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Message: 4025 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 18:09:12 Subject: Re: some output from Graham's cgi From: Very nicely made Graham. Do you plan to add the minimax generators too? Why don't you give a few more digits for the generators in cents, since you have plenty for the basis. How about any of you sending me scale files of the best results, then I add them to the archive and people can try them? It's also not yet clear to me what Pajara is, that could be included too. Manuel
Message: 4026 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 09:45:41 Subject: Re: gene's lists, monzo's lines From: Carl Lumma>> >ot on monz's chart. What's "g"? >>An average number of generator steps to get to the consonances.Aha! The most important measure of all! Is this the mean? -Carl
Message: 4027 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 14:13:39 Subject: omigawd From: Carl Lumma There is sooo much stuff in the idea pool here... will we drown? I hope somebody is on top of it all. Capstone temperaments... there is only one per limit, right? 5 = meantone 7 = ennealimmal 11 = ? 13 = ? Gene, I have your top 20 for steps^3, but not steps^2 (you once said you had a list of 505 here...). -Carl
Message: 4028 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 00:52:37 Subject: Re: Some 58-et reduced bases From: paulerlich --- In tuning-math@y..., "genewardsmith" <genewardsmith@j...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@y..., "genewardsmith" <genewardsmith@j...> wrote: >>> 13-limit: <126/125, 144/143, 176/175, 196/195, 354/363> >> <126/125, 144/143, 176/175, 196/195, 364/363>i tried the fokker pb of these and it has five exceedingly small steps -- 1375:1372s and 3025:3024s. so a reduction to 53 is implied (as in cassandra, etc.). is there a better basis for holding up 58 in this regard?
Message: 4029 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 10:01:58 Subject: Re: listing linear temperaments From: Carl Lumma>> >) document it >>Is this the program, the method or the CGI? The first two need doing. >I'd rather make the CGI easy enough to use that it doesn't need any other >documentation.It's the answers to the questions I've been asking. So people can use it without... having to ask the questions I'm asking. That falls under "the program", I guess.>> () allow input of identities, not just odd limit >>I'm not sure what this means, but I don't think the CGI does it. You can >do anything with the original script.I just want to enter identities 7 9 11. If I want 11-limit, make me enter 1 3 5 7 9 11.>> () return the name of the temperament, if known >>Yes, I suppose that should be done. It'll mean I need to keep a list of >them somewhere. I wonder if it can be integrated with the catalog.It could. One gripe I have with the catalog is that it gives different names for the same temperament at different limits. IIRC Cassandra 1 and 2 are two different extensions of schismic, one of which should be schismic, and the other Cassandra x, if its complexity (or g) is low enough to warrant a place in the catalog (which I don't think it is, but I could see including it for historical reasons).>> () return all fields for each temperament (ie "not unique" or "unique") >>You think that's important? It won't be difficult to change.It makes the output of the one that lists multiple temperaments easier to parse. Ideal would be uniqueness level.>The odd limit, worst complexity and worst error have to be there. Other >things would ideally be guessed by the script, but I don't know how to >guess them yet. The defaults should do fine most of the time.Required fields should be marked with a star, or something.>There are already lists on the site, but I'm not planning to update them >now the CGI's there.That's fine by me. One man can't do everything.>> () Top 20 temperaments, by Gene's favorite badness measure, in each >> odd limit from 5 to 17. >>You can get close to Gene's badness measure with the CGI, and I am >allowing 20 results now, provided the server doesn't kill the script.What's Gene's measure called there? Is it steps^3 or steps^2? I was able to get 20 results.>> () Show a name, map, rms optimum generator, rms error, simplest commas, >> and complexity for each. >>Those are all reasonable, and you can expect them by the end of the year. >Certainly before I publish anything on dead trees. :)>> () Make sure the names hold for a given LT if it makes it into the >> top 20 of higher and higher limits. >>Yes, I'll try and sort that out. >>> () Uniqueness level. >>Ooh! I can only do this up to 2nd order so far. Would that be okay?2nd order = triads, 1st order = dyads? That would be splendid. Up to hexads would be nice. Don't let anybody tell you they need more than that.>> It would still be nice to report the top 20 to people who aren't going >> to learn to use the script. >>If people can understand the top 20 but not use the script, there must be >something wrong with the script.If you're looking at it that way, then good!