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Message: 6375 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 16:33:35 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Carl Lumma>{{As it stands, there's no good way to talk about the *blocks* >behind popular temperaments.}} > >Why do you say blocks are behind temperaments?Because that's the way I think of temperaments. -Carl
Message: 6376 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 18:33:33 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:>>> How would you instruct someone to build such a torus? >>>> you can look at hall's paper where a plastic inflatable one is >> depicted, or take schoenberg's or krumhansl's diagrams and >> connect the opposite pairs of edges . . . >> I mean, what leads you to the torus?ultimately, it's that fact that you need two unison vectors to vanish in order to get from 5-limit to 12-equal. 5-limit comes about "naturally" in hall's case, but in schoenberg's and krumhansl's, it's really just a basis for 12-equal in terms of fifths and *minor* thirds -- fifths because the nearest key signatures are for tonics a fifth apart, and minor thirds because relative major and minor keys have their tonics a minor third apart.>>> Janata uses key signatures, which is from where I get 7. >>>> is the 7 just a result of the conventional naming, or is it more >> than that? >> As I wrote earlier, I think Janata is saying the brain allocates > groups of neurons to each of the 24 diatonic keys, in such a way > that the distance between any pair of groups is related to the > number of pitches shared by their associated diatonic keys. Was > that your understanding?i'll have to look at it again, but i thought it was roughly like that. thus the schoenberg-krumhansl torus used as the theoretical model.> If true, it's a fantastic justification > for using partially-tempered periodicity blocks in music theory. partially tempered??
Message: 6377 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 00:50:27 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:>>> Meanwhile, "chromatic period vector" is perfect, >>> as far as a neuroimaging study by researchers at >>> Dartmouth College is concerned. They basically found, >>> if I understand correctly, a map of meantone, as >>> a quasi-tempered block, in patterns of brain activity >>> of experienced listeners, when they hear chord >>> progressions whose roots span the tuning. >>>> Carl, *PLEASE* give us a link or some reference >> to this interesting study!!! > > The Cortical Topography of Tonal Structures Un... * [with cont.] (Wayb.) >> This paper has been the subject of some debate recently, > on the SpecMus and PsyMus lists. > > Also, 'quasi-tempered meantone' is ambiguous. What the > paper found is: each triad in 12-tET is associated with > a region of maximum activity in the brain. The particular > area for each triad differs between listeners and between > sessions for a given listener, but the distances between > the areas is always related to the number of common pitches > between the diatonic keys rooted on them. For example, > A major and F# minor have the same key signature, and AMaj > and F#min chords activate the same regions in the brain of > a given person on a given day. Maybe one of our temperament > gurus can tell us what temperaments(s) this 7-of-12 setup > represents...where the pythagorean, syntonic, and augmented > commas vanish and the 25:24 is chromatic?i don't know where you're getting 7. they just used the good old 12-equal torus.
Message: 6378 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 18:35:15 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Carl Lumma <ekin@l...>" <ekin@l...> wrote:>> but i would consider that the standard notation of >> 12-equal is defined by a vanishing syntonic comma, a chromatic >> 25:24, as well as a *systemic* vanishing unison vector (either >> the pythagorean comma, the diesis, or the diaschisma) . . . >> Ah, this is the terminology I neeeded. I knew of course, that > Janata was using 12-tET, and the commas involved, but how to > describe a *2-D* block with *one* chromatic and *two* vanashing > commas. . . > > -Carlit's really a 7-tone block *and* a 12-tone block, operating simultaneously on different levels of cognition . . .
Message: 6379 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 01:13:25 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Graham Breed <graham@m...> wrote:>> Maybe one of our temperament >> gurus can tell us what temperaments(s) this 7-of-12 setup >> s...where the pythagorean, syntonic, and augmented >> commas vanish and the 25:24 is chromatic? > > 12-tET > > > Grahamyup, any two of those vanishing commas together define 12-equal or a closed 12-tone tuning (although [0 3] and [12 0] together give a torsional 36-tone block, since their difference, [12 3], is three syntonic commas) . . . meanwhile, using the vanishing syntonic comma along with a 25:24 chroma gives the 7-tone diatonic system. i didn't go through it in _the forms of tonality_, but i would consider that the standard notation of 12-equal is defined by a vanishing syntonic comma, a chromatic 25:24, as well as a *systemic* vanishing unison vector (either the pythagorean comma, the diesis, or the diaschisma) . . . you can get some weird mutants by deliberately doing it wrong . . . pyth. comma + 25:24 chroma |12 0| | | = 25-tone scale (not the standard mapping for 25) |-1 2| diesis + 25:24 chroma |0 3| | | = 3-tone scale |-1 2| diaschisma + 25:24 chroma = 10-tone scale (who needs determinants when you can just read off the intersections of the lines at Definitions of tuning terms: equal temperament... * [with cont.] (Wayb.) ?
