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Message: 6400 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 15:37:03 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Carl Lumma>naming wedgies is the same thing as naming temperaments, isn't it?Yeah, probably. Looks like there's no good shorthand for talking about this stuff. If there was, Dave would probably have already found it! :) -Carl
Message: 6401 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 17:26:24 Subject: Re: A common notation for JI and ETs From: David C Keenan --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx George Secor wrote:>I have given a lot of thought to those who may come after me, >particularly the novice. I want the first step in learning the >single-symbol version of the notation to be *conceptually* as simple as >possible. The notation for 24-ET (considered either alone or as a >subset of 72-ET) or 31-ET is so simple that even a child would be able >to understand and remember the symbols with minimal effort. Unless I >see some *compelling* reason that one to three shafts and X, along with >an up or down arrowhead, is too difficult to *read* or *distinguish*, >then I must reject any departure from this as an unnecessary >*complication* that would make the notation more *difficult to learn*. >I want someone's reaction to the first lesson in microtonal notation to >be, "Hey, this is a lot easier than I expected!" We should remember >that first impressions are very important. Therein lies the "sacred >cow" that you're up against. ... >A major >advantage of the vertical lines (and even the X) is that they don't >interfere with or otherwise detract from the perception or >identification of the flags, because they look completely different. > >I hope I've adequately (and rationally) addressed the issues you >raised. If you still want to make some sort of symbol proposal based >on what you sketched above -- some actual symbols in a graphic, then >I'd be happy to look at them. Otherwise, I can't imagine how something >like that could be an improvement.I guess you're saying "Put up or shut up". Fair enough. You've made some good points about ease of learning and first impressions. But I don't understand why you would fail to imagine that there might be a way to retain those benefits while eliminating the two problems I have described regarding the X shafts. I played around with various ideas by modifying a copy of your Symbols6.gif. The first thing I decided was to retain the triple shafts since I found I could not adequately distinguish wide and narrow V shafts. So I looked at just changing the X shafts, and in the end decided, surprise surprise, that X's are best! What I've come up with is simply a different X. Its two shafts cross at a point that aligns with the note being modified, instead of the one below. Of course when it is used with two concave or wavy flags it does look like a V, but I think this is fine. Its shafts are slightly closer to vertical than those of the previous X's, so there is no danger of confusing them with straight flags, particularly since they (like all the shafts) are longer and thinner than straight flags. I've also modified a few of the two and three shaft symbols with two flags to a side, to eliminate the cases where a shaft passed through the middle of a flag. Previously this was done in some cases but not in others. And I've added a conventional joined-double-flat symbol. By the way, I like all the flag-combinations the way you've done them. In particular I prefer your ~)| to mine. See Yahoo groups: /tuning-math/files/Dave/Symbols6... * [with cont.] -- Dave Keenan Brisbane, Australia Dave Keenan's Home Page * [with cont.] (Wayb.)
Message: 6402 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 15:02:04 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: Carl Lumma>not at all. if a key is identified with its relative minor, that >might mean that 81:80 is vanishing, but it sure doesn't mean 25:24 >is vanishing!But to get the "keys", don't we need dicot? -C.
Message: 6403 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 16:28:07 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: Carl Lumma>> >ut to get the "keys", don't we need dicot? >> >> -C. >>no, i don't see why you're thinking that. where do neutral thirds >come in??They're not actually neutral, because it's "untempered dicot", but isn't it where from we get the 7-tone system, as you yourself said? I thought we agreed we needed 7-in-12 to get Janata's torus. -Carl
Message: 6404 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 16:11:19 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Carl Lumma {{Good point. Maybe we need to name wedgies... does that solve the problem?}} Naming wedgies is the same as naming temperaments, which is what we've been doing.
Message: 6405 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 16:02:10 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Gene W Smith Carl Lumma <> writes: {{Rather than naming every linear temperament of interest (and presumably, every planar one also), why not name blocks of interest, and use a prefix to denote which comma(s) vanish?}} It seems to me that which commas vanish pretty well tells you what you need to know right there. I also don't see why blocks in general warrant names, though some clearly do. {{As it stands, there's no good way to talk about the *blocks* behind popular temperaments.}} Why do you say blocks are behind temperaments?