>Still, you're welcome to generate your own lists and put them on your own >site.I was referring to the paper. No cgi support there yet. :)>How about if a particular calculation could be referenced by a URL? That >might already work, but it could be simplified by allowing the script to >substitute default values.Sounds like a good idea to me.>> This is a good idea, but it would be the last thing I would spend time >> implementing. IMO rms is always better than minimax, and complexity >> should be kept separate from badness, and for badness I'll happy to >> trust >> Gene! >>Well, it's implemented now. As there's an ongoing discussion about >badness, at least people have something to do test runs with. There >isn't a choice of minimax, because it's slower to calculate and isn't >always correct anyway. Cool. >It can't enforce uniqueness either, or know about the simplest MOS, so >it doesn't duplicate my static lists. That's fine. -Carl
Message: 4030 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 00:50:13 Subject: Re: error-free badness From: paulerlich --- In tuning-math@y..., graham@m... wrote:> Beyond all this, I'm thinking about how we can add melodic criteria to the > search. For example, magic isn't so good in practice because you need 19 > notes to get a sensible MOS. There's nothing close to proper in the 7+/-2 > range. Miracle has the decimal scale almost in that range, so it works a > lot better.don't forget mohajira!> The Pelog-type temperament has a 7 note MOS, and so is > favoured despite having a relatively poor 5-limit approximation. These > small scales will tend not to be consistent, ? > but searching for any > remotely sensible mapping with between 5 and 12 notes might be productive.i agree (i think).
Message: 4031 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 10:06:12 Subject: Re: some output from Graham's cgi From: Carl Lumma>>>>> >0.25, 1.57192809489) >>>>>>>> Never heard of it. >>>>>> Then you've learnt something! >> >> Unfortunately not. >>This is the [4,4,4,-2,5,-3] system which came in #10 when I was using >the funky badness measure with steps^3. It's a Paul favorite, since it >is associated to the octatonic scale of jazz and Stravinsky. We could >call it igor, I suppose. :)I think Monz and Paul have been calling it octatonic. I meant I don't know what basis is. Wasn't it also used in the context of "MT reduced basis". Makes searching the archives difficult. -Carl
Message: 4032 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 00:17:07 Subject: Re: a real powerful 11-limit comma From: monz> From: paulerlich <> > To: <> > Sent: Tuesday, March 05, 2002 3:16 PM > Subject: [tuning-math] a real powerful 11-limit comma > > > 151250:151263 > > anyone seen this before?for those who might like to know the prime-factorization: prime-factors exponents [2 3 5 7 11] ** [ 1 -2 4 -5 2] -monz _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at Yahoo! Mail - The best web-based email! * [with cont.] (Wayb.)
Message: 4033 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 07:33:42 Subject: Re: listing linear temperaments From: genewardsmith --- In tuning-math@y..., Carl Lumma <carl@l...> wrote:> Well, top 5 isn't enough. Also, Gene has given many lists of things, > and it isn't clear to me what is supposed to be "the" list.I gave a top 20, which might do. How many do you want for "the" list?
Message: 4034 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 12:46:47 Subject: Re: listing linear temperaments From: Carl Lumma>> >ell, top 5 isn't enough. Also, Gene has given many lists of things, >> and it isn't clear to me what is supposed to be "the" list. >>I gave a top 20, which might do. How many do you want for "the" list?I think around 20 is good... however many it is, and whatever badness measure is used, we just have to be sure to get augmented, diminished, schismic, and meantone. That will impress the ivory tower types. -Carl
Message: 4035 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 21:40:02 Subject: Re: listing linear temperaments From: paulerlich --- In tuning-math@y..., Carl Lumma <carl@l...> wrote:>>>> I think Gene's using the RMS. >>>>>> Wow. z'that true, Gene? >>>> gene's complexity measures involve "step" and "cent", and "step" is >> the RMS number of generators in the consonant intervals. >> Wait- is this complexity or badness? badness. sorry.
Message: 4036 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 21:50:53 Subject: Re: gene's lists, monzo's lines From: paulerlich --- In tuning-math@y..., Carl Lumma <carl@l...> wrote:>>> Not on monz's chart. What's "g"? >>>> An average number of generator steps to get to the consonances. >> Aha! The most important measure of all! Is this the mean?gene was using rms, i believe.
Message: 4037 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 22:00:21 Subject: Re: listing linear temperaments From: genewardsmith --- In tuning-math@y..., graham@m... wrote:> All temperaments will contain multiple ETs, it's only a question of the > algorithm being general enough to find them. They aren't always > consistent.An algorithm which will find some of them, consistent or not, is to wedge with commas until you get an et.