Message: 6380 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 18:38:33 Subject: Re: That poor overloaded word "comma" From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" <d.keenan@u...> wrote:>The etymology of "comma" relates purely to small size > (originally short duration), not vanishingness and not >ignoredness.i'm not so sure!> You realise that this also makes it more contentious to use > "chromatic". Since an un-notated but non-vanishing commacould well be> considered to provide "colour".hmm . . . that's a stretch.> But if "chromatic" is OK then > "achromatic" is obviously excellent as its opposite.a lot of things are "achromatic". for example any diatonic interval.
Message: 6381 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 01:26:16 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "wallyesterpaulrus <wallyesterpaulrus@y...>" <wallyesterpaulrus@y...> wrote:> . . . > pyth. comma + 25:24 chroma > |12 0| > | | = 25-tone scale (not the standard mapping for 25) > |-1 2|sorry, that should be 24, not 25 . . . and in fact it's the mapping where 5:4 is 7 steps of 24 . . . this has affinities to the medieval arabic system . . .
Message: 6382 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 18:40:38 Subject: Re: That poor overloaded word "comma" From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:>> You adequately explain what you mean by "unison vector" and >> "chromatic", but for "commatic" we could be forgiven for thinking you >> were referring only to its small size. >> >> Had you written, "Notationally it is evident that 25:24 or 128:135 >> serves as a /chromatic/ unison vector while 80:81 serves as a >> /achromatic/ unison vector." there would be no problem since most >> people would take achromatic to be the opposite of chromatic. >> I don't know about that. I took the sentence to be invoking a > definition for those terms. Though I admit I also already knew > what he was talking about, I doubt any different choice of > emphasized words would have mattered if I didn't. Maybe there > just need to be some bandwidth devoted to the definitions here. > > -Carlthe word "commatic" is being used here, not the word "comma". it's etymologically related, but it doesn't have to mean the same thing!
Message: 6383 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 03:00:58 Subject: Re: That poor overloaded word "comma" From: Dave Keenan --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "monz" <monz@a...> wrote:> Dave, i'd like you to go into more detail about > Paul's concepts and your feelings about the use > of "comma", if you don't mind.For more detail on Paul's concepts you should ask Paul. You might ask him to mail you "The Forms of Tonality: a preview" if he hasn't already. I think I've made my feelings about the use of "comma" very clear. Maybe you just need to click the "Up thread" button a few times until you get to where the subject heading was "A Common Notation for JI and ETs". It's very simple. The word "comma" (and its adjective "commatic") already has two commonly accepted meanings in tuning theory. It doesn't need a third one. I think "commatic" should mean only "relating to commas", and not have a third meaning of "vanishing". There's nothing wrong with the word "vanishing" so why would anyone feel the to use "commatic" in this way, unless it's because they want something that rhymes with "chromatic". Well for that purpose I propose "achromatic", literally "not causing a change of colour" (where colour = pitch). I suspect the existing use of "chroma" that Carl is referring to is practically that, a synonym for "pitch". In this sense it is used to refer to a quality of a sound and as such will only appear as "the chroma of <something>" and not as "a chroma".
