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Beware of trolls - strayedaway is a simple prank that went wrong, not an Alternative Reality Game (ARG) and nothing to do with Cicada 3301

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

More about Syrian strike - one time shot, Russians confirm they were not targeted, meeting of UN security council today

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

US strikes - very limited and response from Russia not likely

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How a message wrapped in a puzzle can make you gullible to trolls - examples of Stopswitchproxy, County Bluff and Strayedaway

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to be scared of asteroids - far less scary than lightning

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

David Meade once more - April 23 - this time covered by Fox News, shame on them!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Richard Hass on the Syrian situation and US military intervention

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - the idea that a NATO co-ordinated millitary strike on Syrian airbases will lead to WW3

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we don’t need to fear an alien invasion

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The absurd story of #strayedaway - FAKE FAKE FAKE!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Proof: twitter user Ty@HOMOC1DE is not the original Ty@strayedaway

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, President Erdogan of Turkey is not the “Anti-Christ”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Tiaongong-1 latest prediction

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Twitter storm still continuing - strangest thing about #strayedaway is that anyone fell for the prank

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: 4 hours to the end of the world - not true!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The Strayedaway MH370 voice mail prank by or of 15 year old girl - some of the absurdities including co-ordinates in the middle of the land!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Daily Mail story about Tiangong -1 space station crashing to Earth with toxic chemicals

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

18th April prophecy is fake - from 80 year old researcher Ludwig Schneider who had lapse of memory about Judah ben Samuel

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - that we are in the middle of the sixth mass extinction

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

John Bolton as new security adviser - will this make Trump more likely to start a war?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunk of creepy MH370 voice mail SOS - evacuate etc (3)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No need to fear universe may end in collision with bubble of nothingness (false vacuum from collapse of Higgs field)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Dr Claudia Albers is not a top physicist - she’s an ex physics lecturer who has gone a bit dotty

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked (2) - prank: sDanger SOS it is dire for you to evacuate be cautious they are not human - NONSENSE

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Daily Express click bait title about nerve agent episode in the UK to start WW3

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Earth pays no notice to the many false prophecies of its immediate demise

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - prank: sDanger SOS it is dire for you to evacuate be cautious they are not human - like pink suitcase street theater

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Ignore fake doomsdays from Next News Network

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA can’t deflect asteroid Bennu

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Short summary of why Nibiru is impossible - indeed, absurd - or any other planet flying past or hitting Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: When will ‘Nibiru’ get here according to physics

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: end of world because Billy Graham has died - and daft David Meade again

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - Bible says Damascus will be destroyed and cities in Syria deserted for ever

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nuclear Winter and Radioactive Fallout myths

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nonsense story that Earth will experience three days of darkness caused by “Nibiru”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Isaac Newton predicted the end of the world and his prophecy was about ‘Nibiru’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - David Meade at it again - 11th April

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Shocking video shows Nibiru heading to Earth - Offset double reflections

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What President Putin actually said - not threatening war but continuing the idea of their nuclear deterrent as a way to preserve peace

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: devastating solar storm to hit Earth on March 18

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Globalization might cause a nuclear war

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: dire predictions by Nostradamus or Baba Vanga for 2018 (or any year)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Small Earthquakes in the UK are normal

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nuclear Winter and Radioactive Fallout myths

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Asteroid resonances - why ‘Nibiru’ is impossible

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Quick “it’s trash” checklist for fake doomsdays

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - that we are at danger from hypervelocity stars - or colliding galaxies - and some other absurdities from cracked . com

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - Daily Express story that a 40 meter asteroid passing harmlessly at a distance of tens of thousands of miles risks ending the world

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Charles Hapgood’s out of date theory - no the Earth’s poles can’t shift suddenly

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth’s magnetic poles to swap and make parts of Earth uninhabitable - NOT

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Short summary - why the super blue blood moon on Jan 31 can’t harm us

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The Doomsday Clock is more accurately a ‘Symbolic clock for averting disasters’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

A lunar eclipse is just the light from sunsets and sunrises shining on the distant Moon - and it is so far away that at the speed of Concorde it would be a week of flying, day and night to get there - nothing to be scared of!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why a super blue ‘blood’ red (or sunrise or sunset red) moon is nothing to worry about

