Robert Inventor

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Overview of Tune Smithy
Download your free test drive of Tune Smithy
Time Signature Metronome for Rhythms and Polyrhythms
Chord Progression Player
Play & Create Tunes as intricate as snowflakes
Musical e-cards
Microtonal Explorations
Microtonal Scales and Tunings
Music Keyboard Retuning
Compose Microtonally
Retuning Midi File Player
Mouse & PC keyboard music
Mouse & Joystick Theremin
Lambdoma Music Therapy
Lissajous patterns
Audio Pitch Tracer
Sounds Harmonic Analysis
Chord Synthesis
CSound Automated Orchestra
Wave Shape Player

Chord Synthesis
One of the many features that come as part of Fractal Tune Smithy

This lets you hear perfectly tuned chords - e.g. to explore harmonic series based chords. Most wavetable synths and soundcards don't tune chords with enough pitch accuracy to let you hear e.g. the beat patterns, or to hear quite how mellow the harmonic series chords can be. These ones are created directly by Tune Smithy generating the waveforms as accurately as it can (using 14 decimal places of precision)..

Fractal Tune Smithy is a Windows Program


This comes as part of Fractal Tune Smithy and is one of the basic freeware features of it.

You need to purchase in order to use the option to save all the wave samples for a sound font in one go which is a pro feature..


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© Robert Walker 2008
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By Robert Walker

NEW metronome software - Download Bounce Metronome Pro with bounces and conducting patterns to help you stay in time.