Message: 6384 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 21:42:04 Subject: Re: A common notation for JI and ETs From: gdsecor --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx David C Keenan <d.keenan@u...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx George Secor wrote: >>> I have given a lot of thought to those who may come after me, >> particularly the novice. I want the first step in learning the >> single-symbol version of the notation to be *conceptually* as simple as >> possible. ... >> You've made some good points about ease of learning and first impressions. > But I don't understand why you would fail to imagine that theremight be a> way to retain those benefits while eliminating the two problems I have > described regarding the X shafts. > > I played around with various ideas by modifying a copy of your > Symbols6.gif. The first thing I decided was to retain the triple shafts > since I found I could not adequately distinguish wide and narrow V shafts.As far as I'm concerned, the triple-shaft question is more critical than the X-shaft issue.> So I looked at just changing the X shafts, and in the end decided, surprise > surprise, that X's are best! > > What I've come up with is simply a different X. Its two shaftscross at a> point that aligns with the note being modified, instead of the one below. > Of course when it is used with two concave or wavy flags it does look like > a V, but I think this is fine.Yes, the place where recognition of the X is most important is with the /X\ and \Y/ symbols, and what you have looks good. With the wavy and concave flags I'm less concerned, because these are for the more sophisticated user (who should be able to recognize them for what they are).> Its shafts are slightly closer to vertical > than those of the previous X's, so there is no danger of confusing them > with straight flags, particularly since they (like all the shafts) are > longer and thinner than straight flags. Yes. > I've also modified a few of the two and three shaft symbols with two flags > to a side, to eliminate the cases where a shaft passed through the middle > of a flag. Previously this was done in some cases but not in others. And > I've added a conventional joined-double-flat symbol.Okay, I'll buy that!> By the way, I like all the flag-combinations the way you've done them. In > particular I prefer your ~)| to mine. > > See > Yahoo groups: /tuning-math/files/Dave/Symbols6... * [with cont.]Okay, then, let's run with it! --George
Message: 6385 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 21:45:33 Subject: Re: A common notation for JI and ETs From: gdsecor --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx David C Keenan <d.keenan@u...> wrote [#5763]:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "gdsecor <gdsecor@y...>" <gdsecor@y...> wrote:>> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx David C Keenan <d.keenan@u...> wrote:>>> ... [re boundaries] >>> To summarise: >>> 0 >>> schismina >>> 0.98 >>> schisma >>> 4.50 >>> kleisma >>> 13.58 >>> comma >>> 37.65 >>> carcinoma >>> 45.11 >>> diesis >>> 56.84 >>> ediasis >>> 68.57 >>> ... >>> On second thoughts, 13.47 cents might be a better choice for the >> kleisma-comma boundary. >>>> I don't know where you're getting the numbers 13.58 and 13.47 cents. >> Sorry I ran out of time to explain that yesterday. I'm getting them from a > bloody great spreadsheet that generates all the commas satisfying certain > criteria, for ratios N in popularity order, and when given the category > boundaries tells me for each N how many are in each category. > > I can then fiddle with the boundaries and see how far down the list I have > to go before I get 2 in the same category. >>> I indicated earlier a rationale for a lower limit for a comma: >> >> << The point here is that I thought that the comma (120:121, >> ~14.367c) between the next smaller pair of superparticular ratios >> (10:11 and 11:12) should be smaller than the lower size limit for a >> comma. >> >> But it is a rationale that bears little relationship to the reason we want > these boundaries, which is to make it so there is at most one instance of > each category for a given popular N. I take it instead as an argument for > putting the boundary "in that ballpark", with 1 cent either way not > mattering very much. >>> So I suggest that the upper limit for a kleisma should be 120:121 >> (~14.367c), and that a comma would be anything infinitesimally larger >> than that, unless there is something between 13.47 and 14.37 cents >> that we need to have in the comma category. >> I believe there is. Namely the 7:125-comma and the 43-comma. > > N From C with cents Popularity Ocurrence > ranking > ------------------------------------------------ > 7:125 Ebb-9.67 D+13.79 35 0.21% > 43 E#+9.99 F-13.473 58 0.10% > 143 Ebb-11.40 D+12.06 66 0.09% > 17:19 D+11.35 Ebb-12.11 72 0.08% > > The 143 (=11*13) and 17:19 cases above are not a problem because we'd be > forced to notate them all as ~)| anyway. > > The question really becomes: How far either side of the half Pythagorean > comma would a pair of "commas" have to be before we'd notate them using two > different symbols? > > In size order we have > ~)| > .