Message: 6406 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 08:34:09 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Gene W Smith Carl Lumma <> writes:>What do you call meantone without the 81:80 tempered out? >tried to deny the existence of such beasts, but this hardly >seems possible in light of adaptive JI.Paul is right. Adaptive JI either removes the 81/80 or it doesn't; if it doesn't, it isn't meantone.
Message: 6407 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:45:25 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Carl Lumma>> >'ve been dreaming of a huge website where scales are organized by >> blocks and one can click on which unison vectors to >> temper/detemper . . . >> >> That would be truly awesome. The culmination of years of work. >>Then the sooner we start, the sooner it'll be ready. > >What do you mean by "blocks"? Planar temperaments?Periodicity blocks. No temperament.>I can see how it would be nice to have a dynamic version of Monz's >diagram, where you could click on equal temeperaments or pairs of equal >temperaments to get linear temperaments. But what you want seems to be >the other way round -- starting with commas rather than equal >temperaments. Right.Paul's database and zoom-graphs already go a long way... -Carl
Message: 6408 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 00:38:01 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:>> dicot is a temperament, generated by neutral thirds. in what sense >> does it make sense to speak of an untempered temperament? >> Well, that has to do with not having names for blocks.but here, we're clearly dealing with meantone temperament, if any.> I choose 25:24. "Untempered dicot"!right . . . seriously, wouldn't "Untempered dicot" refer to a just scale containing 3, 4, 7, or 10 . . . notes?
Message: 6409 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 18:46:45 Subject: Re: A common notation for JI and ETs From: gdsecor --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" <d.keenan@u...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "gdsecor <gdsecor@y...>" > <gdsecor@y...> wrote:>> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" >> >>> Here's another data point relevant to the comma-name boundaries >>> discussion. >>> >>> 49:125 E-13.469 Fb-36.929 >>> >>> 36.929 c must be notated as ~|) which should make it a comma. >>> Therefore 13.469 c ought to be a kleisma, as it would be with a 13.47 >>> c boundary.Okay, upon reading this again, now I see why the kleisma-comma boundary should be no lower: the 49:125 kleisma is at ~13.469c and the 43 comma is at 13.473c. Looks like this has gotten pretty tight! (And before sending this, I see that you replied to my questions about moving it a little lower.) So the boundaries you now have look okay to me. (I'll summarize them at the end of this message.)>> ...>>> As for the names of the categories - how about >>> >>> hypodiesis >>> diesis >>> hyperdiesis >>> >>> Which can be abbreviated to >>> >>> odiesis >>> diesis >>> ediesis >>>> I think that the idea is good, but I have two suggestions. >> >> 1) I was thinking of having three different prefixes (such as mini, >> midi, and maxi, although probably not those three) and >> allowing "diesis" to remain a more general term that would cover all >> three.I think that the term "comma" has been used in a broad sense to denote smaller intervals (which we now call kleisma and schisma) more often than larger ones, inasmuch as the term "diesis" has been used for the latter since at least the 14th century. So I would be inclined not to use the term "comma" for anything above ~37 cents, even in a broader sense.> I was thinking that would be good too. emdiasis? > > Mini- midi- maxi- are not Greek, but then we've already use -ina which > is not Greek.I didn't like everything beginning with m, anyway.> Incidentally -ina really means female rather than small, > but it still has the correct implication. > > Sub-, super-, infra-, ultra- are not Greek either. >>> 2) The three prefixes should be more than just a single letter -- >> odiesis and ediesis sound too much alike. >> Could be odiesis (pron. oadiesis) and erdiesis. >>> I was about to suggest three prefixes used in organic chemistry: >> ortho, meta, and para. The original 125:128 diesis would then >> appropriately be termed an orthodiesis. The abbreviations o- diesis, >> m-diesis, and p-diesis would even work. >> But I thought you objected to single letters?Just single-vowel prefixes, which sound too much alike.