Message: 4038 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 08:53:09 Subject: Re: a real powerful 11-limit comma From: genewardsmith --- In tuning-math@y..., "paulerlich" <paul@s...> wrote:> 151250:151263 > > anyone seen this before?No, but I would have if I had wedged miracle with hemiennealimmal, since one take on it is that it is miracle^hemiennealimmal. Besides that, it seems to be associated with a whole boatload of high quality microtemperaments which have 1/6 octave as a period, and I wonder why that is? If you like 7/5, 11/7, and 10/9 a whole lot, there's the one with map [[0,17,35,36,37],[6,-6,-18,-16,-13]] which I think is downright cute.
Message: 4039 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 22:32:26 Subject: Re: listing linear temperaments From: genewardsmith --- In tuning-math@y..., Carl Lumma <carl@l...> wrote:> I think around 20 is good... however many it is, and whatever badness > measure is used, we just have to be sure to get augmented, diminished, > schismic, and meantone. That will impress the ivory tower types.Do you mean by augmented and diminished 5-limit temperaments? I get a badness of 142 for 128/125 and of 385 for 648/625. They both made my list of 32 (not 20) best, and are discussed on Yahoo groups: /tuning-math/message/1997 * [with cont.] Paul followed up and suggested "octo-diminished" for the 648/625 system, but "diminished" should be fine. The "octo" part came, I think, since I pointed out how well 64-et could do this system.
Message: 4040 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 01:13:08 Subject: gene's lists, monzo's lines From: Carl Lumma 5-limit>135/128 > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[-1 2] >[ 3 1] > >Generators: a = 10.0215/23; b = 1 > >badness: 46.1 >rms: 18.1 >g: 2.94 >errors: [-24.8, -17.7, 7.1]Not on monz's chart. What's "g"?>648/625 > >Map: > >[ 0 4] >[ 1 5] >[ 1 8] > >Generators: a = 21.0205/64; b = 1/4 > >badness: 385 >rms: 11.06 >g: 3.266 >errors: [-7.82, 7.82, 15.64] > >64-et, anyone? It could also be used to temper the 12-et. diminished. >250/243 > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[-3 2] >[-5 3] > >Generators: a = 2.9883/22; b = 1 > >badness: 360 >rms: 7.98 >g: 3.559 >errors: [9.06, -1.29, -10.35] > >One way to cure those 22-et major thirds of what ails them. porcupine. >128/125 > >Map: > >[ 0 3] >[-1 6] >[ 0 7] > >Generators: a = 11.052/27 (~4/3); b = 1/3 > >badness: 142 >rms: 9.68 >g: 2.449 >errors: [6.84, 13.69, 6.84] augmented >3125/3072 > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[ 5 0] >[ 1 2] > >Generators: a = 12.9822/41 (=6.016/19); b = 1 > >badness: 239 >rms: 4.57 >g: 3.74 >errors: [-2.115, -6.346, -4.231] > >Graham has named this one: Magic. >81/80 > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[-1 2] >[-4 4] > >Generators: a = 20.9931/50; b = 1 > >badness: 108 >rms: 4.22 >g: 2.944 >errors: [-5.79, -1.65, 4.14] > >Nothing left to say about this one. :) >2048/2025 > >Map: > >[ 0 2] >[-1 4] >[ 2 3] > >Generators: 14.0123/34 (~4/3); b = 1/2 > >badness: 211 >rms: 2.613 >g: 4.32 >errors: [3.49, 2.79, -.70] > >A good way to take advantage of the 34-ets excellent 5-limit >harmonies is two gothish 17-et chains of fifths a sqrt(2) >apart. diaschismic >78732/78125 = 2^2 3^9 5^-7 > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[ 7 -1] >[ 9 -1] > >Generators: 23.9947/65 (~9/7); b = 1 > >badness: 346 >rms: 1.157 >g: 6.68 >errors: [-1.1, 0.5, 1.6]un-named on monz's chart!