~|( > '~)| > ~|( > > The 5:17-kleisma of 12.78 cents is notated exactly as .~|( and it needs to > be called a kleisma because there is also a 5:17-comma at 36.24 cents > (unless we were going to pull the comma-carcinoma boundary down below > 36.24, which I don't recommend). > > I propose that if it's notated as ~)| or .~|( then it's a kleisma and if > its notated as ~|( or '~)| it's a comma. > > So in size order we have: > ~)| primarily the 17:19-kleisma 11.35 c > (but the 143-kleisma 12.06 c is more popular) > .~|( primarily the 5:17-kleisma 12.78 c > '~)| 43-comma 13.473 c > or possibly 7:125 comma 13.79 c > ~|( primarily the 17-comma 14.73 c > > The boundary then is most tightly defined between .~|( and '~)|. We already > have the 5:17-kleisma at 12.78 cents for .~|(. The most popularthing I can> find that _might_ be notated as '~)| is the 7:125-comma of 13.79 cents. It > would otherwise be notated as ~|( so it would still be called a comma. > However the most popular that _needs_ to be notated as '~)| is the 43-comma > of 13.473 cents. > > Similarly the comma-carcinoma boundary should be between > ~|) primarily the 5:17-comma 36.24 c > /|~ primarily the 5:23-carcinoma 38.05 c > > These are less than a 5-schisma apart and so there are no combinations with > the 5-schisma flag to confuse the issue. Halfway is at 37.14 cents. > > Many commas come in pairs that differ by a Pythagorean comma, so it would > be an advantage to have the distance from the kleisma-commaboundary to the> comma-carcinoma boundary being exactly a Pythagorean comma. Thatway we are> guaranteed never to find such a pair falling into the comma category. > > A Pythag comma up from 13.47 is 36.93 cents, which will do nicely. > > To summarise: > 0 > schismina > 0.98 > schisma > 4.50 > kleisma > 13.47 > comma > 36.93 > carcinoma > 45.11 > diesis > 56.84 > ediasis > 68.57The way you have it, the kleisma-comma boundary is right at the 43 comma. If we put the kleisma-comma boundary at ~13.125c, or halfway between the 5:17 kleisma (~12.777c) and the 43 comma (~13.473c), then a Pythagorean comma up from this would be ~36.585c. But if we put the comma-diesis boundary at ~37.144c, or halfway between the 5:17 comma (~36.237c) and the 5:23 comma (~38.051c), then a Pythagorean comma down from this would be ~13.684c. Why not split the difference and make the boundaries ~13.404c and ~36.864c? --George
Message: 6387 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 14:19:20 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: Carl Lumma>> > mean, what leads you to the torus? >>ultimately, it's that fact that you need two unison vectors to vanish >in order to get from 5-limit to 12-equal.Right, you get a torus when you join the two pairs of edges. But IIRC Janata found that major triad activated the same region on the torus as its relative minor. I'll have to check that...>> If true, it's a fantastic justification >> for using partially-tempered periodicity blocks in music theory. > >partially tempered??To map the 24 diatonic keys down to 12, you'd need to appeal to untempered dicot (the new name for "neutral thirds", I take it) embedded in 12-equal, wouldn't you? -Carl
Message: 6388 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 03:55:14 Subject: Re: That poor overloaded word "comma" From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan <d.keenan@u...>" <d.keenan@u...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "monz" <monz@a...> wrote:>> Dave, i'd like you to go into more detail about >> Paul's concepts and your feelings about the use >> of "comma", if you don't mind. >> For more detail on Paul's concepts you should ask Paul. You might ask > him to mail you "The Forms of Tonality: a preview" if he hasn't already. > > I think I've made my feelings about the use of "comma" very clear. > Maybe you just need to click the "Up thread" button a few times until > you get to where the subject heading was "A CommonNotation for JI and> ETs". > > It's very simple. The word "comma" (and its adjective "commatic") > already has two commonly accepted meanings in tuning theory. It > doesn't need a third one. I think "commatic" should mean only > "relating to commas", and not have a third meaning of "vanishing". > There's nothing wrong with the word "vanishing" so why would anyone > feel the to use "commatic" in this way,in my paper, "commatic" doesn't necessarily mean "vanishing" -- it really just means "notationally ignored".
Message: 6390 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 03:58:51 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:> PsyMus isn't on Yahoo, and it costs money. > > -Carl?? i didn't pay for my membership . . .