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why Asteroid 2002 AJ129 is no risk at all to Earth when it flies past on 4th Feb 2018 at a distance of 2.6 million miles exactly

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why US can’t attack North Korea without warning its civilians in South Korea - Hopes for Winter Olympics talks - and wish of both Koreas for reunification

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Jerusalem unrest about rights of Palestinians to self govern - not sacred sites or ‘Prophecy’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Bible predicts Armagedon on June 24 2018 - No - it doesn’t

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Awful FALSE Christmas Eve video claiming a small nuclear exchange will plunge the world into a deep freeze -25 C average temperatures - by director general of Futurism

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why Trump can’t really be planning a surprise attack on North Korea - unless he evacuates US civilians from South Korea first

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you don’t need to be scared of a ‘rapture’ if you aren’t a Christian - or indeed, if you are

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Could the interstellar asteroid Oumuamua be an alien probe?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Is the NASA Kepler announcement anything to worry about? No - perhaps planet around nearby dim star?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Did you know: North Korea is not communist - nobody else wants them to have nuclear weapons - and their leader is not mad

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why fires in California are part of the natural order and not a sign the world will end.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Idea: world is going to end soon because Trump recognized Jerusalem as capital of Israel

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Being scared does not mean there is anything to be scared of - and how to get out of the prophecy trap

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - the Moon isn’t real - it’s a ‘Moon simulator’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: 5 times more likely to die of human extinction than a car accident

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth’s rotation slowing down to cause extra earthquakes next year - sensationalized

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Ice Apocalypse - Rapid collapse of Antarctic glaciers could flood coastal cities

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: not 1 in 20 chance of humans facing “Apocalyptic” climate change - actually is action plan to help prevent worst effects

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Scary story debunked - Asteroid Phaethon flew past Earth safely on December 16, 2017

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What is causing loud booms recently? Hint - they are not part of an announcement that the world is about to end

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Gliese 710 threatens Earth 1.3 million years into our future and is the first of many such stars

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Can Apophis hit Earth in 2036? Answer NO - Recycled Ancient ‘News’ In ‘Tabloid Fish-Wrapper’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Can Trump order a nuclear attack on civilians in North Korea in peace time without Congress approval? General Kehler says no.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why do we get earthquakes? Hint - it’s not because of Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

More reassurance for those scared by Terral Croft’s fantasy

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What Terral Croft says will happen - ‘Black star’ on FAR SIDE OF SUN - not ‘Nibiru’ buzzing Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - Terral Croft - Black Star false prophecy again

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

STOP PRESS: Earth Buzzed by Surprise Tartan Planet NOT Black Star

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunk of encyclopedia Pioneer diagram showing ‘dead star’ and ‘tenth planet’ and IRAS discovery

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Shows how anyone can type anything into a YouTube video or live feed title.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

World will NOT END in December - Simple Tip - if a Story is about ‘Nibiru’ its NUTS unless it is a debunk

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How to add and block sources in Google News

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Doomsday warning to humanity is signed by 15000 scientists

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Asteroid 1950 DA will end civilization in 2880

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

I’m afraid of dying, can you help?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

We are NOT having more earthquakes than usual - Earth is NOT going to crack open - and Nibiru is NONSENSE :)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

My letter for the petition: “To Google - please do something about the nonsense in Google News!”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: North Korea are not able to set off a supervolcano eruption by dropping a nuclear bomb on Yellowstone - and any Mount Peaktu eruption would at most lead to cooler summer in northern hemisphere for one year

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Top Story in Google News that Earth is endangered by a large planet orbiting a distant star

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: a planet orbiting a distant star is ‘Nibiru’ and endangers Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: We are in danger from an alignments of planets - and Patrick Moore’s April’s Fool Prank

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: 10 Times The World Almost Ended By Accident

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why do people make so many fake doomsday prophecies and predictions?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Stephen Hawking’s predictions of the world ending

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: That we are at risk from a plague outbreak in Madagascar which turns people into zombies