>393216/390625 = 2^17 3 5^-8 > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[ 8 -1] >[ 1 2] > >Generators: a = 31.9951/99 (~5/4); b = 1 >Works with 31,34,65,99,164 > >badness: 251 >rms: 1.072 >g: 6.16 >error: [.602, 1.506, .904] wuerschmidt >2109375/2097152 = 2^-21 3^3 5^7 Orwell > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[ 7 0] >[-3 3] > >Generators: a = 19.01127197/84; b = 1 > >badness: 305.93 >rms: .8004 >g: 7.257 >errors: [-.828, -1.082, -.255] > >ets: 22,31,53,84 >15625/15552 = 2^-6 36-5 5^6 Kleismic > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[ 6 0] >[ 5 1] > >Generators: a = 14.00435233/53 (~6/5); b = 1 > >badness: 97 >rms: 1.030 >g: 4.546 >errors: [.523, -.915, -1.438] > >ets: 19,34,53,68,72,87,140 >1600000/1594323 = 2^9 3^-13 5^-2 Acute Minor Third system > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[-5 3] >[-13 6] > >Generators: a = 28.00947813/99 (~243/200); b = 1 > >badness: 305.53 >rms: .3831 >g: 9.273 >error: [-.5009, .0716, -.4293]not on monz's chart.>6115295232/6103515625 = 2^23 3^6 5^-15 Semisuper > >Map: > >[ 0 2] >[ 7 -3] >[ 3 2] > >Generators: a = 52.00397043/118 (~3125/2304); b = 1/2 /.../ >badness: 190 >rms: .1940 >g: 9.933 >errors: [.0226, .2081, .2255]not on monz's chart.>32805/32768 Shismic > >Map: > >[ 0 1] >[-1 2] >[ 8 1] > >Generators: a = 120.000624/289 (~4/3); b = 1 > >badness: 55 >rms: .1617 >g: 6.976 >errors: [-.2275, -.1338, .0937] 7-limit //augmented >When extended to the 7-limit, this becomes the > >[ 0 3] >[-1 6] >[ 0 7] >[ 2 6] > >system I've already mentioned in several contexts, such as >the 15+12 system of the 27-et. Both as a 5-limit and a >7-limit system, it is good enough to deserve a name of its >own.Jeez- I just realized that the wholetone scale contains 4:5:7 chords. Here's the 4:5:6:7 in augmented in 27-et: 27 1200 0 0 9 400 16 711 22 978 This nonatonic looks interesting: 0 2 4 9 11 13 18 20 22 (27)>(1) [6,10,10,-5,1,2] ets: 22 > >[0 2] >[3 1] >[5 1] >[5 2] > >a = 7.98567775 / 22 (~9/7) ; b = 1/2 >measure 3165What is this? What's "measure"?>(4) [10,14,14,-7,6,-1] ets: 26 > >[0 2] >[5 2] >[7 3] >[7 4] > >a = 3.026421762 / 26; b = 1/2 >measure 8510This and the above look suspiciously like the decatonic and double-diatonic systems. But they're not, are they? -Carl
Message: 4041 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 22:43:07 Subject: Re: listing linear temperaments From: paulerlich --- In tuning-math@y..., "genewardsmith" <genewardsmith@j...> wrote:> Paul followed up and suggested "octo-diminished" for the 648/625 >system,only when it occurs in 64-equal.>but "diminished" should be fine.i hope monz will catch on. also, on his et page, it seems he forgot that "<" meant "less than" and he appended ">" to each entry that referred to a mention *before* a certain date. but i should wait for him to catch up on all the other stuff first . . .>The "octo" part came, I think, >since I pointed out how well 64-et >could do this system.right -- i think i was making a rough analogy to the hepta-diminished system of 28-equal. i guess 32-equal is actually octo-diminished . . .
Message: 4042 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 09:34:59 Subject: Re: gene's lists, monzo's lines From: genewardsmith --- In tuning-math@y..., Carl Lumma <carl@l...> wrote:> Not on monz's chart. What's "g"?An average number of generator steps to get to the consonances.>> (1) [6,10,10,-5,1,2] ets: 22 >> >> [0 2] >> [3 1] >> [5 1] >> [5 2] >> >> a = 7.98567775 / 22 (~9/7) ; b = 1/2 >> measure 3165 >> What is this? What's "measure"?This I think is the steps^3 thing some people wanted in order to weight thelow-rent temperaments more strongly. I like log-flat measures myself, I'veconcluded.>> (4) [10,14,14,-7,6,-1] ets: 26 >> >> [0 2] >> [5 2] >> [7 3] >> [7 4] >> >> a = 3.026421762 / 26; b = 1/2 >> measure 8510 >> This and the above look suspiciously like > the decatonic and double-diatonic systems. > But they're not, are they?One is the 9/7 generator thing of 22-et, and the other doesn't look diatonic to me. Aside from 26-et, it could be tried on h34+v7.