Message: 6391 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 22:52:45 Subject: Re: a tuning-math question From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "daniel_anthony_stearns <daniel_anthony_stearns@y...>" <daniel_anthony_stearns@y...> wrote:> I have a tuning-math question that I'm hoping someone can answer in a > purely mathematical fashion. > > If you were to divide a line segment into a given number of parts > of a given number of sizes, what strategies could you use to order > those parts? > > (I'm hoping the strategies would be general enough so that the number > of parts and separate sizes would be irrelevant--thanks.)hi dan -- great to have you back! how about ordering them from left to right? (i'm probably not understanding your question . . .) -paul
Message: 6392 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 04:01:07 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:>> i don't know where you're getting 7. they just used the good old >> 12-equal torus. >> How would you instruct someone to build such a torus?you can look at hall's paper where a plastic inflatable one is depicted, or take schoenberg's or krumhansl's diagrams and connect the opposite pairs of edges . . .> Janata uses > key signatures, which is from where I get 7. > > -Carlis the 7 just a result of the conventional naming, or is it more than that?
Message: 6393 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 22:55:06 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:>>> I mean, what leads you to the torus? >>>> ultimately, it's that fact that you need two unison vectors to vanish >> in order to get from 5-limit to 12-equal. >> Right, you get a torus when you join the two pairs of edges. > But IIRC Janata found that major triad activated the same > region on the torus as its relative minor. I'll have to check > that... >>>> If true, it's a fantastic justification >>> for using partially-tempered periodicity blocks in music theory. >> >> partially tempered?? >> To map the 24 diatonic keys down to 12, you'd need to appeal to > untempered dicot (the new name for "neutral thirds", I take it) > embedded in 12-equal, wouldn't you?not at all. if a key is identified with its relative minor, that might mean that 81:80 is vanishing, but it sure doesn't mean 25:24 is vanishing! dicot tunings include 7-equal, 10-equal, and one mapping of 17- equal . . . but not 12-equal!
Message: 6394 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 15:06:09 Subject: naming temperaments From: Carl Lumma All; Rather than naming every linear temperament of interest (and presumably, every planar one also), why not name blocks of interest, and use a prefix to denote which comma(s) vanish? As it stands, there's no good way to talk about the *blocks* behind popular temperaments. An alternative would be to name the important commas, and then name blocks and temperaments by concatenating the names of the commas involved, with prefixes to indicate vanishing. I would imagine the names we have so far would remain as aliases. -Carl
Message: 6395 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 23:15:53 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:> All; > > Rather than naming every linear temperament of interest (and > presumably, every planar one also), why not name blocks of > interest, and use a prefix to denote which comma(s) vanish?i've been dreaming of a huge website where scales are organized by blocks and one can click on which unison vectors to temper/detemper . . .> As it stands, there's no good way to talk about the *blocks* > behind popular mean naming all the just blocks? there are way too many; a given temperament can apply to many blocks.> An alternative would be to name the important commas, and then > name blocks and temperaments by concatenating the names of the > commas involved, with prefixes to indicate vanishing.already there's the problem that the pythagorean comma doesn't vanish in pythagorean tuning. but i like the idea . . . nevertheless, what basis do you use? the TM basis for the 7-limit miracle kernel is {225:224, 1029:1024}, yet the breedsma does vanish too, which this wouldn't tell you by names alone . . .