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Zombie Apocalypse

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth at danger from X-rays from a ‘hole in the sun’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Sounds of trumpets in the air are a sign the world is about to end

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we don’t need to fear ‘The zombie star that wouldn’t die’ IPTF14hls

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Stephen Hawking says Earth will become blazing ball of fire by 2600

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford


Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Three more absurd articles in the Express claiming the world will end next year

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Stephen Hawking says that AI could be the best, or worst, thing to happen to humanity - and the idea that chatbots like ‘Sofia’ are intelligent

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: winged ‘Nibiru’ (Jet contrails) according to Yuval Ovadia

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why a Mars sized ‘planet X’ which might exist way beyond Neptune is not Nibiru - and list of my Nibiru debunking posts

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why North Korea is not about to invade South Korea - or the US invade NK - and why you don’t need to be scared of a NK hydrogen bomb test in the Pacific

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

New: Google News Without All The Nonsense - Top Astronomy News - Top Space Mission News - Top Science News - Top News

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Google News Without Fake News

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Pastor Paul Begley’s latest false prophecy

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Answer to question: Why don’t you get scared by all the end of the world stories you debunk?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: US civil war, EMP pulse and major solar storm all to happen on the same day

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: that we need to worry about a false vacuum decay

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: End of world from ‘Black Star’ on November 19 2017

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Search engines for genuine science and astronomy news - doesn’t include the mythical silly Nibiru fake news

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What’s the background to all this news about possibly the first interstellar asteroid A 2017 / U1

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: End of world from ‘Earthquake swarm’ - Nov 17 or 19

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Astronomy Bullshit Tester - how to deal with the flood of fake “astronomy news” on Apple and Google News

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Daily Express, Daily Star, Mirror, Sun, Planet X News, all publish FAKE PROPHECIES. Google News doesn’t have a fake news filter

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: A Nearby Neutron Star Collision Could Cause Calamity on Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: A comet will hit Earth and is a fragment of Nibiru - C/2017 K2 and A/2017 U1

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: ‘It should NOT EXIST’ Hadron Collider scientists fear universe could DIE at any moment

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Could anything make us extinct in this century?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Review of David Meade’s book - “Planet X - The 2017 Arrival” - a plagiarized scrap book

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nibiru is not in any constellation

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nibiru is not in the Bible

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: No the German research doesn’t mean that we face an “insect apocalypse”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why Nibiru is utter codswallop, bullshit, balderdash, humbug, poppycock, baloney, hogwash, hooey, rot, rubbish - and that means David Meade’s prophesies are too

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Short summary, why Nibiru is impossible

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Please don’t try to make sense of David Meade’s prophesies

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

David Meade’s book content - only 25% is his own work

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: At risk from megatsunami from the Canary Isles - La Palma

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How to avoid the Daily Express (also the Sun, Daily Star, etc)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Apocalypse WARNING: Earth will CRACK sparking end of the world on HALLOWEEN

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Why is the sun red and the sky an orange colour? Does this mean the world is about to end because of ‘Nibiru’?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

For those scared of David Meade’s October dates

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No, Yellowstone is not going to erupt as a supervolcano soon. No, it can’t destroy mankind!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How we know David Meade is a “Prophet for Profit”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Latest on 2012 TC4 - passing at 72% of the distance to the Moon

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Trump: “Must it be today Jesus? Three years left of my presidency!” David Meade’s bonkers prophesies for October

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

David Meade’s response - ‘Your letter indicates you have not read my book at all’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Email to David Meade: ‘Effects of your prophesies on young children who become sick and suicidal’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

David Meade and Daily Express etc are Prophets for Profit - and what to do if you are still scared

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking ‘Prophet for Profit’ Matt Rogers - why pink sunsets are normal - and how the Earth’s pole shifts only slowly over 26,000 years.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Why is the Moon so large and why does it move so quickly through the sky?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: World to end because of a prophesy by the “Three sisters of Fatima”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

YouTube channels to avoid - constantly post fake end of world videos and some earning $1000s a month

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

There is no astrology in the Bible - it even warns against it

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why nothing can eclipse the sun today, 5th October