Message: 4043 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 09:53:44 Subject: Re: some output from Graham's cgi From: genewardsmith --- In tuning-math@y..., Carl Lumma <carl@l...> wrote:>>>> basis: >>>> (0.25, 1.57192809489) >>>>>> Never heard of it. >>>> Then you've learnt something! > > Unfortunately not.This is the [4,4,4,-2,5,-3] system which came in #10 when I was using the funky badness measure with steps^3. It's a Paul favorite, since it is associated to the octatonic scale of jazz and Stravinsky. We could call it igor, I suppose. :)
Message: 4044 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 16:36:55 Subject: errgggh... From: Carl Lumma Well, wonderful. The continuity of messages I forwarded here between Dave and I was annihilated. -Carl
Message: 4045 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 6 Mar 2002 11:33 +00 Subject: Re: error-free badness From: graham@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx In-Reply-To: <> Carl Lumma wrote:> I think this would be a mistake. It's a fine idea to say what the > smallest MOS is that contains the map, as you do now, but our idea > of what makes an LT good is far better-formed than our idea of what > makes a melody good. For example, kleismic has an MOS at 10, or > something, which is improper and not good melodically, but there's > an 8-tone non-MOS chain which is not MOS and works melodically.If an LT's being used for melody, our idea of what makes it good can't be so well formed after all. Isn't it something we should be thinking about? Graham
Message: 4046 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Wed, 06 Mar 2002 19:30:59 Subject: Re: error-free badness From: Carl Lumma>> > think this would be a mistake. It's a fine idea to say what the >> smallest MOS is that contains the map, as you do now, but our idea >> of what makes an LT good is far better-formed than our idea of what >> makes a melody good. For example, kleismic has an MOS at 10, or >> something, which is improper and not good melodically, but there's >> an 8-tone non-MOS chain which is not MOS and works melodically. >>If an LT's being used for melody, our idea of what makes it good can't >be so well formed after all. Isn't it something we should be thinking >about?Paul likes tetrachordality, I like propriety, and there are reasons to talk about MOS. Let's show these properties, but not rank by them: () There's a singular mathematical beauty about complexity vs. good approximations that we want to expose, and which is completely independent of anything melodic. () Some of the melodic properties mentioned above are not invariants of a map. Propriety can change depending on the number of tones, and as Dave has pointed out, it can change wildly with changes to the generator size. -Carl
Message: 4047 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 05:21:40 Subject: 32 best 5-limit linear temperaments redux From: genewardsmith 27/25 limmal map [[0, -2, -3], [1, 2, 3]] generators 268.0564391 1200 badness 358.9821660 rms 35.60923982 g 2.160246899 ets 4 5 9 14 16/15 fourth-thirds map [[0, -1, 1], [1, 2, 2]] generators 442.1793558 1200 badness 129.0161774 rms 45.61410700 g 1.414213562 ets 1 2 3 5 6 8 135/128 pelogic map [[0, -1, 3], [1, 2, 1]] generators 522.8623453 1200 badness 461.2348421 rms 18.07773298 g 2.943920288 ets 2 7 9 11 16 23 25/24 neutral thirds map [[0, 2, 1], [1, 1, 2]] generators 350.9775007 1200 badness 81.60548797 rms 28.85189698 g 1.414213562 ets 3 4 6 7 10 13 17 20 648/625 diminished map [[0, -1, -1], [4, 8, 11]] generators 505.8656425 300 badness 385.3013916 rms 11.06006024 g 3.265986323 ets 4 8 12 16 24 28 36 40 52 64 250/243 porcupine map [[0, -3, -5], [1, 2, 3]] generators 162.9960265 1200 badness 359.5570529 rms 7.975800816 g 3.559026083 ets 7 8 15 22 29 30 37 44 51 59 66 128/125 augmented map [[0, -1, 0], [3, 6, 7]] generators 491.2018553 400 badness 142.2320613 rms 9.677665980 g 2.449489743 ets 