Message: 6396 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 05:03:08 Subject: Re: Janata paper From: Carl Lumma> but i would consider that the standard notation of > 12-equal is defined by a vanishing syntonic comma, a chromatic > 25:24, as well as a *systemic* vanishing unison vector (either > the pythagorean comma, the diesis, or the diaschisma) . . .Ah, this is the terminology I neeeded. I knew of course, that Janata was using 12-tET, and the commas involved, but how to describe a *2-D* block with *one* chromatic and *two* vanashing commas. . . -Carl
Message: 6397 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 15:23:16 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: Carl Lumma>i've been dreaming of a huge website where scales are organized by >blocks and one can click on which unison vectors to >temper/detemper . . .That would be truly awesome. The culmination of years of work.>> As it stands, there's no good way to talk about the *blocks* >> behind popular temperaments. >>you mean naming all the just blocks? there are way too many; a >given temperament can apply to many blocks. Ah, right.>> An alternative would be to name the important commas, and then >> name blocks and temperaments by concatenating the names of the >> commas involved, with prefixes to indicate vanishing. >>already there's the problem that the pythagorean comma doesn't vanish >in pythagorean tuning. but i like the idea . . . nevertheless, what >basis do you use? the TM basis for the 7-limit miracle kernel is >{225:224, 1029:1024}, yet the breedsma does vanish too, which this >wouldn't tell you by names alone . . .Good point. Maybe we need to name wedgies... does that solve the problem? -Carl
Message: 6398 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 06:33:28 Subject: Re: That poor overloaded word "comma" From: Dave Keenan --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "wallyesterpaulrus <wallyesterpaulrus@y...>" <wallyesterpaulrus@y...> wrote:> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "Dave Keenan > <d.keenan@u...>" <d.keenan@u...> wrote:>> --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx "monz" <monz@a...> > wrote:>>> Dave, i'd like you to go into more detail about >>> Paul's concepts and your feelings about the use >>> of "comma", if you don't mind. >>>> For more detail on Paul's concepts you should ask Paul. You > might ask>> him to mail you "The Forms of Tonality: a preview" if he hasn't > already. >>>> I think I've made my feelings about the use of "comma" very > clear.>> Maybe you just need to click the "Up thread" button a few times > until>> you get to where the subject heading was "A Common> Notation for JI and >> ETs". >>>> It's very simple. The word "comma" (and its adjective > "commatic")>> already has two commonly accepted meanings in tuning > theory. It>> doesn't need a third one. I think "commatic" should mean only >> "relating to commas", and not have a third meaning of > "vanishing".>> There's nothing wrong with the word "vanishing" so why would > anyone>> feel the to use "commatic" in this way, >> in my paper, "commatic" doesn't necessarily mean "vanishing" -- > it really just means "notationally ignored".OK. I don't think "commatic" should be pressed into service to mean that either. The etymology of "comma" relates purely to small size (originally short duration), not vanishingness and not ignoredness. You realise that this also makes it more contentious to use "chromatic". Since an un-notated but non-vanishing comma could well be considered to provide "colour". But if "chromatic" is OK then "achromatic" is obviously excellent as its opposite. Now that I read your paper as if I didn't already know what you were talking about, I notice that you don't actually explain what you (or Paul Hahn) mean by "commatic". The first ocurrence I can find is in the sentence, "Notationally it is evident that 80:81 serves as a /commatic/ unison vector, while 25:24 or 128:135 serves as a /chromatic/ unison vector." Well it might be "evident" if I already knew what you meant by commatic. It's obviously an adjective from "comma", but I can't find where you describe what essential properties of a comma something would have to have in order to be called commatic. To that point the only thing we know about commas is that 80:81 is called the syntonic comma and that it's smaller than the chromatic semitone and major limma. You adequately explain what you mean by "unison vector" and "chromatic", but for "commatic" we could be forgiven for thinking you were referring only to its small size. Had you written, "Notationally it is evident that 25:24 or 128:135 serves as a /chromatic/ unison vector while 80:81 serves as a /achromatic/ unison vector." there would be no problem since most people would take achromatic to be the opposite of chromatic.
Message: 6399 - Contents - Hide Contents Date: Mon, 10 Feb 2003 23:32:15 Subject: Re: naming temperaments From: wallyesterpaulrus --- In tuning-math@xxxxxxxxxxx.xxxx Carl Lumma <ekin@l...> wrote:>> i've been dreaming of a huge website where scales are organized by >> blocks and one can click on which unison vectors to >> temper/detemper . . . >> That would be truly awesome. The culmination of years of work. >>>> As it stands, there's no good way to talk about the *blocks* >>> behind popular temperaments. >>>> you mean naming all the just blocks? there are way too many; a >> given temperament can apply to many blocks. > > Ah, right. >>>> An alternative would be to name the important commas, and then >>> name blocks and temperaments by concatenating the names of the >>> commas involved, with prefixes to indicate vanishing. >>>> already there's the problem that the pythagorean comma doesn't vanish >> in pythagorean tuning. but i like the idea . . . nevertheless, what >> basis do you use? the TM basis for the 7-limit miracle kernel is >> {225:224, 1029:1024}, yet the breedsma does vanish too, which this >> wouldn't tell you by names alone . . . >> Good point. Maybe we need to name wedgies... does that solve the > problem? > > -Carlnaming wedgies is the same thing as naming temperaments, isn't it?
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