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

If “Nibiru” were real and passed through our solar system - the chaos after one flyby

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What to do if someone shares a photograph of what they say is a second sun

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: End of world date setting and numerology

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Could our Sun explode (go supernova)? Answer No. And what would the effects be of a major solar storm?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Tips from CBT - might help some of you to deal with doomsday anxieties

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why it’s normal to see the Moon in daytime and other fun facts about moon phases

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How is it that anyone could believe we have two suns? Or the poles shifted or an extra planet in our solar system?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Where can I find science and astronomy news that doesn’t over exaggerate effects on humans of anything potentially harmful like super volcanoes, earthquakes, asteroids, supernovae etc etc?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: David Meade saw his sign on Sept 23 where he lived

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What is this - sunrise with what looks like a second sun rising?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

About the Daily Express

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: 2012 TC4 is Nibiru and will hit Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

David Meade’s latest prediction - Gna is not a threat to Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

David Meade’s bonkers near future predictions - reality check for those of you scared of new dates in October

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

David Meade’s Book ranking high on Amazon

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Views on Rev 12 by Catholics, Quakers, Church of England, Church of Scotland, and Evangelical Churches

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Draft letter to the Guardian to propose an op ed for Guardian Opinion

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Seven tips for dealing with doomsday fears

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nonsense of Time Zones for David Meade’s prediction

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

World Didn’t End - And No End of World Streaming from ISS - FAKE NEWS ALERT

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Summary for those still worried

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA is hiding Nibiru from us - or more generally - Governments or anyone hiding news of possible future disasters

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Ambient sounds for relaxing sleep

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Who is David Meade and why is his “prophesy” news?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Venus is Nibiru :) At least the ancient Sumerians would have said so

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

A Constellation giving birth to a son then wandering in a desert??

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we’d spot “Nibiru” at least a decade before it got here - and it’s an impossible orbit anyway

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No a magnitude 7.1 earthquake in Mexico does not mean the world will end - Nibiru myth gathering has as much logic as a bowerbird finding bright objects to line its nest

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: David Meade has “revealed” the location of Nibiru - it’s in Virgo - and recomendations

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Do you now see that Nibiru is Impossible? Zoom in on Mars.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Brazilian senator Telmário Mota claims that NASA told him Nibiru will crash into Earth.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

If Nibiru was a real planet would we see it by now?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What is the background - what does the Bible say and why can’t everyone agree?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Total eclipse: 21st, Harvey hit Texas: 25th, flooded Houston: 26th. Luke 21: 25–26 is about the End of Days - Does this mean the world is about to end?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Have astronomers found “planet X” and is it about to hit Earth?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

When the sun rises or sets I see red clouds or a red sky in the opposite direction from the sun. Is this Nibiru or has it always done this?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked; NASA ‘hiding Red Dragon formation in space that PROVES planet Nibiru will destroy Earth’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How are alignments really used in astronomy?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Comparing How David Meade Says he Found a New Planet With How Astronomers Do It

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why It Is Absolutely Fine Not to Listen to Bullshitters

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

This 23rd prediction thing is not particularly Christian!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why David Meade Hasn’t “Predicted the Future Using Signs and Numerology”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why Nibiru is as Daft as an Extra Continent in the Pacific

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

The world is NOT going to end on 23rd September - FAKE PROPHET ALERT

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA has confirmed planet X and it is about to hit Earth or fly past Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: There is a planet Nibiru within striking distance of Earth and due to hit us / flyby in the near future

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - World to end on September 23 - and Hurricanes + fires + earthquake in Mexico prove it.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

No - NASA do not have a risky plan to drill into Yellowstone potentially triggering an eruption

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: David Meade secret photos of Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: If I can just get past the next “End of the World” prediction then I will be able to forget about it

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why Nibiru is as daft as a Hippo in my Kitchen

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru on its way after being seen during solar eclipse

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: We need to find a way to deflect “Nibiru” - and how did this modern myth get started?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Will the August Eclipse show Nibiru? No - but you get to see four bright planets, including Mercury which is normally hard to spot :)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: World to end because ‘It’s a sign’