> Unfortunately these three prefixes do not generally represent 3 > degrees of a single property and I fear that few musicians would be > familiar with the naming of benzene derivatives. Meta- would generally > be more appropriate for the largest, as you suggest below. > >> Unfortunately, the>> particular dieses that we're using the o and m characters for are >> both in the para category. >> I wouldn't place too much importance on this. But I note that in the > three categories we have these symbols. > > small dq /|~ (|( ~|\ //| |~) > middle unv /|) (|~ /|\ |)) (/| > large owm |\) (|) (|\ > > But I find there is not much hope of making our prefixes match up with > any of these, except possibly in the large category. >>> Perhaps we could use meta for the largest >> group (the meaning, "beyond," would still apply) and find a couple of >> other prefixes that wouldn't conflict with (and might even tie in >> with) the letters q and n for the small and middle ranges. > > Good luck! >> There aren't very many prefixes starting with q. The only one that is > even slightly appropriate is "quasi-" but that means "almost but not > quite" and would be better used for those things that have > historically been called dieses but are smaller than 36.93 cents.I wasn't expecting to find anything appropriate for q, anyway. I'm just trying to avoid names that might cause confusion.> "meso-" is _the_ Greek prefix meaning middle.Yes, I thought of that one, but would rather not use it, since it begins with m.> It is used with various > other Greek pairs such as: > > hypo- under > meso- middle > hyper- over > > endo- inside > meso- middle > ecto- outside > > proto- (or pro-) earlier or to the front > meso- middle > meta- later or to the rear > > lepto- fine small thin delicate > meso- middle > hadro- thick stoutI also found intra- (within or inside), neo- (new), and peri- (close at hand, near, adjacent). In evaluating all of these, I tried to identify what I would call the prototypical diesis in each group: 37-45 cents -- 125:128, the meantone diesis, is not only in the group with the *smallest size*, but is also the diesis by which three 4:5s *fall short* of (i.e., on the near side of) an octave. So I thought that peri- or intra- might be appropriate. Of these two I prefer peri-. But proto- is also good, for a couple of reasons: it is similar in meaning to peri-, and it is the opposite of meta- (should we use that term for the large group). Besides, 125:128, which is probably the best-known of any diesis in any group (and thus, on account of its prominence, the one with the strongest claim to the label proto-diesis), would validate an additional shade of meaning by which the term could be applied to this group. 45-57 cents -- 32:33, the unidecimal diesis (or quartertone), introduces some of the *strangest new* harmonies encountered in alternative tunings. I thought neo- might be more descriptive of an interval such as this, rather than some nondescript label (such as meso-) that suggests that it might be average or middlin'. Even the 13 diesis (1024:1053, the second most prominent member of the group, and the one that's actually symbolized by an "n") is new and strange. 57-69 cents -- 625:648, besides being a *large* diesis (~27:28, or 1deg19) is also the amount by which four 5:6s *exceed* (i.e., go beyond) an octave. I believe that we agree that meta- is a good prefix for this group. Need I say more? With these labels, the boundaries (in cents) would then be: 0 schismina 0.98 schisma 4.50 kleisma 13.47 comma 36.93 protodiesis 45.11 neodiesis 56.84 metadiasis 68.57 --George
Message: 6410 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 01:46:37 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Dave Keenan --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:> All; > > Rather than naming every linear temperament of interest (and > presumably, every planar one also), why not name blocks of > interest, and use a prefix to denote which comma(s) vanish? But Carl,I believe that musicians, as opposed to mathematicians, think of strange temperaments more in terms of what the generator(s) and period are, rather than what commas vanish.
Message: 6411 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 10:53:56 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Carl Lumma>> >hat do you call meantone without the 81:80 tempered out? >> tried to deny the existence of such beasts, but this hardly >> seems possible in light of adaptive JI. >>Paul is right. Adaptive JI either removes the 81/80 or it doesn't; >if it doesn't, it isn't meantone.It wouldn't be JI if it removed it. But it's more than random JI, it's JI treating the 81:80 as a unison. What do you call that? -Carl
Message: 6412 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 02:13:56 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" <d.keenan@u...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote: >> All; >>>> Rather than naming every linear temperament of interest (and >> presumably, every planar one also), why not name blocks of >> interest, and use a prefix to denote which comma(s) vanish? > > But Carl, >> I believe that musicians, as opposed to mathematicians, think of > strange temperaments more in terms of what the generator(s) and period > are, rather than what commas vanish.this is why musicians have such trouble with two-dimensional systems such as planar temperaments or 5-limit strict ji.