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 39 42 3125/3072 small diesic map [[0, 5, 1], [1, 0, 2]] generators 379.9679494 1200 badness 239.3635979 rms 4.569472316 g 3.741657387 ets 3 6 16 19 22 25 35 38 41 44 57 60 63 66 76 79 82 85 104 107 81/80 meantone map [[0, -1, -4], [1, 2, 4]] generators 503.8351546 1200 badness 107.6110644 rms 4.217730124 g 2.943920288 ets 5 7 12 19 24 26 31 36 38 43 45 50 55 57 62 67 69 74 76 81 86 88 93 98 100 105 117 129 2048/2025 diaschismic map [[0, -1, 2], [2, 4, 3]] generators 494.5534684 600 badness 210.7220901 rms 2.612822498 g 4.320493799 ets 2 10 12 14 20 22 24 32 34 36 44 46 54 56 58 66 68 70 78 80 90 92 102 112 114 124 126 136 148 160 78732/78125 tiny diesic map [[0, 7, 9], [1, -1, -1]] generators 442.9792974 1200 badness 345.5378445 rms 1.157498146 g 6.683312553 ets 8 19 27 38 46 57 65 73 76 84 92 103 111 122 130 141 149 157 168 176 187 195 214 233 241 252 260 279 298 306 317 325 344 363 382 390 409 428 447 474 493 539 558 623 393216/390625 wuerschmidt map [[0, 8, 1], [1, -1, 2]] generators 387.8196732 1200 badness 251.1018953 rms 1.071950166 g 6.164414003 ets 3 6 28 31 34 37 62 65 68 71 93 96 99 102 127 130 133 136 158 161 164 167 192 195 198 201 223 226 229 232 257 260 263 266 288 291 294 297 322 325 328 331 353 356 359 362 365 387 390 393 421 452 2109375/2097152 orwell map [[0, 7, -3], [1, 0, 3]] generators 271.5895996 1200 badness 305.9258786 rms .8004099292 g 7.257180353 ets 9 13 22 31 40 44 53 62 66 75 84 93 97 106 115 119 128 137 146 150 159 168 172 181 190 199 203 212 221 225 234 243 252 256 265 274 278 287 296 305 309 318 327 340 349 358 371 380 402 411 424 433 455 464 486 517 570 15625/15552 kleismic map [[0, 6, 5], [1, 0, 1]] generators 317.0796754 1200 badness 96.73525308 rms 1.029625097 g 4.546060566 ets 4 15 19 23 30 34 38 49 53 57 68 72 76 83 87 91 102 106 110 121 125 136 140 144 155 159 163 174 178 189 193 197 208 212 227 231 242 246 250 261 265 280 284 295 299 314 318 333 337 348 352 367 371 386 401 405 420 424 439 454 458 473 492 507 526 545 560 579 613 632 666 719 1600000/1594323 amt map [[0, -5, -13], [1, 3, 6]] generators 339.5088258 1200 badness 305.5372197 rms .3831037874 g 9.273618495 ets 7 39 46 53 60 92 99 106 113 145 152 159 166 198 205 212 244 251 258 265 297 304 311 318 350 357 364 371 403 410 417 424 449 456 463 470 502 509 516 523 555 562 569 576 608 615 622 629 654 661 668 675 707 714 721 728 760 767 774 781 813 820 827 834 866 873 880 919 926 933 972 979 986 1224440064/1220703125 parakleismic map [[0, -13, -14], [1, 5, 6]] generators 315.2509133 1200 badness 372.7314879 rms .2766026501 g 11.04536102 ets 19 38 42 57 61 76 80 99 118 137 156 160 175 179 194 198 217 236 255 274 293 297 316 335 354 373 392 411 415 434 453 472 491 510 529 533 552 571 590 609 628 647 651 670 689 708 727 746 765 769 788 807 826 845 864 887 906 925 944 963 982 6115295232/6103515625 semisuper map [[0, 7, 3], [2, -3, 2]] generators 528.8539366 600 badness 190.1507467 rms .1940181460 g 9.933109620 ets 16 18 34 50 68 84 100 102 118 134 136 152 168 186 202 220 236 252 254 270 286 304 320 338 354 370 372 388 404 422 438 456 472 488 490 506 522 524 540 556 574 590 606 608 624 640 642 658 674 692 708 726 742 758 760 776 792 810 826 844 860 876 878 894 910 928 944 962 978 994 996 19073486328125/19042491875328 enneadecal map [[0, -1, -1], [19, 38, 52]] generators 497.9709056 1200/19 badness 391.2170134 rms .1047837215 g 15.51343504 ets 19 38 57 76 95 114 133 152 171 190 209 228 266 285 304 323 342 361 380 399 418 437 456 475 494 513 532 551 570 589 608 627 646 665 684 703 722 760 779 798 817 836 855 874 893 931 950 969 988 32805/32768 shismic map [[0, -1, 8], [1, 2, -1]] generators 498.2724869 1200 badness 54.89487859 rms .1616904714 g 6.976149846 ets 12 17 24 29 36 41 53 65 77 82 89 94 101 106 118 130 135 142 147 154 159 171 183 195 200 207 212 219 224 236 248 253 260 265 272 277 289 301 313 318 325 330 342 354 366 371 378 383 390 395 407 419 424 431 436 443 