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: If a planet was about to hit Earth in a month or two from now, it would be visibly larger than the Moon already

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

North Korea Update

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why the eclipse this August is a wonder of nature and not something to be scared of

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nemesis is Nibiru - updated

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: hidden asteroids in new branch of Taurid stream will devastate Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Asteroid called 3BC2017 will kill millions in June

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Mysterious 'anomaly' linked to ancient apocalyse mass extinction discovered in The Falklands

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Our sun was born with an “evil twin” which may have wiped out the dinosaurs

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Review of End Day (2005 BBC docudrama) - Megatsunamis, Asteroid Impacts, Particle accelerator strangelets / black holes / vacuum bubble

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Stephen Hawking says humans have only 100 years left on this planet

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: 'This is NOT a hoax' Asteroid strike will kill millions in JUNE, shocking video claims

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Horacio Avila Villegas prophecy that we will have a nuclear war in October 2017 because of a vision by the three Fatima sisters a century ago

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Tense situation concerning North Korea

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Analogy of an African elephant with Planet X / Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA or other organizations have huge mirrors or lenses in space that hide Nibiru and create a fake sun (‘sun simulator’)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Planet 9 is Nibiru (Again)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: A huge black hole 8 billion light years away endangers Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: TRAPPIST 1 is Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Galactic superwave theory

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: this bank note shows the orbit of “Nibiru”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA do all the asteroid tracking and hide information about asteroid impacts and Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: We are headed towards a new ice age (Grand Solar Minimum)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why a bright light shining on clouds during a sunset is not a passing planet

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Scared because the Sun and Moon rise at different times in different places each day, and sometimes the Moon is visible in daytime.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What it would be like if we really had two suns (or three in this case)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: the Large Hadron Collider will create mini black holes that will destroy the world

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - The obituary of the teenage girl who committed suicide in 2011 is fake

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: birds singing at night are a sign the world will end

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why you probably don’t have a “phobia” if you are scared of asteroid impacts, two suns, Nibiru, etc

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Mountain sized asteroid 2014 UR116 headed towards Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: We are in danger from a magnetic pole shift in the near future

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: 2016 WF9 to hit Earth and trigger mega-tsunamis February 16th or 25th 2017 - says Dr Dyomin Damir Zakharovich

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth is threatened by a supernova

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Doomsday becoming 30 seconds closer

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why we don’t need to be scared of the “Doomsday clock” (short version)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Russia is building a cobalt bomb - to make the entire East coast of the US uninhabitable for several decades

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru fragment to strike Earth in February

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: One of Trumps first actions on becoming president was to sign executive orders about Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth will be visited in 2017 by ancient beings from Nibiru who visited us before thousands of years ago

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Because Eris is further away from New Horizons than it is from Earth, therefore it is Nibiru and is about to hit Earth and is causing climate change and earthquakes

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Rich people are buying bunkers to escape from Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

List of news sites that have run false reports that Earth is about to be hit by an asteroid

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Is Nibiru a Hoax? (Answer YES!)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

List of newspapers that run fake or unchecked Doomsday “news”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: World to end on Friday 13th because of a Full Moon and Venus at its brightest (NOT) for eight years, both in the sky together.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: World To End After Two Snowy Days In Salento, Puglia, Southern Italy, Tears On Macedonia Icon

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: A new supernova star will appear in the sky in 2022 and will be a sign of the end of the world

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Are we in danger from “Hidden monster black holes found near the Milky Way” - NO!

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Quick way to cross off fake doomsday news sites and video channels from your list of reliable sources on astronomy

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Dire predictions for 2017 by Nostradamus

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Fake doomsday and disaster news from 2015 through to 2017

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru will hit or fly past Earth in September (or October or November) 2017 - David Meade’s “prophecy”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Melissa Huffman did a video of Planet X

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: The Vatican built a huge telescope, one of the largest in the world, to track Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: You should always read both sides of the argument about Nibiru - or indeed anything

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: ALMA’s Gna (if it exists) is Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth is threatened by a flow of interstellar helium 3 and helium 4 around Christmas every year

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Asteroid 2012 DA14 to hit Earth in 2020