Message: 6413 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 11:06:41 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Gene W Smith Carl Lumma <> writes:>It wouldn't be JI if it removed it. But it's more than random >JI, it's JI treating the 81:80 as a unison. What do you call >that? Comma drift.
Message: 6414 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 02:24:32 Subject: poking monz (was: Re: naming temperaments( From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" <d.keenan@u...> wrote:> I believe that musicians, as opposed to mathematicians, think of > strange temperaments more in terms of what the generator(s) and period > are, rather than what commas vanish.all the more reason monz should update the table of commas and temperaments here: Definitions of tuning terms: equal temperament... * [with cont.] (Wayb.)
Message: 6416 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 02:35:54 Subject: Re: S/K notational specificity From: Dave Keenan --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx pitchcolor@a... wrote:> Question for anyone who can point me to an archive or offer a quickanswer: What is the smallest acceptable notational - intonational error in the proposed Secor / Keenan notation system, and on what grounds has this smallest margin of error been agreed upon?> Hi Aaron,Thanks for your interest. I expect you meant what is the _largest_ acceptable error, but were at the same time thinking what is the smallest pitch change that can be notated, or how small is the largest error. We have not allowed any approximation greater than a cent, and many are less than half a cent. And in fact there is no approximation at all until one goes beyond 11-odd-limit in the single-symbol and double-symbol forms of the notation, or beyond the 31-prime-limit in the multi-symbol form. It is exact in all equal and linear temperaments. This is possible because the symbols are not defined as referring to specific numbers of cents but as giving the best approximation of various ratios relative to a chain of fifths. The size of those fifths is a variable that must be specified by the composer. If it's in an ET then it is usually enough to say which ET. These notational fifths are always between 3/5 and 4/7 octave but are usually much closer to just. Non-octave scales can probably also be accomodated by specifying a stretched or compressed "octave", the limits of which have not been decided but will need to be close to 1:2. On what grounds has the half-schisma/one-cent maximum error been agreed on? At first it was simply political. If there were to be no errors ever, you would need an infinite number of symbols, or potentially infinite strings of a finite number of symbols. So there had to be _some_ approximations. And while we personally could tolerate errors of two to three cents, we wanted the notation to be acceptable to strict just-intonationists, so we decided to try to match or better the accuracy of the notation promoted by Johnny Reinhard of the AFMM, which uses integers representing cents. Much later we found we wanted to introduce symbols for the 5-schisma anyway. As the smallest ratio to be notated, our maximum error becomes half of this. But as I said, in most cases we can be exact, because we are not constrained to notating relative to 12-ET or 24-ET.
Message: 6417 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 13:00:41 Subject: Ets for Ennealimmal and Hemiennealimmal From: Gene W Smith This is connected to the question of using nine-nominal notation for EJI. My choice remains 612, which is a great utility et for notation anyway. Here is the 3500 row of the Farey sequence, pruned by requiring that the lcm of the denominator with 18 be less than 3500: 11/270 < ... < 2/49 < 133/3258 < 97/2376 < 61/1494 < 43/1053 < 37/906 < 68/1665 < 25/612 < 139/3402 < 19/465 < 89/2178 < 32/783 < 103/2520 < 71/1737 < 13/318 < ... < 7/171 Here are the corresponding ets for Ennealimmal: 270 ... 441, 3258, 2376, 1494, 1053, 2718, 1665, 612, 3402, 1395, 2178, 783, 2520, 1737, 954 ... 171 And for Hemiennealimmal: 270 ... 882, 3258, 2376, 1494, 2106, 2718, 3330, 612, 3402, 2790, 2178, 1566, 2520, 3474, 954 ... 342 We have 68/1665, hardly distinguishable from 25/612, as poptimal in the 5-limit. In the 7-limit, 43/1053 and 61/1494, in the range between 441 and 612, are poptimal, whereas in the 11-limit we go over to the other side, with 23/1566 (1566 = 2*783) a Hemiennealimmal poptimal generator. The 612 et is a good all-around choice, and it has a nice list of divisors, including 12: [2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 12, 17, 18, 34, 36, 51, 68, 102, 153, 204, 306, 612]. We might compare this to 270: [2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 15, 18, 27, 30, 45, 54, 90, 135, 270] which has a 6 but no 12, or 342: [2, 3, 6, 9, 18, 19, 38, 57, 114, 171] for fans of 19, or 882: [2, 3, 6, 7, 9, 14, 18, 21, 42, 49, 63, 98, 126, 147, 294, 441]
Message: 6418 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 02:47:56 Subject: poking monz (was: Re: naming temperaments( From: Dave Keenan --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "wallyesterpaulrus <wallyesterpaulrus@y...>" <wallyesterpaulrus@y...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" > <d.keenan@u...> wrote: >>> I believe that musicians, as opposed to mathematicians, think of >> strange temperaments more in terms of what the generator(s) and > period>> are, rather than what commas vanish. >> all the more reason monz should update the table of commas and > temperaments here: > > Definitions of tuning terms: equal temperament... * [with cont.] (Wayb.)This is an extraordinarily beautiful and informative graphic. I assume you mean he should add generator and period to the table of commas and temperaments. Absolutely!