448 460 472 484 489 496 501 508 513 525 537 542 549 554 561 566 578 590 602 607 614 619 626 631 643 655 660 667 672 679 684 696 708 720 725 732 737 744 749 761 773 778 785 790 797 802 814 826 838 843 850 855 862 867 879 891 896 903 908 915 920 932 944 956 961 968 973 985 997 582076609134674072265625/581595589965365114830848 heptadecal map [[0, 2, 1], [17, 16, 34]] generators 386.2716180 1200/17 badness 477.6214948 rms .3437099513e-1 g 24.04163055 ets 34 68 102 136 153 187 221 255 289 323 357 391 425 476 510 544 578 612 646 680 714 748 765 799 833 867 901 935 969 274877906944/274658203125 hemithird map [[0, -15, 2], [1, 4, 2]] generators 193.1996149 1200 badness 137.9992271 rms .6082244804e-1 g 13.14026890 ets 25 31 56 62 87 93 112 118 143 149 174 180 205 211 230 236 261 267 292 298 323 329 348 354 379 385 410 416 441 447 466 472 497 503 528 534 559 584 590 615 621 646 652 671 677 702 708 733 739 764 770 789 795 820 826 851 857 882 888 907 913 938 944 969 975 1000 50031545098999707/50000000000000000 map [[0, 17, 35], [1, -1, -3]] generators 182.4660890 1200 badness 386.2264718 rms .2546863438e-1 g 24.75210428 ets 46 79 92 125 171 217 250 263 296 342 388 434 467 480 513 559 605 638 651 684 730 776 809 822 855 901 947 980 993 7629394531250/7625597484987 map [[0, -2, -3], [9, 19, 28]] generators 315.6754868 400/3 badness 188.0842271 rms .2559261582e-1 g 19.44222209 ets 27 45 72 99 126 144 171 198 243 270 297 315 342 369 414 441 468 486 513 540 567 585 612 639 684 711 738 756 783 810 855 882 909 927 954 981 2475880078570760549798248448/2474715001881122589111328125 map [[0, -31, 12], [1, 5, 1]] generators 132.1945105 1200 badness 463.2524095 rms .1499283745e-1 g 31.37939876 ets 9 109 118 127 218 227 236 245 336 345 354 363 454 463 472 481 572 581 590 599 690 699 708 717 808 817 826 835 926 935 944 953 9010162353515625/9007199254740992 map [[0, -8, 5], [2, 9, 1]] generators 437.2581077 600 badness 113.0912513 rms .1772520822e-1 g 18.54723699 ets 22 44 52 66 74 96 118 140 162 170 184 192 206 214 236 258 280 288 302 310 324 332 354 376 398 406 420 428 442 450 472 494 516 538 546 560 568 590 612 634 656 664 678 686 708 730 752 774 782 796 804 826 848 870 892 900 914 922 936 944 966 988 116450459770592056836096/116415321826934814453125 map [[0, -33, -25], [1, 17, 14]] generators 560.5469696 1200 badness 178.7704200 rms .1239024539e-1 g 24.34474618 ets 15 30 122 137 152 167 274 289 304 319 411 426 441 456 471 563 578 593 608 700 715 730 745 760 852 867 882 897 444089209850062616169452667236328125/444002166576103304796646509039845376 map [[0, -51, -52], [1, 15, 16]] generators 315.6478750 1200 badness 346.6194848 rms .4659979284e-2 g 42.05551886 ets 19 38 57 76 365 384 403 422 441 460 479 498 517 825 844 863 882 901 920 939 958 450359962737049600/450283905890997363 map [[0, -2, -37], [1, 2, 10]] generators 249.0184480 1200 badness 146.1980313 rms .5736733648e-2 g 29.42787794 ets 53 106 159 188 212 241 265 294 318 347 371 400 424 453 506 559 612 665 718 771 800 824 853 877 906 930 959 983 162285243890121480027996826171875/162259276829213363391578010288128 map [[0, 14, -47], [1, -1, 11]] generators 221.5678655 1200 badness 326.5508398 rms .3538891098e-2 g 45.18849411 ets 65 130 195 222 260 287 325 352 390 417 482 547 612 677 742 807 834 872 899 937 964 22300745198530623141535718272648361505980416/ 22297583945629639856633730232715606689453125 map [[0, 47, -22], [1, -2, 4]] generators 91.53102125 1200 badness 352.1515837 rms .2843331166e-2 g 49.84643083 ets 13 105 118 131 223 236 249 341 354 367 459 472 485 590 603 708 721 826 839 944 957 381520424476945831628649898809/381469726562500000000000000000 map [[0, -35, -62], [1, 11, 19]] generators 322.8013866 1200 badness 256.7937928 rms .3022380142e-2 g 43.96210490 ets 26 145 171 197 316 342 368 487 513 658 684 803 829 855 974 1000 17763568394002504646778106689453125/17763086495282268024161967871623168 map [[0, 49, 15], [1, -6, 0]] generators 185.7541789 1200 badness 34.16161967 rms .7631994496e-3 g 35.50586806 ets 71 84 155 168 239 252 323 407 478 491 562 575 646 659 730 801 814 885 898 969 982