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA researcher says humans face possible future extinction from asteroid impacts - 96% of species extinct equates to 0% chance of humans extinct

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: 2002 NT7 is NOT going to hit Earth in 2019

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth faces a century of 400 giant impacts starting in 2017

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Pastor Paul Bagley predicts that Magnetar SGR 1806-20 is going to send a gamma ray blast on 26th December which will be devastating to Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: A gamma ray burst could make humans extinct

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: “Doomsday” clock, Brexit “Doomsday” and use of “Doomsday” as hyperbole

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Trump (or any other president or president elect) is the Anti Christ

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: This is a leaked video from NASA showing how Nibiru is about to disrupt the entire solar system

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why so many people post sightings of “Nibiru” - and why not “Santa” instead?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nemesis or Tyche is Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Bullshit Detector Plugin for Chrome for Fake News Sites

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru is Wormwood so must be real

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Astronomers such as Robert Harrington get murdered by the secret agencies if they “speak out” about Nibiru / Planet X

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Those who say Nibiru is real say that we should be scared and worried - are they right?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Doomsday scenarios predicted using an Ouija board

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Baba Vanga from the Balkans predicted xyz, e.g. that President Obama would be the last US president

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nibiru Debunked: Yes, we deserve to know the truth about Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: This is a “Winged planet” and is Nibiru - and “missing section” in Google Sky

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Paul Cox said that we have two suns

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru is at coordinates …

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: The US government is building vast underground bunkers to escape from Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nibiru Bullshit Tester - How to check if they know anything about astronomy

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nostradamus predicted the end of the world on [insert date here]

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: The Doomsday argument

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Did these three cousins predict the Apocalypse

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Earth could be struck by a huge asteroid hundreds of kilometers across

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Mysterious sphere spotted in NASA’s Sun Images

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: A nuclear war would make Earth uninhabitable - and humans extinct

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

We will NOT run out of oxygen to breathe, even if we cut down all the forests and the ocean plankton disappear - they are not the lungs of the planet in any literal sense

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Everyone who says Nibiru is not real is lying

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: This tablet from the ancient Sumerians depicts 12 planets including Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA has found a brown dwarf in our solar system

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

What really happens if Yellowstone erupts as a supervolcano, or if some other supervolcano erupts?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Carlos Muñoz Ferrada discovered Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Niku is Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Soon we won’t be able to feed everyone because the world population is growing so quickly

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - Stephen Hawking puts an expiry date on humanity

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - an alignment of the visible planets behind the sun on 23rd September 2017 is a sign of the end of the world.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - The world will end because the Bible (or some other sacred book) says so

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Nibiru is so scary because it isn’t real - what can you do to prevent something that isn’t real?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - Nibiru will hit Earth between January and March 2017 - or any range of dates like that

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked - California could fall into the sea or the Earth split open through earthquakes or continental drift

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Supermoon on 14th November is the beginning of the end of the world

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Why the idea of Nibiru seems non refutable - and how does astronomy really work?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Global warming as terrifying apocalyptic scenario - risking something not far off Venus - story in the Independent

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: How can the videos and photos be hoaxes when so many people believe them?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Ancient astronomers knew things we don’t about planets and stars

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Climate change will make the world too hot for humans

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: We are doomed because Earth will pass through the galactic plane during the winter solstice on December 21st - and the Sun will be aligned with the galactic center on that date

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: The IRAS infrared satellite found Nibiru in 1983

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Where can I get support if I’m scared of Nibiru / Doomsday maybe even suicidal?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru has been found on Google Sky

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: How can it be false when so many people share photos of “Nibiru” next to the sun or a second sun?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: A Solar Storm Put A Crack In Earth's Magnetic Field

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: The eclipse in the US in August 2017 will mark the start of the end of the world

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA warns that 1000 asteroids might hit Earth in the next five years

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Dazzathecameraman’s amusing parody about HCT2014 (Huge Chocolate Teapot)

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Likely hundreds of billions of years before any rogue planet, neutron star, black hole, brown dwarf or star comes anywhere near to us

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: Inuit elders say that the Earth’s poles have shifted position