Message: 6419 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 13:37:53 Subject: Baton Rouge AMS Southeastern Section Meeting From: Gene W Smith According to January's AMS Notices, this meeting, held March 14-16 at Louisiana State University, will have a Special Session organized by Judith Baxter of the University of Illinois at Chicago and Robert Peck of Louisiana State called "Mathematical Techniques in Musical Analysis". I'm sorry I didn't mention this before but I didn't look at the Baton Rouge program until just now. It would be interesting to know if this is going to be written up as proceedings. Sorry, but the deadline for contributed papers has passed. :)
Message: 6420 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 02:49:24 Subject: poking monz (was: Re: naming temperaments( From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" <d.keenan@u...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "wallyesterpaulrus > <wallyesterpaulrus@y...>" <wallyesterpaulrus@y...> wrote:>> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" >>> >>> I believe that musicians, as opposed to mathematicians, think of >>> strange temperaments more in terms of what the generator(s) and >> period>>> are, rather than what commas vanish. >>>> all the more reason monz should update the table of commas and >> temperaments here: >> >> Definitions of tuning terms: equal temperament... * [with cont.] (Wayb.) >> This is an extraordinarily beautiful and informative graphic.thanks -- i can't believe this is your first time seeing it.> I assume you mean he should add generator and period to the table of > commas and temperaments. Absolutely!yes, the data is already in the yahoo tuning database.
Message: 6421 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 21:55:08 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Carl Lumma>> >t wouldn't be JI if it removed it. But it's more than random >> JI, it's JI treating the 81:80 as a unison. What do you call >> that? > >Comma drift. ???What do you call _the scale_? Did you read _The Forms of Tonality_? -Carl
Message: 6422 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 02:55:41 Subject: Re: A common notation for JI and ETs From: Dave Keenan --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "gdsecor <gdsecor@y...>" <gdsecor@y...> wrote:> Okay, then, let's run with it!Yikes! OK! :-)
Message: 6423 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 22:21:30 Subject: Re: Baton Rouge AMS Southeastern Section Meeting From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Gene W Smith <genewardsmith@j...> wrote:> According to January's AMS Notices, this meeting, held March 14-16 at > Louisiana State University, will have a Special Session organized by > Judith Baxter of the University of Illinois at Chicago and Robert Peck of > Louisiana State called "Mathematical Techniques in Musical Analysis". I'm > sorry I didn't mention this before but I didn't look at the Baton Rouge > program until just now. It would be interesting to know if this is going > to be written up as proceedings. > > Sorry, but the deadline for contributed papers has passed. :)is this a huge coincidence? i just mentioned this meeting in an e- mail to you . . .
Message: 6424 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Tue, 11 Feb 2003 03:15:38 Subject: poking monz (was: Re: naming temperaments( From: Dave Keenan --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "wallyesterpaulrus <wallyesterpaulrus@y...>" <wallyesterpaulrus@y...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" > <d.keenan@u...> wrote: >>> Definitions of tuning terms: equal temperament... * [with cont.] (Wayb.) >>>> This is an extraordinarily beautiful and informative graphic. >> thanks -- i can't believe this is your first time seeing it.I think I saw a very early version and hadn't looked at it since.
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