Message: 4048 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 14:41 +00 Subject: Re: listing linear temperaments From: graham@xxxxxxxxxx.xx.xx In-Reply-To: <> Carl Lumma wrote:> I just want to enter identities 7 9 11. If I want 11-limit, make me > enter 1 3 5 7 9 11.Well, you're in luck! That's the other thing I added on Monday night.>> Yes, I suppose that should be done. It'll mean I need to keep a list> of >them somewhere. I wonder if it can be integrated with the catalog. > > It could. One gripe I have with the catalog is that it gives different > names for the same temperament at different limits. IIRC Cassandra > 1 and 2 are two different extensions of schismic, one of which should > be schismic, and the other Cassandra x, if its complexity (or g) is low > enough to warrant a place in the catalog (which I don't think it is, > but I could see including it for historical reasons).The problem of integration is that the catalog's in static HTML, whereas the script would have to get the names from a database or a global dictionary somewhere. The catalog could be made dynamic, but it'd mean the comments would also have to go in a database and some provision made for the inharmonic one. It's easier not to bother, and have two different lists, that are bound to get out of sync... The intention of the catalog is to record temperaments that have been singled out. There's no value judgement on my part as to what goes in there. The Cassandras could go under schismic, and Shrutar could go under diaschismic. Currently Paultone/Twintone/Pajara is under diaschismic.>>> () return all fields for each temperament (ie "not unique" or >> "unique") >>>> You think that's important? It won't be difficult to change. >> It makes the output of the one that lists multiple temperaments easier > to parse. Ideal would be uniqueness level.If some of the temperaments don't have "unique" at the bottom, you can get more on the screen at once to compare them.>> The odd limit, worst complexity and worst error have to be there.> Other >things would ideally be guessed by the script, but I don't know > how to >guess them yet. The defaults should do fine most of the time. > > Required fields should be marked with a star, or something.But as I supply defaults for most (which I think makes it easier to see what they're intended for) it wouldn't make any difference to normal operation if they were option. A separation between "important" and "geeky" might be better.>>> () Uniqueness level. >>>> Ooh! I can only do this up to 2nd order so far. Would that be okay? >> 2nd order = triads, 1st order = dyads? That would be splendid. > Up to hexads would be nice. Don't let anybody tell you they need > more than that.It'd be "all second order intervals are unique" because I've got a routine for generating the second order intervals. That could easily be adapted for fourth order but not, as it stands, third order.>> Still, you're welcome to generate your own lists and put them on your > own >site. >> I was referring to the paper. No cgi support there yet. :)Oh. Well, my paper will include examples I found promising after trying them on my ZTar (which I'll hopefully be getting soon). Also, a link to the CGIs and the source code for anybody who wants to duplicate it all. That's going to take a while to finish, so until then I'm trying to make what's on the web as accessible as possible. Graham
Message: 4049 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Thu, 07 Mar 2002 14:13:24 Subject: Re: omigawd From: paulerlich --- In tuning-math@y..., Carl Lumma <carl@l...> wrote:> There is sooo much stuff in the idea pool here... will we > drown? I hope somebody is on top of it all.bless you carl for taking an interest. i mean that with all sincerity!
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