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Universe will end with a “Big Rip”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Who else says Nibiru is nonsense?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru is invisible because it is a brown dwarf and “only shines in infrared” - FALSE - or made of dark matter

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: A planet in a 3600 year orbit can hide behind the sun for years on end

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: Think how stupid you will feel if Nibiru is real - example of computer programmer

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA has been tracking “Planet X” for decades

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Every time we have a cluster of earthquakes, we must have a planet approaching Earth to cause them

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: This is a photograph of two suns

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

I understand that Nibiru is not real but still feel scared all the time - what can I do?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Doomsday Debunked Kindle Book Draft Cover

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Governments fly planes back and forth in front of the sun at sunrise and sunset to hide a second sun, or a planet Nibiru with their contrails

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Why the World will End Surely on 31st October 2017? 17th February 2017? 31st October 2016? 29th July 2016? Shocking Facts

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: Stephen Hawking Says Universe is on the brink of instability and could collapse - metastable, in a false vacuum state.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Nibiru will hit Earth on [Insert Date here]

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: We are endangered by “Star Quakes”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA is getting ready to Capture Planet X / Nibiru on Camera

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: Doomsday Stories like Nibiru must be true because lots of people believe they are true

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: a president of the US could order a nuclear attack at a moments notice on a whim

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunked: NASA says that Earth will enter total darkness for 15 days in November 2015

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

How did we miss the Chelyabinsk asteroid?

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: All going to die as a result of impact of Asteroid 2009ES or 2000 ET70 or [insert name of asteroid here] or a “Level 3 Planet Cracker”

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: Halley’s comet is going to hit Earth this week.

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: You can’t trust anyone except the Nibiru people - everyone else is a paid shill of the government or in some other way motivated to propogate falsehoods

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: NASA is hiding astronomical information about extra planets and extra suns in our solar system and even an entire extra solar system

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunk: Planet 9 is tilting our solar system

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: Planet 9 is Nibiru

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

Debunking: Solar Storms to end all life on Earth

Robert Walker
Robert Walker, BSc (1st Class), MHum, York Uni, Postgrad Study at Wolfson College, Oxford

See List of Debunking Doomsday articles or Search blog. Want a story debunked? Post to our Facebook group Doomsday Debunked or DM my profile (then More >> messages).

You are welcome to copy / paste this material for your own use for debunking Doomsday stories on news sites or on youtube. All the posts in t his blog are released under CC by SC NA - so non commercial share alike attribution. I’ve done it like that so that I can use them for my kindle book. So you can modify them and use them as you please, but not commercially and have to attribute me.

However, if you are just answering a comment on a news site or a youtube video, don't feel you have to attribute me in a situation like that :). Just copy and paste as much of the material as you need for your response. It’s more like, e.g. if you copy one of these posts into a blog, then you need to attribute me as the author and link back.

For questions, you can also post to Stories to Debunk but I monitor that less often and it hasn’t worked too well in the past. It’s best to message me - or post there and message me as well.

I add this section (or similar) to the end of all recent posts:


If you are scared: Seven tips for dealing with doomsday fears which also talks about health professionals and how they can help.


More debunks: List of the articles in my Debunking Doomsday blog to date

Search the debunks using e.g. Nibiru - Google Search

Doomsday Debunked wiki: Doomsday debunked

Twitter feed: DoomsdayDebunked (@DoomsdayDebunks) | Twitter

Facebook group Doomsday Debunked has been set up to help anyone who is scared by these fake doomsdays.


I’ve done a custom search engine to search top mainstream reputable news sites. Various versions, see:

Search Top News

You can also make your own custom search engines like that - easy to do in Google, I explain how I did it in New: Google News Without All The Nonsense - Top Astronomy News - Top Space Mission News - Top Science News - Top News


Do message me on Quora or PM me on Facebook if you need help.

There are many others in the group who are available to support scared people via PM and who can also debunk fake Doomsday “news” for you if you get scared of a story and are not sure if it is true. See our debunkers list

If you are suicidal don’t forget there’s always help a phone call away with the List of suicide crisis lines - Wikipedia